Dogs are not allowed on any wilderness trail inside the park. One place that is an exception is the little piece of trail that cuts into the park on the way to Lord's Meadow near Sachse Spring and a bit west of Styz Pass. You can pass through there with a dog. This is the Kibbie Ridge he was talking about and it starts at the trailhead at Shingle spring which is outside the park.
It's conceivable he was heading to Kibbie Ridge from Hetch Hetchy but no dogs are allowed on the trails with a trailhead inside the park.
Report this stuff to any ranger and the info can be radioed to the backcountry rangers that may be out.
Yes, dogs are illegal within the park as everyone has stated. The Kibbie Ridge trailhead is a bit of a gray area, but in my opinion even though it dips into the Park, dogs are legal (or you could make the argument that you stayed cross country and did not bring the dog in the Park). That being said, I have gone on trips out of Kibbie Ridge and my friend has brought his dog. If there was a ticket given for that, that is one that I would fight in court and believe there would be more than a fair shot of winning. In a similar situation, I heard a story many many years ago of a hunter who had hiked out the ridge (legally during hunting season, and had the proper tags) and was on the trail at Sachse Springs and a Ranger came across him, cited him and confiscated the guns. He took it to court and won and got the ticket dismissed. And no, I don't have any court case numbers or an online link to back it up, but it was told to me by a friend that is a local and has always been on top of things.
Also, I have a friend who went out of Kennedy Meadows with a horsepacker, and twelve miles into the ride, the guy's dog shows up, having escaped from the truck that the horsepacker's coworker was going to drive back and caught up with the group. That far in, it was too late to go back. They were going out Eleanor and sure enough as they ride by the Ranger's cabin (which, that has got to be the sweetest post in the park), the Ranger was barbequing some fish on his front porch. The Ranger pulls out his book and cites the horsepacker who's dog it is. As well he should have. There's quite a bit of difference of dipping into the park on the Kibbie Ridge trail that starts and ends outside of the park, and traveling on miles of trails and ending up inside the park.
While I personally have no problem with well behaved dogs (and I sense that the illustrious chick-on will disagree with me on this point) going on backpacking trips and I disagree with the rules in the Yosemite as pertaining to dogs, they are the rules and should be enforced equally for all.
Balzaa, while he technically could get out Kibbie ridge from going out Hetchy, it would be a helluva hike, with the vast majority of it in the Park. Going up the switchbacks, up to Beehive, over to Laurel, drop down to Eleanor via the hidden Frog Creek trail or Miguel Meadows, go around the lake, then climb up to the Kibbie trailhead at Shingle Springs. Just to get to the trailhead you're covering a LOT of miles in the park, so yeah obviously he was full of BS. And he sounds like the typical A-hole who believes the rules/laws only apply to other people.
The whole thing is kind of weird, if he went out of Hetchy, I doubt the Ranger would give him the permit at the booth with 2 dogs in the car, you've got to notice that. Unless he drove through without the ranger noticing and parked and walked back to retrieve the permit. He could have gotten the permit from the Groveland Ranger district and gone out Eleanor, and then taken the dogs. I don't think the seasonal ranger takes up residence until June. But the whole thing is screwy. Who knows if he even got a permit at all?
On top of all that, being on the trail up to Beehive with dogs is incredibly stupid. You're breaking the rules in a very heavily patrolled area of the park. The only trail I've seen more rangers on than the Hetchy Trail is the trail out of Ten Lakes.
I know this post has gone on long enough, but I just got off work and feel like rambling, so I'll tell another long winded story that I read. If you've ever visited the Ranger shack at Miguel Meadows out of Eleanor, they have a log book that goes back years. Reading the entries, and there was an interesting occurance in the 90s. They had closed it down for the winter, and in late October or so a ranger was out on patrol, and he comes upon the cabin in Miguel Meadows. He sees that it has been violently broken into. He goes in the cabin and sees that the contents of the fridge/freezer have been emptied and there's blood in the fridge. Apparently poachers had dipped into the park, shot some game and used the ranger cabin freezer to cure their ill gotten game. Now that is a ballsy lawbreaker on an unbelievable level!