Anyone care to suggest favorite spots along the Tioga Road for viewing / photographing sunsets & sunrises? (under current conditions)
I'm making a drive through on Thursday-Friday, and planning to come back over Sonora Pass / 108. I'm thinking of watching sunset from either
1) the Olmstead Point area or
2) maybe the west end of Tenaya Lake (over by Ansel Adams' tripod holes --speaking figuratively--, if I feel like making a go of the outlet crossing)
3) Tuolumne Meadows
I expect that the snow level and time constraint won't allow much travel off the road.
Plan is flexible, and may stay overnight at Lundy Canyon campground near Mono, then catch sunrise at Mono Lake.
And it's been a while since I drove over Sonora Pass; if you'd like to offer suggestions for scenic / food / interesting spots there, please do - thanks!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/22/2011 02:57PM by vdrummer.