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Can I use a 24 foot RV in a spot where it says tent only in Wawana Camping spot?

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I just booked a site in Wawana and got site 43 The bigest it had on your equipment was a 15 foot van, however when I look at the pictures there is plenty of room for my trailer. Anyone stayed there before and can help me on this matter as I don't want to bring the trailer up there to have someone tell me you can't put it there.

http://www.tinkhamroad.com/Pages/Yosemite/Yosemite-Wawona.aspx click on 43 and you can see the site.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/07/2011 06:02PM by Binford.
If it's a tent only site I'm pretty sure the rangers will come down on you for a 24' RV...especially if it says 15' van limit
It's also likely that your RV won't fit, either due to parking space length or due to ability to actually park the equipment (sharp turning radius, etc.).
It is rare that a campsite woudl stay tent-only and there is probably good reason. Plus, you won't even fit.
Read the max vehicle length. Your trailer is too large.
Thanks for your answers but I was able to contact the office and found out that they don't enforce length limits. But he said it has to fit on the parking pad and cannot stick out.
i drove by your site today, and it looks to me that you can get it in there. the site is actuallly similar to a pull out along the road type style.the trailer and vehicle should fit but you will be just off the road parked parallel to the road. i will be home on saturday if you like i will post pictures.
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