Dear Yosemite Fans,
I am a fellow devotee of the Park and a Master's student in environmental communication at Stanford University. I'm hoping to solicit your help with a project I'm working on with a Stanford professor. I'm exploring the messages that National Parks and Park Service employees are conveying about climate change, using Yosemite as a case study. Our goal is to compile this research in a feature article for a popular science magazine.
I've had the privilege of talking to several Yosemite interpreters about their understanding of climate change as it relates to the Park and their efforts to present that understanding to visitors. Now, I'd like to hear from visitors themselves - that's you! I'm interested in answers to a couple of questions:
1. If you've been visiting Yosemite for years, do you feel you've seen evidence of climate change in the Park? If so, when/what/where?
2. If you've asked questions about climate change of Park employees, attended an interpretive presentation that included information on climate change, or checked out the visitors' center displays on climate impacts, how would you evaluate those experiences? Did you get information you needed/wanted/found useful?
3. What, if anything, related to climate change would you like to learn when you visit Yosemite?
If you have time to scrawl a few sentences in response to any of those questions, please reply here or send me a PM. I'm collecting this information as a private citizen, not as a representative of the Park Service or any other government agency. All responses will be used anonymously unless you tell me otherwise.
Thank you!