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Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag

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avatar Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 21, 2011 07:00PM
Alrighty... I've been searching a lot of online guides, drawing on past experiences, and browsing through the plethora of "trip" threads on this site for the past month or so but are still overwhelmed. My girlfriend and I will be in San Francisco from April 6th til April 13th and are looking for some outdoorsy things to do. We don't plan on having access to camping equipment, but that may change. We DEFINITELY won't have access to backpacking equipment for anything longer than a day hike. We were just hoping for some shout outs on things to see within four hours or less (not a strict rule, but we won't be going to something as far as, say, Death Valley) of San Francisco. I've been to Yosemite and am wondering about the possibility of being able to go there during that time of year. Yosemite is our first choice, but my girlfriend would like to avoid snow after the dreary winter she had :p. Nothing will be set and stone and we won't be making reservations or anything like that, so final decisions will probably be made day-of based off of current weather. However, we'd like to have somewhat of a priority list that we can choose from when the day comes.

Suggestions would be greatly welcomed- we've done things like Point Reyes, Muir Woods, Mt Tamalpais and Yosemite previously and loved all of it. We were wondering what would be some decently probable choices for that time of year. I know nothing around the mountains is a sure thing due to it being early spring, but I was thinking perhaps the Hetch Hetchy area would be a safer bet? Also, we will be driving some sort of economy car because we don't have the money for an SUV rental... unless somebody knows of a way to get one for a similar price. I know that limits us even further.

We just love scenic day hikes and drives, mountains, cliffs, waterfalls, forests, and all of that and just would like some ideas for the bay area and a bit beyond. Thanks in advance, and sorry for the vague question.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/21/2011 07:13PM by dqniel.
Re: Yet another "where should I go thread" White flag
March 21, 2011 07:14PM
Have you done things like Big Basin, Butano, Pescadero, or any of the bajillion state parks and open space preserves in the Santa Cruz Mountains? Henry Coe State Park near Morgan Hill? Ohlone Wilderness, or just one of the three parks along it - Sunol, Mission Peak or Del Valle? Marin Headlands?

How about Andrew Molera? Point Lobos?

Pinnacles National Monument? That will be full of wildflowers in April - my hiking group will be going there Easter weekend.

Angel Island?
avatar Re: Yet another "where should I go thread" White flag
March 21, 2011 08:24PM
All great choices!

Mid-April, grassland areas (Coe SP, and East Bay Parks) should have green grass and blooming California Poppy, Lupine, and Goldfields. Berry Creek Falls in Big Basin Redwoods and Alamere Falls at Pt. Reyes (waterfall dropping straight onto the beach) should have decent water. Summer fog shouldn't be too persistent yet, so coastal areas like Tomales Point (Pt. Reyes) should be nice unless a late storm comes in. Pinnacles and Coe SP shouldn't be too hot yet, though the China Hole swimming hole at Coe won't be that warm.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/21/2011 08:25PM by ttilley.
avatar Re: Yet another "where should I go thread" White flag
March 26, 2011 08:25PM
Have you done things like Big Basin, Butano, Pescadero, or any of the bajillion state parks and open space preserves in the Santa Cruz Mountains? Henry Coe State Park near Morgan Hill? Ohlone Wilderness, or just one of the three parks along it - Sunol, Mission Peak or Del Valle? Marin Headlands?
I'd like to second the Ohlone Wilderness. You can take a nice 3 to 4 day trail with campsites and water all along the way. The wildflowers in April should be spectacular.

For a one day hike in the East Bay, I'd suggest Morgan Territory. One year the wild flowers were so thick you couldn't see any green!


Pinnacles National Monument? That will be full of wildflowers in April - my hiking group will be going there Easter weekend.
I like to camp on the West side so I can hike in the morning and go wine tasting in the afternoon.


Angel Island?
Great views and unique camping.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 21, 2011 09:32PM
You've done Muir Woods, but have you gone further north on US-101?

Depending on how much you would want to drive, I would recommend traveling to Humboldt Redwoods State Park on US-101 (about 4 1/2 hours, 240 miles north of San Francisco) and seeing the Avenue of the Giants plus the other redwoods located in this wonderful state park. If you have more time, you could even drive further north to Redwood National Park, north of Eureka. Otherwise, you could explore the Pacific Coast between Humboldt Redwoods State Park and San Francisco (The Lost Coast, Mendocino) and then take Hwy 1 (CA State Route 1) back to San Francisco.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/21/2011 09:36PM by plawrence.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 22, 2011 05:15PM
Thank you so much everybody! These are the kind of suggestions for which I was looking. I have a lot of things to look up tonight. The wildflowers hikes sound especially intriguing.

To answer the questions:

I haven't been to a single one of the aforementioned suggestions and I haven't been north of Muir Woods on 101.

I see that there was a recent mudslide on Highway 1 near Big Sur, which will probably take a visit to there out of the question since I'm reading that detours take an additional three hours. So I'll almost definitely be hitting up one or more of the place you guys have suggested. I'd love to do some hikes through Redwood forests (I've been to Muir and a grove in Yosemite but nothing in northern Cali), along cliffs on the coasts, and to see waterfalls. I more or less love anything that's a picturesque hike, and it sounds like you guys have listed quite a few. Thank you again everybody!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/22/2011 05:24PM by dqniel.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 22, 2011 08:50PM
I've been to Muir and a grove in Yosemite
Different, though related, species. Muir Woods (and Big Basin, and Humboldt Redwoods) have Coastal Redwoods (sequoia sempervirens). Yosemite, Kings Canyon/Sequoia, etc., have the Sierra Sequoia (sequoiadendron giganteum). The former are taller, the latter are larger.
Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 26, 2011 04:26PM
Thanks for all these recommendations. We are planning a trip down the coast of CA and will look into these too.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 28, 2011 06:48PM
Thanks for the additional input Dave smiling smiley I've never seen wildflowers in peak season during any of my trips, so hopefully I can this time.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 28, 2011 09:33PM
Thanks for the additional input Dave smiling smiley I've never seen wildflowers in peak season during any of my trips, so hopefully I can this time.
If you want wildflowers, the best wildflower trail in the state is the Hites Cove Trail. It's in the Merced River Canyon. at Savages where the South Fork of the Merced joins enters the canyon.


I'm a trailhead docent for that trail.
Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 29, 2011 06:46AM
How are the wildflowers in Hite Cove looking this year? Things in full bloom yet?
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 29, 2011 09:07AM
How are the wildflowers in Hite Cove looking this year? Things in full bloom yet?
I haven't been there yet. The canyon side the trail is on gets full sun all day. It warms up faster there than elsewhere. I might go this weekend. I'll report back if I do.

About the Ohlone Trail in the Far East San Francisco Bay Area; I would, and have, taken out of town guests on that trail. We did a 3 day hike and they loved it. They begged to go again the next year. We did. I've led quite a few group hikes on that trail. Everyone loved it.
Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 29, 2011 10:41AM
How are the wildflowers in Hite Cove looking this year? Things in full bloom yet?
I haven't been there yet. The canyon side the trail is on gets full sun all day. It warms up faster there than elsewhere. I might go this weekend. I'll report back if I do.

About the Ohlone Trail in the Far East San Francisco Bay Area; I would, and have, taken out of town guests on that trail. We did a 3 day hike and they loved it. They begged to go again the next year. We did. I've led quite a few group hikes on that trail. Everyone loved it.

If you go this Saturday you will see us - I have a botanist and a bunch of folks from my hiking group going. Weather looks great, a few clouds, slight chance of rain...

I did the Ohlone about a month ago. Had snow and miles of slick mud - had a blast. Even tho the really steep bits were also muddy and I nearly went skiing.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 29, 2011 02:08PM
If you go this Saturday you will see us - I have a botanist and a bunch of folks from my hiking group going. Weather looks great, a few clouds, slight chance of rain...

I'll look for you. If you have a botanist with you, the pace won't be very fast.


I did the Ohlone about a month ago. Had snow and miles of slick mud - had a blast. Even tho the really steep bits were also muddy and I nearly went skiing.

Rose Peak would have a bunch of snow on it. Did you get to "Discovery Peak"? For those that don't know the Ohlone Trail; the main section is about 30 miles and has about a mile of level trail. But that's not all in one spot. Beautiful trail through oaks, lots of wildflowers, lots of tar weed so wear gaiters, nice campsites with fresh spring water, and the direction I do it in there's a nice lake to take a dip in at the end.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 30, 2011 06:30AM
I think you guys are putting Ohlone on a pedestal. There are so many other nice parks
that have lots of great views that are easier, etc. than Ohlone Trail.

Billy dayhiked the whole thing at the end of April a few years ago:

It is nice... But I just really really really think that Daniel would have a
better time with his g/f at other parks and whatnot.
Maybe I am missing something but I thought he wanted to dayhike.

Davey, I think you mentioned Discovery before... I seem to recall you have special
access and/or key to get to it on Private Property.

Coe is great too... but again... it's not high on my list of where to take out-of-towners
that want to dayhike. Been on nearly every trail in Coe... and I do love the place though.

Just had to get that off my chest...
Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 30, 2011 08:54AM
I think you guys are putting Ohlone on a pedestal. There are so many other nice parks
that have lots of great views that are easier, etc. than Ohlone Trail.
That's if they needed an overnight hike in the Bay Area.


Billy dayhiked the whole thing at the end of April a few years ago:

That's sad. The trail is best enjoyed in 3 or more days. Why hurry?


It is nice... But I just really really really think that Daniel would have a
better time with his g/f at other parks and whatnot.
Maybe I am missing something but I thought he wanted to dayhike.

There are thousands of day hikes in the Bay Area. If they are in Oakland, then Sibley Volcanic Preserve is fun. There's some hidden Neolithic style labyrinths there. In south Hayward there's a hidden gem at Garin. In Fremont there's Mission Peak. San Jose; Sandy Wool Lake, or New Almaden Quicksilver Park. I can name hundreds more if I knew the area they're staying at.


Davey, I think you mentioned Discovery before... I seem to recall you have special
access and/or key to get to it on Private Property.

The gate is often open. Usually no one is around for 20 miles or so. I've been there a quite a few times and have never seen any rancher. I used to have a job where I could drive out there and put up insect traps.


Coe is great too... but again... it's not high on my list of where to take out-of-towners
that want to dayhike. Been on nearly every trail in Coe... and I do love the place though.

On the coast I like Purisima Creek. I lost count of the banana slugs I saw.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 30, 2011 09:20AM

Billy dayhiked the whole thing at the end of April a few years ago:

That's sad. The trail is best enjoyed in 3 or more days. Why hurry?

I wouldn't say it's sad. It's just what some nutjob wanted to do so we bit on it.
It's not like we ran the thing... (i.e. Ohlone 50K)
And to add how NOT sad it is...
April 28th, 2008... Monday... hiked this trail
May 2nd, 2008 ... Friday... went to Hetch Hetchy and backpacked.
I'd say that is a "life is rough" moment....anything but sad.. thank you very much smiling smiley

w/r to Discovery ... Well... let's just say even "trespassing" on non-private land
has gotten me some grief ...

Chick-on is looking at you!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/30/2011 09:57AM by chick-on.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 30, 2011 10:45AM
Yep. Dayhikes only. I might be able to get some camping equipment from my brother but it's not going to be highly portable, so I won't be camping far from where parking is available. So in other words, while I might spend two days at a park, it will be all dayhikes within that period due to lack of lightweight camping equipment. Also, I'll be staying with my brother in downtown San Francisco. I'll be on Staples Ave. A good portion of my trip will be spending time with my brother and his girlfriend in downtown San Fran going to restaurants, museums, bars, etc... and then the other portion will be renting a car to go to places outside of the city to hike and get some landscape photos. Possibly camp if my brother can find his tent. Right now going to Yosemite through the lower elevation HWY 140 and stopping at Hite Cove along the way is sounding like a good possibility. Also, perhaps doing some other hikes or scenic drives closer to San Fran could be in the cards for on the way back or before/after going to Yosemite.

Just out of curiosity, where do all of you live that have been posting replies here? And what is your profession? Do some of you work for the park service or is it just a big interest? Lots of combined experience from all of you is leading to more suggestions than I know what to do with smiling smiley

Just don't forget that I'm not as experienced of a hiker as most of you, and my girlfriend and I won't have the equipment or conditioning to do multi-day hikes or extreme distances in one day.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 30, 2011 05:08PM
Yep. Dayhikes only. I might be able to get some camping equipment from my brother but it's not going to be highly portable, so I won't be camping far from where parking is available. So in other words, while I might spend two days at a park, it will be all dayhikes within that period due to lack of lightweight camping equipment. Also, I'll be staying with my brother in downtown San Francisco. ....
Then just cross the Golden Gate Bridge and you're in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Lots of good hikes right there. There are camp sites outside the park that should be available, and don't forget the fair grounds in Mariposa. Cheap campsites with water, electricity, and showers.


Just out of curiosity, where do all of you live that have been posting replies here? And what is your profession? Do some of you work for the park service or is it just a big interest? Lots of combined experience from all of you is leading to more suggestions than I know what to do with smiling smiley
I'm a ranger in Yosemite, but before that I lived in the East SF Bay area and lead a hike just about every weekend. I was the East Bay Committee for the Bay Area Ridge Trail, and I led hikes for several other groups. Mostly day hikes but sever overnights during the summer.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 30, 2011 07:14PM
Then just cross the Golden Gate Bridge and you're in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Lots of good hikes right there.
Daniel, I realize you said _hike_, but another option, if you have access to a bicycle...from downtown SF, find your way to the Aquatic Park area, then ride west, as close to the waterfront as you can, until you can get up to the Golden Gate Bridge. Then ride over it (west side weekends, east side weekdays), have lunch in Sausalito, then go back to the north side of the bridge, ride along the Headlands...finally work your way back over the Bridge and back to the City. I've done this trip several times from the Embarcadero BART.
Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 30, 2011 06:41PM

Just out of curiosity, where do all of you live that have been posting replies here? And what is your profession? Do some of you work for the park service or is it just a big interest? Lots of combined experience from all of you is leading to more suggestions than I know what to do with smiling smiley

Just don't forget that I'm not as experienced of a hiker as most of you, and my girlfriend and I won't have the equipment or conditioning to do multi-day hikes or extreme distances in one day.

I've been in the central valley since the late 80s. I am a member of four hiking groups, two of which I organize. I hike nearly every week, barring illness or work conflicts. It helps me recover from my profession. smiling smiley
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 30, 2011 06:53PM
Just out of curiosity, where do all of you live that have been posting replies here? And what is your profession? Do some of you work for the park service or is it just a big interest?

Bay Area, and it's a big interest.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 31, 2011 04:48PM
Just out of curiosity, where do all of you live that have been posting replies here?

Raleigh, NC but my heart is in Yosemite.crying
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 31, 2011 05:43PM
Manteca, about an hour or so to the Big Oak Flat entrance.

Old Dude
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread
April 01, 2011 12:37AM
You mentioned that you have been to Pt. Reyes, but if you did not venture into the Tule Elk Reserve in search of the herd (potentially about a 10 mile RT hike if they are hiding/ensconced at the far end of the penninsula) then a return trip is in order.
[By the way, the San Andreas fault lies directly under Tomales Bay.]

The main herd:

The bachelor club:

Silverado, CA... Silverado Canyon is in the Santa Ana Mountains inside the Cleveland National Forest in Southern CA. See the map in my profile for the location. Not a facetious name: long-defunct silver mines that date back to the 1870s dot the area. A "nice 7 hour overnight drive" up the Eastside to the Yosemite High Country... so I also do quite a bit of packing in Sequoia/Kings, from both the W and E.

R&D scientist (chemistry/solid state physics/materials sci.). Fell in love with the Sierra and started backpacking in 1968 when I first came to the West Coast for graduate work at Berkeley (Chemistry Dept.). Originally from OH (a good place to be from.)

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 04/02/2011 11:43AM by szalkowski.
Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread
April 02, 2011 10:59AM
Oh wow. What a sight to see with all those deers!
Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread
April 02, 2011 09:29PM
Oh wow. What a sight to see with all those deers!

There are many, many more out there... the bachelor herd is full of big 'uns. We saw 4 other herds along the trail.... They get really used to people on the trail and stand and pose and just look at you - you should stay on the trail tho, when you get out of their comfort zone it's dangerous!
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread
April 02, 2011 10:06PM
I know everyone is tired of hearing about the Ohlone, but there are some tule elk at Sunol if you know where to find them.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/03/2011 11:35AM by Dave.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread
April 03, 2011 10:15AM
you should stay on the trail tho, when you get out of their comfort zone it's dangerous!

Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread
April 22, 2011 11:14AM
Is it always this populated with deers? What time of year was this?
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread
April 24, 2011 01:19PM
Is it always this populated with deers? What time of year was this?

Deer, not deers!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/24/2011 01:20PM by tomdisco.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread
April 24, 2011 01:23PM
Is it always this populated with deers? What time of year was this?

Deer, not deers!

Oh, deer!
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 29, 2011 06:14PM
Uh oh. So many options and so little time to prepare and time to explore. I looked up some photos on Flickr or Hite Cove and it's stunning.

hite cove trail -- looking up by Mrs Rachel, on Flickr

I'm looking up all the suggested locations tonight, picking out my favorites with all your advice, and mapping them to see what's possible in the time we'll have on our trip.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 29, 2011 10:23PM
If you're stuck in the Bay Area and want a day hike; try Morgan Territory. Take the Volvon Loop Trail for some fantastic wildflower displays.
Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
April 02, 2011 01:24AM
I second that. We had a heatwave recently and went out there and it was beautiful. You probably won't get sick of the bay area though.
Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
April 04, 2011 02:53PM
So what have you decided on? Let us know.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 29, 2011 06:59AM
Been to all doze places mentioned... my 2 cents is:

Pinnacles - High Trail or Balconies
Pt. Lobos

IMO forgoe Coe and Ohlone.... although I love both of those
places, esp. Coe... I wouldn't bring someone from out of town
there so...

For goodness sakes!
Go to Yosemite. Hello. 140. Hit Hites Cove if flowers are popping.
The snow in the valley melts.
I not weatherman but by mid-April the storms taper WAY off.
And the snow in the valley melts very quickly. I highly doubt you will have
to deal with much snow.

Whatever you do .. have fun

Not sure anyone mention it.. but Ano Nuevo is really cool

Natural Bridges is purty kewl too if you hit it when the flutterbyes are there:

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
March 30, 2011 08:13PM
I am with the bird on this one; Ohlone is great for locals, but coming from so far away, you want to use your time wisely. If you head out anywhere south of Monterey & Carmel be careful that some of the highway 1 is washed out..

Pinnacles is a keeper.....but, there is SOO much diversity in Yosemite, that one could visit many areas in the park and not even know that you were in the same state & I have managed to stay at local inns just outside of the park at a moment's notice (if you want to put a couple of days in)

The body betrays and the weather conspires, hopefully, not on the same day.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
April 03, 2011 08:59PM
I am with the bird on this one; Ohlone is great for locals, but coming from so far away, you want to use your time wisely.

I strongly agree.

I am on the peninsula. Try some of the Redwoods in the Sta Cruz mountains although they do not compare to what one can see up North towards Eureka. Peter's Grove is a nice and simple day hike. Sad part of the Sta Cruz Mtns is that it was destroyed by logging. Big Basin is another jewel- but saturated with people at times.

Point Reyes is also a nice suggestion worth looking into.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
April 04, 2011 09:22AM
What about Sonoma and Mendocino county? We don't have epic trails up here, but it is quite lovely, especially out on the coast. But we've got Sugarloaf, Annadel, and Armstrong Woods state parks. And there's Fort Ross up the coast, with some interesting scenery on the coast. I enjoyed my hikes in Mendocino, and the town itself is quite cute.

We drove into Lake County over the weekend, and there were lots of cars out in the Robert Lewis Stephenson state park, although I've never been hiking out there. And I saw lupine and poppies getting started in some areas, so I expect they'll be going full force in the next couple of weeks.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
April 10, 2011 09:30AM
Went to Morgan Territory yesterday and did the Volvon Loop. It was beautiful but almost no wild flowers. I'll post some pictures when I have more time.

If I want to try to get out to Hite Cove and Yosemite tomorrow does anybody know if road conditions would turn us around? We'd be coming from Staples Ave, San Francisco and leaving early. We'd be driving a Civic and we don't own chains. The forecast looks like it should be like 45-50 and sunny in the valley, but I'm just double-checking to see if you guys know something that I'm missing. Thanks!
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
April 10, 2011 09:33AM
p.s. - Today I think we're going to go to something closer to San Fran. Possibly a smaller redwood park along 101 or hwy 1 or maybe some beaches. We might do some of the hikes in Pt Reyes and then go to a beach or something, but once again we're open to ideas. Maximum of an hour and a half outside of the city for today's adventures I'd say.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
April 10, 2011 11:15AM
p.s. - Today I think we're going to go to something closer to San Fran. Possibly a smaller redwood park along 101 or hwy 1 or maybe some beaches. We might do some of the hikes in Pt Reyes and then go to a beach or something, but once again we're open to ideas. Maximum of an hour and a half outside of the city for today's adventures I'd say.
You can get all of that on Angel Island - and a boat ride too. You might try Muir Woods and then Mt Tamalpais. The trails at Mt. Tam aren't much, but I like the views.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
April 11, 2011 11:44AM
There are redwoods at Armstrong Woods in Guerneville. They're not as amazing as the groves you'll find farther north, but they're still quite nice.

Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
April 20, 2011 09:00PM
Did you find any hikes in San Francisco? Or they just in the surrounding vicinity.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
April 10, 2011 11:17AM
Went to Morgan Territory yesterday and did the Volvon Loop. It was beautiful but almost no wild flowers. I'll post some pictures when I have more time.
Good. I'm glad you tried that one. That's one of my favorite places.


If I want to try to get out to Hite Cove and Yosemite tomorrow does anybody know if road conditions would turn us around? We'd be coming from Staples Ave, San Francisco and leaving early. We'd be driving a Civic and we don't own chains. The forecast looks like it should be like 45-50 and sunny in the valley, but I'm just double-checking to see if you guys know something that I'm missing. Thanks!
It should be nice with no weather related road problems for the rest of the week, and probably for the rest of the season.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread
April 10, 2011 11:30AM
... with no weather related road problems... probably for the rest of the season.

Rolling on floor laugh
(NotSoOptimistically Yours)
Marmot Marmot Marmot Marmot Marmot Marmot Marmot

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2011 02:38PM by szalkowski.
Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
April 18, 2011 03:35PM
Yeah, it can be beautiful there, especially when the wild flowers are out.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
April 21, 2011 12:38PM
I "hiked" at Fort Funston, the Land's End Trail near the Golden Gate Bridge, Mt Davidson, and a few other city area hikes/walks. Outside of the city I ended up going on a hike through some redwoods near Larkspur, up the Sky Trail at Pt Reyes, and the Volvon Loop at Morgan Territory. I didn't have access to a very reliable car so we avoided doing anything more than an hour and a half or so outside of where we were staying. No Yosemite, no northern California redwood parks sad smiley That will have to wait for another visit.

At least the next time I go out there I'll be 25, so renting a car will be significantly easier.
Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
April 23, 2011 04:12PM
Seem like there is a lot to do in SF too! I am moving there and your adventures are making me more excited about the move!
Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
May 06, 2011 02:14PM
Seem like you had some great hikes. I am loving forward to moving to SF. Can you recommend any of these hikes?
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
April 22, 2011 12:55PM
I saw next to no wildlife my entire trip. Not a single deer, elk, etc.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
April 22, 2011 04:50PM
I saw next to no wildlife my entire trip. Not a single deer, elk, etc.

You stayed in San Francisco didn't you? You must have seen hundreds of pigeons around the city. Also, at Ft. Funston you should have run across a good number of seagulls. And I bet a number of other wild birds crossed your path when you visited the Bay Area.
avatar Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
April 24, 2011 01:36PM
There's definitely a lot to do in San Fran, and a near infinite amount of things to do within a short distance of the city.
Re: Yet another "Where should I go?" thread White flag
April 24, 2011 04:33PM
Yeah, I love visiting San Francisco. There are so many great hikes nearby.
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