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Half Dome, Yosemite National Park

The Moon is Waning Crescent (4% of Full)


Re: Yosemite Last Weekend

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avatar Yosemite Last Weekend
February 22, 2011 03:01PM
Someone may get my humor.

Random comments:
tongue sticking out smiley if you want to see Half Dome look on the webcam
tongue sticking out smiley couldn't see HD from Turlock... but tried... (did see the Silo)
tongue sticking out smiley always amazed at the amount of camera equipment and people taking photos when driving thru the valley... but seems few share...
tongue sticking out smiley always wonder what the deal is with the 3rd bullet

Chick-on is looking at you!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2011 03:26PM by chick-on.
avatar Re: Yosemite Last Weekend
February 22, 2011 07:02PM
As always, chick-on, thanks for sharing your pictures. It is greatly appreciated.

What is the deal with the 3rd bullet?
Re: Yosemite Last Weekend
February 22, 2011 08:13PM
As always, chick-on, thanks for sharing your pictures. It is greatly appreciated.

What is the deal with the 3rd bullet?

maybe the bird means 'third time's a charm' orignated in WW1...on the third attempt to light a smoke in the trenches the Germans would have your position...blam last puff...
avatar Re: Yosemite Last Weekend
February 23, 2011 08:24AM
3rd bullet is more or less 4 million visitors. Probably a billion pictures taken.... Few shared.

Just me whining again...

RobE - yup, saw some guy with a view camera too coming out on Monday

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Yosemite Last Weekend
February 23, 2011 11:18AM
As always, chick-on, thanks for sharing your pictures. It is greatly appreciated.

What is the deal with the 3rd bullet?

As always, Chick-on has trouble distinguishing between a bullet and a dash.
(Observationally Yours)
The Marmots
Re: Yosemite Last Weekend
February 22, 2011 09:29PM
Random comments:
- if you want to see Half Dome look on the webcam
- couldn't see HD from Turlock... but tried... (did see the Silo)
- always amazed at the amount of camera equipment and people taking photos when driving thru the valley... but seems few share...
- always wonder what the deal is with the 3rd bullet

I was amazed at the number of photographers-with-tripods that I saw this weekend. Lots of DSLRs, and one view camera!!
Re: Yosemite Last Weekend
February 22, 2011 09:50PM
Awesome pics. I guess chick-on forgot his sled?
avatar Re: Yosemite Last Weekend
February 23, 2011 08:29AM
Awesome pics. I guess chick-on forgot his sled?

Plan was sorta to do some glissading off the Dance floor...
But lazy butts said "no mas" after getting up there and setting up shop.
Something about "we did enough up for today".

Or maybe it was the poofy stuff...

(btw ... the summit guy that wanted to go up Clouds... we alluded to how lucky he was with the snow situation
to attempt that in a day... if he woulda tried last weekend... we woulda said... "hahahahahahahaha ... good luck!" ) wink
Chick-on is looking at you!

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Yosemite Last Weekend
February 22, 2011 09:54PM
and one view camera!!

Couldn't have been me. I stayed home and dry.
avatar Re: Yosemite Last Weekend
February 23, 2011 08:21AM
and one view camera!!

Couldn't have been me. I stayed home and dry.

You can do that anytime. no?

It was beautiful Sunday and Monday... 140 in and out. No chains.
Thank you very much

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Yosemite Last Weekend
February 23, 2011 08:34AM
What location did you take those?
avatar Re: Yosemite Last Weekend
February 23, 2011 11:13AM
What location did you take those?

Devils Dancefloor

I put some more photos here:

And my buddie wherever talked about this before:

If you look at wherever's map... we took the route one ridgeline to the east of his left route.
2K ft. gain from OBOFR Parking Lot near Foresta rd. turnoff of Big Oak Flat Rd.


Chick-on is looking at you!
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