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Tuolumne Meadows and Lembert Dome during a summer storm, Yosemite National Park

The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (72% of Full)


Re: Photos of the Valley Floor after the snow storm

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Photos of the Valley Floor after the snow storm
February 27, 2011 08:11PM
We went up to Tenaya Lodge in Fish Camp on Thursday in hopes of getting into the Valley on Friday. The Storm kept us put.

Saturday we checked out and headed North. Roads were covered but passable at 25mph a Few passed us, but for the most part the Roads were clear.

We made it into the Valley Floor at about 11am. Spent a few hours before heading home.

I took a few photos. http://www.flickr.com/photos/oakraidr/

The link is to my main page on flickr. The photos we took are the first 60+

Re: Photos of the Valley Floor after the snow storm
February 28, 2011 02:23PM
Re: Photos of the Valley Floor after the snow storm
February 28, 2011 02:25PM
Re: Photos of the Valley Floor after the snow storm
April 01, 2011 11:51PM
I love this picture of icy Half Dome. Thanks for sharing.
avatar Re: Photos of the Valley Floor after the snow storm
February 28, 2011 03:07PM

Did you hear the ice falling?
Re: Photos of the Valley Floor after the snow storm
February 28, 2011 03:20PM
Yes, it was a thundering sound. I think I caught the tail end of a sheet fall. I had just looked up when I thought i saw some fall. the splash of the Waterfall midway down appeared to be larger and wider. I then heard the thundering sound.

The rest of the time there, I Heard a large sound but never saw any thing fall.
avatar Re: Photos of the Valley Floor after the snow storm
February 28, 2011 03:34PM
The rest of the time there, I Heard a large sound but never saw any thing fall.

I've never caught one, only heard them.
Re: Photos of the Valley Floor after the snow storm
April 04, 2011 10:41AM
Oh wow. Is the waterfall still moving? I would think that it would be completely frozen but I am wrong.
Re: Photos of the Valley Floor after the snow storm
April 04, 2011 02:43PM
Well, you wouldn't want to see one either if it was very close, or over you.
Re: Photos of the Valley Floor after the snow storm
March 26, 2011 11:44PM
Thanks for sharing. I am trying to gather more photos of the snow storm this week too. If any of you have more to share, please post them.
Re: Photos of the Valley Floor after the snow storm
March 28, 2011 05:35PM
We didn't get up to Yosemite last week, for snow photos, but we did make it up to Kings Canyon, Grant Grove on this past Monday, March 21, the day after the first recent storm, where they received nearly 4 feet of snow. We took some photos there, and then enjoyed the next wave of snow over the next several days, at the Montecito Sequoia Lodge, also in Kings Canyon National Park. Here is a link to some of our photos in case anyone would like to take a peek at some fresh snow in the Sierras.

Photos of Grant Grove and Montecito Sequoia Lodge, Sierra Nevada Mountains

We arrived at Grant Grove just an hour after the park had been reopened after digging out from the first wave of snow. There was no power at Grant Grove and their generator would not start either. However, the generator at the John Muir Lodge was working, so we had a warm, cozy night there, but the restaurant was closed and the store, also. The next day we were able to get out to the Montecito Sequoia Lodge where they also had no power, but were running great on their generator, and they were on the generator all week, at least till Friday, March 25, when we headed home. Great time and great food!
avatar Re: Photos of the Valley Floor after the snow storm
March 28, 2011 07:31PM
Thanks for those.

You guys need to lookie at the date of the post though.
Using my incredible deductive reasoning.... they were taken after the
storm in late February.

You can look here for March 20th storm in Yosemite Valley.

btw... I "grew up" in WI and I have never seen people put up their wiper blades.
It's ridiculous. I swear monkey see monkey do. Maybe I need to be enlightened
but I've been thru a zillion snow storms and never put up my wiper blades.
Humans invented the defroster.... and lo and behold... it works.
(just had to get that off my chest)

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Photos of the Valley Floor after the snow storm
March 28, 2011 07:51PM
I grew up in MIchigan, and I put up my wiper blades. Yes, the defroster exists, and it remains essential, but freeing the wipers from the ice is faster if they aren't stuck to the windshield in the first place.
Re: Photos of the Valley Floor after the snow storm
March 28, 2011 10:09PM
I guess I am a monkey too. I went to school in Chicago and did the same thing while I was there.
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