Comment Period for Authorization of Helicopter Landings by CDFG within Wilderness Areas
Release Date: Apr 3, 2011 Bishop, CA
Contact(s): Nancy Upham
The Inyo National Forest is initiating the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) for a proposal to authorize the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) to land a helicopter within designated wilderness areas to support the recovery of the endangered Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep. Helicopter landings would occur within portions of the designated Recovery Herd Units on the Inyo National Forest as identified in the 2007 Final Recovery Plan for Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep.
The purpose of this project is to support CDFG in implementation of the 2007 Recovery Plan, which identifies specific actions needed to downlist or delist the species. Recovery actions include monitoring of individual bighorn sheep health as well as translocating bighorn sheep. Bighorn sheep need to be captured and handled in order to collect data on the health of individual bighorn sheep and to affix new or repair old VHF and GPS collars (monitoring captures), or translocate selected bighorn sheep to new herd locations (translocation captures). Due to the remote areas in which Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep occur and the rugged terrain they inhabit, a helicopter is needed to carry out the captures.
The proposed action would allow CDFG to land a helicopter to conduct monitoring and translocation captures over a ten year period within the Northern, Central, and Southern Recovery Herd Units, parts of which are located in the Ansel Adams, Golden Trout, Hoover, John Muir, Owens River Headwaters, and South Sierra Wildernesses.
How to Comment and Timeframe
This scoping period is intended to provide those interested in or affected by this proposal an opportunity to raise concerns or provide input on the potential effects of the proposed project. To obtain a copy of the proposed action and project maps, please visit the following website: contact project leader Leeann Murphy at phone number 760.873.2450 or by email at
Public comments can be mailed to project leader Leeann Murphy at: Inyo National Forest, Supervisor’s Office, 351 Pacu Lane, Suite 200, Bishop, CA 93514. Comments may also be submitted by fax (760.873.2458) or by hand-delivery to the Supervisor’s Office, during normal business hours (Monday – Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm). Electronic comments may be submitted via email to the following address, with “Authorization for Helicopter Landing by CDFG within Wilderness Areas” in the subject line: Electronic comments should be submitted in plain text (.txt), rich text (.rtf), or Word (.doc). Comments must be received by April 22, 2011.