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Re: Bunnel What?

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Bunnel What?
July 31, 2011 06:41AM
"Are you going to Half Dome?"

"No, Bunnell Cascades."


Bunnell Cliffs:

Moraine Dome:

It was a great day. The rain was nice - kept it from being hot.

We sat down at the east end of Little Yosemite Valley to eat lunch. A bear and her cub came up behind us. I stood up and tried to get pictures, she turned and moved away. Shortly after a ranger came along - he wanted to get her tag number, we weren't close enough to get it.

The tourists were thick and LYV wasn't nearly full. Saw some kids I really felt bad for - they were carrying backpacks wayyyyyy too big, looked miserable, trying to follow their dad up the trail to LYV.

The clouds were threatening all afternoon and the thunder rolling. We could see people were ignoring this and still making their way up the cables. Dumb de dumb de dumb.

From earlier in the day before the dark clouds came:

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/31/2011 06:48AM by AlmostThere.
avatar Re: Bunnel What?
July 31, 2011 07:17AM
I showed Bunnell Cascade earlier this year to rave reviews (not):

And much earlier from the top of Bunnell Pt. :

What else is there to see from LYV if the cables aren't up?
uh... nothing... you should just go home

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Bunnel What?
July 31, 2011 07:21AM
Trouble is, it's one of those things where "you just have to be there." Some folks from my hiking group went up there earlier in the year and there were rave reviews.
avatar Re: Bunnel What?
July 31, 2011 07:29AM
Well... I was a thinking this morning... about the "Best View is from Clouds Rest"
and attribute that to the vast majority haven't been up many other peaks...

It's along the same line...

Thanks for sharon

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Re: Bunnel What?
July 31, 2011 10:42AM
Confused... I thought Moraine Dome was west of the dome in the photo above?
avatar Re: Bunnel What?
July 31, 2011 11:08AM
Confused... I thought Moraine Dome was west of the dome in the photo above?

That's correct. That is not Moraine Dome. That's Dome 7683. (Or Billy Dome as I call it) wink

(I quit putting crap on Google Earth after they refused my CORRECT photo atop that dome
and some clown I guess refused to move his photo positioned atop it that is incorrect)

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Bunnel What?
July 31, 2011 11:32AM
Not correct according to the Harrison Map I had with me - that's Moraine Dome.

There is a cascade/falls with a plume reminiscent of a waterwheel marked on the map, at the base of Moraine Dome. The campsites everyone talks about are very obvious - also under that Dome. There is a sign marking the terminus of the Day Use area that is LYV - near that dome. There is the clear indicator of the trail, moving around the dome and along the Bunnell Cliffs, that allow me to triangulate - that is Moraine Dome. The GPS I was carrying showed it as Moraine Dome.

I guess I'm clueless and there is a second invisible dome right next to it??

ETA: well, no, the map prints the words Moraine Dome across the tops of both domes - it could go either way - but are all the other landmarks wrong?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/31/2011 11:35AM by AlmostThere.
avatar Re: Bunnel What?
July 31, 2011 11:44AM
Maybe Tommy didn't have his wheel with him. wink

This should make it clear:

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Bunnel What?
July 31, 2011 12:22PM
I guess all trip reports are consistently wrong about the placement of the campground? I'm sure I've read several times that they are before Moraine Dome and not after.

The dome should have an official name... it's a nice one.
Re: Bunnel What?
July 31, 2011 12:54PM
Dome 7683 has such a nice ring to it though.
avatar Re: Bunnel What?
July 31, 2011 01:02PM
I guess all trip reports are consistently wrong about the placement of the campground? I'm sure I've read several times that they are before Moraine Dome and not after.

The dome should have an official name... it's a nice one.

We call it 'Not-Moraine Dome'.
(Negatively Yours)
The Marmots

P.S. If you look closely at the photo, you probably can see our lookouts posted on top.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/31/2011 01:06PM by szalkowski.
avatar Re: Bunnel What?
July 31, 2011 01:06PM
More likely they think that Dome 7683 is Moraine Dome.
It's understandable because there is really no mistaking that it is a dome when you
are on the trail. It really smacks you.... and it's an amazing dome.
Moraine Dome... if you aren't really looking... you can walk by and miss it.
Interestingly it has the same general feel as 7683. Keep an eye out for it
next time:

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Bunnel What?
July 31, 2011 03:57PM
More likely they think that Dome 7683 is Moraine Dome.
It's understandable because there is really no mistaking that it is a dome when you
are on the trail. It really smacks you.... and it's an amazing dome.
Moraine Dome... if you aren't really looking... you can walk by and miss it.
Interestingly it has the same general feel as 7683. Keep an eye out for it
next time:

Already planning another trip to visit the tops of both! All dayhikes be scouting hikes.
avatar Re: Bunnel What?
July 31, 2011 05:06PM
Moraine Dome is cake-walk... Billy Dome a bit of shrub... if you go the right way...

If you REALLY want some fun... (and I will make you a Chick-on Honor Badge if you do it)...
drop down from Billy Dome to Moraine Dome CG...
If you can do it w/o walking ON trees and shrub... u r top Chick-on

Here's me and Bill-e on top of Dome 7683:

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Bunnel What?
August 10, 2011 10:05PM
Was just looking at Secor's High Sierra Peaks, Passes, and Trails.

He calls Dome 7683 "Sugarloaf Dome"

Never seen it called that before...

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Bunnel What?
August 10, 2011 10:23PM

Was just looking at Secor's High Sierra Peaks, Passes, and Trails.

He calls Dome 7683 "Sugarloaf Dome"

Never seen it called that before...

Sugarloaf Dome is discussed on the bottom half of the following discussion thread in April 2008:

avatar Re: Bunnel What?
August 11, 2011 08:06AM
Thanks for the link. It's prob. similar to many things that Roper named on the SHR...

Love the old photo. Little Grizzly Falls is a good name. Hat Dome is more approp.
than Sugarloaf... but there is Sugarloaf in SEKI... so maybe it is v. similar.

Now hopefully Dolly Domes sticks. wink (or more and more keep using it) har har

Chick-on is looking at you!
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