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Re: Merced River canyon poppies?

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Merced River canyon poppies?
March 06, 2011 12:05PM
About this time of year poppies start showing on those Merced River canyon slopes across the river. Especially areas between Indian Flat and the west side of Fergusson Ridge. Rainfall has been modestly above normal that is promising. So for any of you locals making that river drive any of that orange popping up?

from glorious 2009 for you that don't remember...

David Senesac

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/06/2011 12:07PM by DavidSenesac.
avatar Re: Merced River canyon poppies?
March 06, 2011 01:06PM
Re: Merced River canyon poppies?
April 04, 2011 03:11PM
Agree. Both the prairie and the photo.
avatar Re: Merced River canyon poppies?
March 06, 2011 05:38PM
If I remember correctly those are Foothill poppies, Eschscholzia caespitosa Benth. They did not have that red receptacle rim under the flower.

At least the ones I looked at didn't have that rim.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/06/2011 05:38PM by Dave.
avatar Re: Merced River canyon poppies?
March 06, 2011 06:03PM
Did you post that a couple years ago? I seem to recall so. Thanks for sharing them. I like it very much. Is that Hite's Cove?

The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/06/2011 06:12PM by Frank Furter.
Re: Merced River canyon poppies?
March 06, 2011 08:59PM
Frank Furter
Did you post that a couple years ago? I seem to recall so. Thanks for sharing them. I like it very much. Is that Hite's Cove?

Maybe and Nope. I'm guessing the one I posted was a very similar G10 pic that included our 4x5's up on tripods? That was a long from dawn riverside hike on the old decayed north side jeep road from Briceberg to the best area all those car gawkers across the river were looking at. One we made 3 times then a scary billy goat climb dodging poison oak.

What I like about it as a photographer is those conditions in the Merced canyon are not likely to ever occur again during our lifetime so neither will any other photographers have any hope of capturing any Merced canyon poppy landscape even close. As an old timer that has seen many average and good years of wildflowers in the canyon, I knew that year was unprecidented so made a strong effort to get the goods with big film during the narrow two week period it was active.

avatar Re: Merced River canyon poppies?
March 07, 2011 06:13AM

I was admiring your photo of the creek below the Minarets. Where precisely was that photo taken in respect to Iceberg Lake/ Cecile Lake/ Minaret Lake? This is one area I'm considering as a destination for my annual Yosemite trip in 2012.

Re: Merced River canyon poppies?
March 07, 2011 07:27PM

I was admiring your photo of the creek below the Minarets. Where precisely was that photo taken in respect to Iceberg Lake/ Cecile Lake/ Minaret Lake? This is one area I'm considering as a destination for my annual Yosemite trip in 2012.


Go back and left mouse select that or any of the image on my home page gallery and an image page opens up with lots of information. Enough to get one to that zone and then with a bit of trivial exploring about you'd find the spot. The real trick is knowing when those paintbrush wildflowers are going to be out. On the other hand many of my images on the Gallery B page will remain without explanation for the near term though some are discussed in some of my trip or spring wildflower features.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2011 07:32PM by DavidSenesac.
Re: Merced River canyon poppies?
March 27, 2011 01:00AM
Thanks for sharing David. I love the colors. Do you know how long they last? I would love to make a trip there.
Re: Merced River canyon poppies?
March 08, 2011 03:40PM
Here's one from Hite Cove last year:

and here's a link to the whole album


Check our our website: http://www.backpackthesierra.com/
Or just read a good mystery novel set in the Sierra; https://www.amazon.com/Danger-Falling-Rocks-Paul-Wagner/dp/0984884963
Re: Merced River canyon poppies?
March 09, 2011 09:14PM
I just picked up "Wildflowers of Hite Cove" which is quite out of print - looking forward to walking this year with a good guide to plant identification!
avatar Re: Merced River canyon poppies?
March 09, 2011 09:36PM
I just picked up "Wildflowers of Hite Cove" which is quite out of print - looking forward to walking this year with a good guide to plant identification!

Mimulus luteus?

Re: Merced River canyon poppies?
March 27, 2011 01:02PM
So that is what they are called. They are indeed gorgeous.
Re: Merced River canyon poppies?
April 02, 2011 12:00AM
Those are pretty. I am curious if there is a good book about the seasonal flora in Yosemite and what to look out for.
Re: Merced River canyon poppies?
April 02, 2011 10:01AM
I recently purchased this book and love it. Bit expensive but makes a great coffee table book too.

avatar Re: Merced River canyon poppies?
April 02, 2011 12:05PM
Those are pretty. I am curious if there is a good book about the seasonal flora in Yosemite and what to look out for.

There are several titles in the 'Nature' section of the Yosemite Online Library:
Re: Merced River canyon poppies?
April 04, 2011 10:22AM
Thank-you! Free is always better :-).
Re: Merced River canyon poppies?
April 23, 2011 04:30PM
I didn't know there were free books online. Thanks!
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