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Bridalveil Falls, Yosemite National Park

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Re: Merced Lake Trip

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avatar Merced Lake Trip
April 14, 2011 07:48AM
Me on Merced Lake

Glorious days out der:

I'll put more up later.

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 14, 2011 07:57AM

Have you ever been to Hetch Hetchy Dome? Was staring at a map planning a trip and looking on google earth at it. Wondering about a top down look at Wapama Falls.
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 14, 2011 02:02PM
Have you ever been to Hetch Hetchy Dome? Was staring at a map planning a trip and looking on google earth at it. Wondering about a top down look at Wapama Falls.
You can't really see much of Wapama from HH Dome. Just the precipice as it JUST goes over the edge.
Thought I put some HH Dome stuff up before. Quick search only found this:
The views from the cliff west of the falls is spectacular. If you want to see the falls and bridges
from above that is where you want to go. Not sure myself just how much you can see
just east of the falls. I would have explored that area but to get to the creek from the east
from HH dome you will have to traverse NW and away from the precipice quite a bit.
Coming back downstream I found a log and crossed the river, nixing my upstream to Vernon gig
and further exploring the east side (I certainly wouldn't count on a safe log to cross though).
The creek cuts into the rock at such an angle it's quite possible that the views from the east
just aren't there to be had.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 14, 2011 02:19PM
Here's another view from HH Dome w/ the top of Wapama.

To repeat myself... I have serious doubts you can see much of the falls from the east.
(it may look flat from here to there... but you WILL cliff out and have to go NW.. )
I'd say there is some class 3 stuff I dealt with for sure to get down to the creek from the dome.

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 14, 2011 08:18PM
Thank you, sir, that picture helps, as does the commentary... remains to be seen if the folks I have will be interested in leaving the safety blanket... I mean, trail.
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 15, 2011 11:42AM
Just do what I do. "Come my little Lemmings..." Not sure how you planning to get to HH Dome but it's not trivial.
There will prob. be some sort of whining...

I don't and won't know until I go what my exit route out of Jack Main at the beginning of May is.
If I end up going HH Dome way and explore more I will post something..
Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
May 09, 2011 04:58PM
The photo above is from below HH Dome a bit.

The answer is that there is one spot that has a spectacular view of the entirety of Wapama on the east side.
The reality of the situation though is that you will almost undoubtedly go thru a lot of pain to get to HH Dome.
From HH Dome down to Falls Creek can be done with all class 2 if you go the right way.

I can put some photos if there is a request.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 14, 2011 02:15PM
I've never crossed the creek, but I've been on the west side of the creek. The view was very nice. Well worth going out that way and not difficult at all to get to.
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 14, 2011 11:19AM
Bunch more here:

But this is one of my favs:

Can annotate the photos if there is a request, otherwise, enjoy.

We had a blast even with Billy getting yelled at a couple of times.

Chick-on avec les pieds

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 14, 2011 12:58PM
Billy getting yelled at a couple of times.

You have to expand on that!
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 14, 2011 02:31PM
Billy getting yelled at a couple of times.

You have to expand on that!

I originally read this as Billy needs to get yelled at more (so not true).

Take a look at picture #63. See her? Now look above her in the picture.
That's where we came from. And it's worse than what it looks.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 14, 2011 02:48PM
Billy getting yelled at a couple of times.

You have to expand on that!

I originally read this as Billy needs to get yelled at more (so not true).

Take a look at picture #63. See her? Now look above her in the picture.
That's where we came from. And it's worse than what it looks.

And #64 didn't get him yelled at?
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 14, 2011 04:23PM
And #64 didn't get him yelled at?

The route we took did not take us over the Av. or up Bunnell switchers
(we did that last year).
Was able to migrate photos so compare #64 to the Av. in this set:
(#3 - #6)
Those should give you an idea of just how big it is and how much
bigger it is this year.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 14, 2011 04:38PM
Those should give you an idea of just how big it is and how much
bigger it is this year.

That it does.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/14/2011 04:38PM by eeek.
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 14, 2011 07:17PM
Take a look at picture #63. See her? Now look above her in the picture.
That's where we came from. And it's worse than what it looks.

She hasn't learned to expect such things from you by now?
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 15, 2011 11:49AM
She hasn't learned to expect such things from you by now?
I am totally forthcoming on the ramifications of the route we are taking.
"It could be anything from really easy to nearly impossible".
And still it's "you lied... again!" and "I DO NOT want my shins to look like yours!"
She doesn't stay mad long though.... so no biggie...
smiling smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 15, 2011 06:43PM
She may not stay mad long but when she is mad.......

Old Dude
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 15, 2011 06:45PM
She may not stay mad long but when she is mad.......

avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 15, 2011 08:13PM
Oh, sure, sure....Do NOT piss off GW (Goat Whisperer) which means no clustering on the trail (giving the appearance of whiney high school students) You will bee sorry....eye popping smiley

The body betrays and the weather conspires, hopefully, not on the same day.
Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 14, 2011 05:29PM
Bunch more here:

Can annotate the photos if there is a request, otherwise, enjoy.

We had a blast even with Billy getting yelled at a couple of times.

Chick-on avec les pieds
Thanks for posting. I did indeed enjoy.
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 15, 2011 08:14PM
Yes, puh-leez label the pix -- especially any domes.

The body betrays and the weather conspires, hopefully, not on the same day.
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 15, 2011 09:05PM
Yes, puh-leez label the pix -- especially any domes.
For you... done.
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 15, 2011 09:19PM
Tank Ewe!

PS It was nice to recognize Starr King sitting up there is all its glory!

Nice collection of water falls, too!

The body betrays and the weather conspires, hopefully, not on the same day.
Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 18, 2011 03:49PM
Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 18, 2011 02:43PM
Two questions:

What is the story with the chicken :-P?

And what is a click-on? It was an option somewhere on this site, but I didn't know what it was.
Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 18, 2011 06:03PM
Click-on or chick-on? big difference
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 18, 2011 06:47PM
It's Chick-on. Many people have mascots and Chick-on is one.

Old Dude
Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 18, 2011 07:05PM
Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 18, 2011 10:03PM
Reminds me of the movie Amelie with the gnome traveling with pictures sent home.
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 19, 2011 06:37AM
Reminds me of the movie Amelie with the gnome traveling with pictures sent home.

Eye lot older than 2001.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 19, 2011 06:43PM
Who is chick-on's mascot?
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 19, 2011 06:45PM
Who is chick-on's mascot?

Isn't it the Old Dude?
Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 20, 2011 10:51AM
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 20, 2011 06:34PM
Why are you laughing at the Old Dude?? angry smiley

Old Dude
Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 21, 2011 02:49PM
You guys are amusing. At first I thought it was some kinda climbing or hiking device.
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 19, 2011 06:57PM
As for getting yelled out, Mr Chick-on I have learned the hard way, when going with the gf, I keep it simple and on trails. Nice and easy and with real food, minimal freeze dried and plenty of coffee. When solo or with the boys, it's cross country and rough terrain. Some things are not worth the fights and the arguments...

As for a mascot, I think chick-on is fond of the the vince lombardi era green bay packerettes cheerleaders.
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 19, 2011 08:57PM
I don't mind getting yelled at. If you take them off the trail enough eventually they even make suggestions.
Here's bill-e's wifey traversing from Bernice to Florence Lake in July of 2008.
(when I said I "had" to go check out Florence Lake she pretty much said "can't we just go straight across"?
... uh... ok wink )

(Vogelsang Peak on the left, with the notch being Vogelsang Pass)

I've got 100's of examples of her and the old dude off trail. She is stoked again that there is so much
snow like last year.... since it means July 4th timeframe long trip will be less mosquitos and fewer people.

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 22, 2011 12:59PM
Ha, Hope the lake will still be frozen. For someone who weights 1000x the chick-on, is it safe to walk across?
Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 23, 2011 05:02PM
See how thick the ice is and try :-).
avatar Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 23, 2011 05:05PM
Make sure the water underneath is not over your head and there is no current of any kind.

Old Dude
Re: Merced Lake Trip
April 24, 2011 04:41PM
Or tie a rope between yourself and a friend!
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