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Re: Tuolumne Meadows to Happy Aisles via JMT current conditions?

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Tuolumne Meadows to Happy Isles via JMT current conditions?
August 01, 2011 06:21AM

Anyone have a detailed trip report of current trail conditions from TM to HI via the JMT?

Our group plans to start from Reds Meadows on 8/6 and resupply at TM on 8/9. I'm still gathering TRs from Red Meadows to TM and folks in our group may not feel comfortable hiking over mile long snow fields or postholing throigh long stretches of patchy snow. Our plan B and C is to do a full loop of the Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne, or a partial loop starting from White Wolf towards Glen Aulin, to TM, then on the JMT to Happy Isles if the trail is somewhat clear.

Our goal is to get a 50-60 mile trip.

Thanks everyone!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/01/2011 09:30AM by packenvy.
avatar Re: Tuolumne Meadows to Happy Aisles via JMT current conditions?
August 01, 2011 07:58AM
Anyone have a detailed trip report of current trail conditions from TM to HI via the JMT?
Thanks everyone!

Should be no problem except for mosquitoes.

Old Dude
avatar Re: Tuolumne Meadows to Happy Aisles via JMT current conditions?
August 01, 2011 08:38AM
Anyone have a detailed trip report of current trail conditions from TM to HI via the JMT?
Thanks everyone!

Should be no problem except for mosquitoes.

... and finding Happy Aisles.
avatar Re: Tuolumne Meadows to Happy Aisles via JMT current conditions?
August 01, 2011 10:25AM
Anyone have a detailed trip report of current trail conditions from TM to HI via the JMT?
Thanks everyone!

Should be no problem except for mosquitoes.

... and finding Happy Aisles.

Addendum: informed via a PM that Happy Aisles may be located in the chapel.
avatar Re: Tuolumne Meadows to Happy Aisles via JMT current conditions?
August 01, 2011 12:30PM
Should be no problem except for mosquitoes.

They wouldn't be so bad if they'd just provide some lift.
Re: Tuolumne Meadows to Happy Aisles via JMT current conditions?
August 01, 2011 08:29AM
Sorry, is Happy Aisles a new shopping center in Yosemite? I mean, I know they have to make up budget shortfalls and all, but... Rolling on floor laugh
Re: Tuolumne Meadows to Happy Aisles via JMT current conditions?
August 01, 2011 09:29AM
Goofs...ya know what I meant! Pounding head on desk

Thanks for the info!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/01/2011 09:29AM by packenvy.
Re: Tuolumne Meadows to Happy Isles via JMT current conditions?
August 01, 2011 10:05AM
Last weekend the backpackers coming out at Happy Aisles (hee smiling smiley ) were reporting there is still a lot of snow on Donahue. But they were getting over it without snow gear and weren't sounding like it was worrisome.
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