Hodgdon Prescribed Fire: Approximate El. 5,000’, Tuolumne Co. This collaborative prescribed fire project, with the Stanislaus National Forest, began at 7AM July 10, 2011. Approximately 150 acres was treated. The primary objective of this 500 acre project is Wildland Urban Interface protection to the community of Hodgdon Meadows and other Park infrastructure. Extensive collaboration and cooperation was conducted by the Park and Forest to conduct this project. It had been delayed through the spring due to high fuel moistures and record breaking snow pack. The predicted cooler temperatures and southwest transport winds favored smoke dispersion throughout the project today. Much of the interior of the project has no recorded fire history. Approximately 70 firefighters are assigned to this fire. It is predicted by fire managers that two additional days of “burn-down” will be required. Firefighters were assisted by Yosemite’s Traffic division, assisting drivers by escorts through smoke. The smoke column will be visible throughout the park and from local locations outside the park. The Tuolumne Co APCD has issued the park a burn permit to conduct the prescribed fire. Smoke monitors have been deployed in smoke sensitive areas determined by Yosemite’s Air Quality manager and Tuolumne County APCD.
Bald: (37 50.823x119 47.434, approximate el. 6,200’, Tuolumne Co.). The fire was declared contained at 2 PM, June 29 at 210 acres. Firefighters will continue to monitor this fire. Many fires have occurred in this area over the years due to lightning; the largest being the 1996 Ackerson Fire. That fire burned over 60 thousand acres in the Park. Light Smoke from the Bald Fire may continue to be observed from the Tioga Rd., west of White Wolf, and along the Evergreen Rd., near Ackerson Meadow, and in locations along Highway 120 into the park from Buck Meadows and Groveland.
Cottonwood: (37.9043x119.8024, 5,000’ el., Tuolumne Co.) This fire was found on June 6, 2011, after a thunderstorm of June 5. The fire is in patrol status, and will be monitored on a regular basis.
For additional Information: If you would like to be included on the fire interest email list, please contact Gary Wuchner at the below numbers or email address. Yosemite Fire Information and Education Office: Gary_Wuchner@nps.gov - (209) 375-9574 or 372-0480 Yosemite Fire Management Website: http://www.nps.gov/yose/parkmgmt/current_fire.htm