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Re: List of Yosemite road side markers?

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avatar List of Yosemite road side markers?
June 09, 2011 12:48PM
Here's a question I remember each time I visit YNP, then I come home and can't find a definitive answer. Maybe the best place to ask is here.

Driving through the Valley, I'm sure you notice the sign posts along the road. Often at trailheads: V1, V2, etc. On the Tioga Road, I seem to recall they are marked T1, T2, and there's at least one more letter prefixing the signs to the south.

Is there a list somewhere which provides a key to these markers? I've looked all over and can't seem to find one anywhere.

avatar Re: List of Yosemite road side markers?
June 09, 2011 01:11PM
Here's a question I remember each time I visit YNP, then I come home and can't find a definitive answer. Maybe the best place to ask is here.

Driving through the Valley, I'm sure you notice the sign posts along the road. Often at trailheads: V1, V2, etc. On the Tioga Road, I seem to recall they are marked T1, T2, and there's at least one more letter prefixing the signs to the south.

Is there a list somewhere which provides a key to these markers? I've looked all over and can't seem to find one anywhere.


avatar Re: List of Yosemite road side markers?
June 09, 2011 01:15PM
I bought that same book eeek mentions at one of the Yosemite shops last year. Cost 3.50$ as it's printed on the back. It's pretty awesome especially for the price.
avatar Re: List of Yosemite road side markers?
June 09, 2011 01:24PM
avatar Re: List of Yosemite road side markers?
June 09, 2011 01:45PM
They really need to update the photos in that book though.

The old photos are sort of neat, in a historical sense; but often times a newer photo would probably be more useful for the guide.
avatar Re: List of Yosemite road side markers?
June 09, 2011 02:35PM
Excellent - thank you very much. I had not come across that book before. With luck, I'll be in the Valley this weekend and I will pick one up.
avatar Re: List of Yosemite road side markers?
June 09, 2011 03:38PM
And if in luck, they'll have the book in-stock.

I've been at times in Yosemite when this book has been out-of-stock at all the stores.

But don't get discouraged if the first store in Yosemite Valley you go to looking for the book doesn't have it in stock. Often times, it will be in-stock in other nearby shops.

Places to purchases the book in Yosemite Valley:

The Village Store
The Adam Ansel Gallery
The Vistor Center Bookstore
The Ahwahnee Gift Shop
The Yosemite Lodge Gift Shop
Curry Village Grocery and Gift Shop
avatar Re: List of Yosemite road side markers?
June 09, 2011 04:18PM
Last time I was in the visitor center at Tuolumne meadows there was a book store in there also.
avatar Re: List of Yosemite road side markers?
June 09, 2011 04:33PM
Last time I was in the visitor center at Tuolumne meadows there was a book store in there also.

If he can't find any copies in the valley, QITNL can camp out on their doorstep and be first in line when they open.

P.S. There's a bookstore at the Big Oak Flat entrance Wilderness Center also.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/09/2011 04:37PM by szalkowski.
avatar Re: List of Yosemite road side markers?
June 09, 2011 04:53PM
Last time I was in the visitor center at Tuolumne meadows there was a book store in there also.

If he can't find any copies in the valley, QITNL can camp out on their doorstep and be first in line when they open.

P.S. There's a bookstore at the Big Oak Flat entrance Wilderness Center also.

Also, I've seen it on ocassion at the Crane Flat Chevron service station convenience store.
avatar Re: List of Yosemite road side markers?
June 09, 2011 10:05PM
The stop #s and locations have changed over the years.
I have a really old copy somewhere and it doesn't exactly match what's out there now-a-days.

It's kinda funny, you see a sign and pullout so you pull over and look around.
You wonder "Why is this stop here? There's nothing to see!"
The thing is, at a lot of the stops, there used to be a good view, but the trees have grown up over the years.
avatar Re: List of Yosemite road side markers?
June 10, 2011 02:01AM
Yup. That's why it would also be nice for the Yosemite Conservancy to update the Road Guide (and the road markers) to better reflect what the drivers of the road can now see from the road (not what they were able to see 50 years ago).
avatar Re: List of Yosemite road side markers?
June 10, 2011 02:08AM
Or they can cut down/trim the trees to restore the historic views.
avatar Re: List of Yosemite road side markers?
June 10, 2011 02:17AM
Possibly, but I'm not sure the Park Service would want to do that with every single "historic" view.

The one tree I would love the Park Service to chop down is the one that is smack dab in the middle of the classic view of Yosemite Falls from Union Point. Grrrr. That tree really needs to go. It singlehandedly blocks the view of most of the Falls from the Union Point overlook.
avatar Re: List of Yosemite road side markers?
June 10, 2011 04:31AM
They could at least make it stop snowing:


T23 - Clouds Rest View - ... not so much this day...

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: List of Yosemite road side markers?
July 10, 2011 04:30PM
Only today did I realize eeek started a new sub-forum for this, here:


Very cool. I wasn't able to procure the Yosemite Road Guide last time I was in the valley but just placed an order. So I hope to contribute to this project soon.

I'm surprised that after all the time and trouble spent creating all these physical markers, there isn't a definitive list of them available online. These are a nice public resource, on public land, but only of limited use without a key.

Perhaps we can provide this resource here. Thanks, eeek!
avatar Re: List of Yosemite road side markers?
July 10, 2011 04:37PM
My intention, over time, is to have a description and photograph for every marker. They don't have to all be my photographs of course.
avatar Re: List of Yosemite road side markers?
June 09, 2011 07:50PM
They really need to update the photos in that book though.

The old photos are sort of neat, in a historical sense; but often times a newer photo would probably be more useful for the guide.
I heard a rumor that they are updating the whole book.
avatar Re: List of Yosemite road side markers?
June 10, 2011 02:04AM
That would be great if they did. As I just mentioned in another reply, it might be worthwhile to move some of the roadside markers to better spots along the road, where the old vistas had been blocked by the growth of the surrounding trees.
Re: List of Yosemite road side markers?
June 10, 2011 06:03PM
The one that really kills me is the "view" of the old Coulterville Road from W2 or W3 (can't remember which off the top of my head). When I first got interested in the old roads, I'd stand there and look and look and look and just couldn't see much of anything. Then I hiked that section of the road and realized why you couldn't see anything...much of it is hard to see when you're ON the road! (still a cool hike, though)
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