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Vogelsang--Triple divide--Sunrise (?)

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Vogelsang--Triple divide--Sunrise (?)
July 11, 2011 03:17PM
So next week starting on the 20th I was planning what I assumed would be a mostly snow free trip. Seems otherwise. Any reports on snow/creek conditions at Vogelsang, out towards triple divide (9500 feet-ish on mostly south-facing slopes) and then to Sunrise from Echo Valley? Actually, I just read Chick-On's remarks about Sunrise being sun-cup city. Wow. It's late. Also, the Lyel fork can be pesky. I'm unsure about the crossings going up towards sunrise.

It may be time to explore Kibbie ridge and environs.

Basically I guess I'm trying to find out if I'm underestimating conditions. I don't mind some snow on a route that I'm familiar with, but a lot of snow cups and scary streams on a longish hike may not be that great. Trouble is I'm locked in on these dates. Thanks in advance.
avatar Re: Vogelsang--Triple divide--Sunrise (?)
July 11, 2011 03:30PM
Hang on. I was just speculating on Sunrise.

I would think Vogelsang Lake is still frozen. But with conditions as they are you should be able to get over the Pass.
Yes, be very careful w/ Lyell Fork. That baby WILL be nasty. Almost guarantee you that you will want to go further
upstream and find logs to cross. This will also include having to rock hop back to the trail on the south side.
This creek will be screaming for quite a few more weeks. 110% guaranteed.
Once you get off the high trail the lower trail to Merced will prob. be snow free. (it was free and clear to TP Fork Falls many weeks ago now already).

Again... go up Cath. Fork all the way past Echo Lake .. to Cath Pass. and back down to save some.

20th. That's a bit a ways yet. I think you are worrying too much (but DO worry about Lyell Fork!) (do not underestimate that baby) (sounds like u know that already though)

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Vogelsang--Triple divide--Sunrise (?)
July 11, 2011 03:33PM
Triple Peak Fork Falls on June 18, 2011

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Vogelsang--Triple divide--Sunrise (?)
July 11, 2011 03:33PM
I'll write more tonight, but... 100% snow coverage from just below the upper Sunrise Lake (still ice-covered) to about where the High Sierra Camp is. Also, 100% snow coverage from about halfway up the switchbacks to the Clouds Rest/Sunrise Lakes junction. The snow is still 3-4' deep at the pass between the lakes and the high camp. Long Meadow has snow fields, swift and deep water, and is flooded in many areas. There is minimal snow in the (Cathedeal Fork) Echo Creek drainage. Echo Creek is flooding parts of the trail below where the Long Meadow outlet (a/k/a "Dolly Domes Creek"winking smiley joins Echo Creek. The Long Meadow outlet creek is flowing high, but the crossing is not deep and there are many logs in this area that can be used.

As for the Vogelsang area: 100% snow coverage--and lots of sun cups, from about 9500' along Rafferty Creek to Vogelsang HSC. The snow was maybe 3-4' deep at Tuolumne Pass (how tall is the "Tuolumne Meadows" sign at the pass? It was barely poking out of the sun...). It appeared to still be winter in the Vogelsang Lake/Pass area. Curiously, there's not much snow heading down Fletcher Creek until the large meadow. The crossing at this meadow (near the Emeric/Booth Lake junction) is deep and fast--but there is a log ~1/4 - 1/2 mile upstream, just off the trail, that can be used. There are still extensive snowfields and flooding in this meadow. The snow ends by about the Emeric Lake outlet.
avatar Re: Vogelsang--Triple divide--Sunrise (?)
July 11, 2011 03:42PM
You do the HSC loop again?

Echo area sounds about the same as when went thru there a few weeks ago now. Just less snow for sure.
The trail flooding was non issue imo due to ... downed trees anyway... and why the trail is right there is kinda goofy anyway..
(it should be more to the west away from the creek)

Anyway, good stuff

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Vogelsang--Triple divide--Sunrise (?)
July 11, 2011 03:57PM
Tried to do the entire thing, but failed mostly due to: 1) late start because we had to pick up permit at Tuolumne at 8:30am and 2) slow going through the snow and trying to avoid a few water crossings, especially around Vogelsang. So it was Sunrise Trailhead -> Sunrise -> Merced -> Vogelsang -> Tuolumne. Still, an excellent trip; pictures forthcoming...
avatar Re: Vogelsang--Triple divide--Sunrise (?)
July 11, 2011 06:18PM
Kewl. Yeah. I can feel your pain having to go to TM to get the permit.
Soooo nice to get to BO on a Friday morn and have no one else there...
(or have it be self reg)

Coulda used some snow this last wkend! Dang little flies! Driving us CRAZY!
Had to pull out the bug net. Hotter than a pistol too.

O well... Dome 1 of Dome Tour 2011 complete.

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Vogelsang--Triple divide--Sunrise (?)
July 12, 2011 07:35AM
I noticed your post was July 11. When were you actually in the Vogelsang area? I'm headed up there July 17th. As far as the conditions go, would you reco going over Tuolumne Pass or Vogelsang, or are they pretty much the same? Also, how were the mosquitoes? I was up there the same week last year and they were epic! The worst I've ever seen. Was hoping the late thaw will make the bug conditions a little better than they were last year. Thanks for the input. It's greatly appreciated.
avatar Re: Vogelsang--Triple divide--Sunrise (?)
July 12, 2011 07:48AM
Pretty much epicthing you want is said by him here (or in pictures):

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Vogelsang--Triple divide--Sunrise (?)
July 12, 2011 09:25AM
Thanks everybody. I think that too much waiting to go makes me over-think. My pack and bear cannister (which is full) are sitting on my living room floor kind of glowering at me. I've been over Vogelsang pass when it's snow-cupped over but that's no bid deal, technically. (By the way, you can see Vogelsong tonight at the all-star game.) Chick-On, you are so right about Lyel. I've had two...interesting crossings there in the spring. It's deceptive. This time I may go WAY upstream to find a good crossing. Basilbop, good timing on your post! Good to hear that the stream crossings on the Sunrise approach seem decent. I don't mind getting wet; it's, you know, the drowning I object to.
Now I'm back to expecting that the high route will be largely snow free (not immediately after Lyel for sure.) This may well be the perfect time after all!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/12/2011 09:26AM by hegel.
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