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Re: Yosemite Deaths and Nature

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Yosemite Deaths and Nature
August 13, 2011 02:15AM
This is a thoughtful article on all the deaths that have taken place in Yosemite lately.

Yosemite deaths: Americans may have lost respect for nature's risks

Read more: http://www.sacbee.com/2011/08/13/3835136/yosemite-deaths-americans-may.html#ixzz1Utl65afw

The examples about the kids playing near the edge of Vernal Falls or the man swimming across Emerald Pool were surprising given what happened. According to the author, nobody seems to be afraid of nature anymore. I think he has a valid point.
avatar Re: Yosemite Deaths and Nature
August 13, 2011 06:24AM
from article

That day, plenty of people could be seen taking unnecessary risks on the same trail. Young mothers, some wearing sandals, carried infants up the slick steps in shoulder slings or backpacks. A 20-something couple, after climbing the trail wearing flip-flops, hiked down barefoot.

I wonder how often or what percent of visitors demonstrate dangerous behavior or poor judgment that could lead to injury along the Mist Trail or at Vernal Fall. Although it would require some arbitrary definition of those variables, it could be an interesting study . I suspect that close scrutiny of hikers in this area would demonstrate that at least 20% behave dangerously, are ill prepared, or demonstrate inattentive and reckless behavior.

The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan
Re: Yosemite Deaths and Nature
August 13, 2011 07:48AM
This will probably sound a bit naive but, although I've hiked up the Mist Trail numerous times, it's always been either before Memorial Day or (in one case) after Labor Day and I never realized just how bad the crowds could be. I've seen crowds but nothing like those shown in the videos embedded in this article (and I don't doubt that these videos are far from the worst crowds). If I saw that many people on the Mist steps, I think I'd take an immediate detour to the JMT...whether I was going up or down.
Re: Yosemite Deaths and Nature
August 13, 2011 11:03AM
I stopped using the Mist Trail about 5 years ago after going up at 6:00 AM (pretty dark) to get to Half Dome in May. I'd been up and down many times and one time coming down when it was hot and dry and I was very tired and dehydrated and almost fainted. That was the last time I went DOWN it. That was before I learned how to hike wisely with plenty of water and food, etc (trekking poles). One of my favorite places is Nevada Fall and I go often, but the JMT is now my way UP and DOWN. However, I do remember when young it was exciting to do it and I guess it's one of the trails that everyone wants to experience once, especially if it's their only time in YV. It's just sad what has happened this season.
Re: Yosemite Deaths and Nature
August 13, 2011 12:36PM
They had whole segment on one of the entetainment shows (like Entertainment tonight type of thing) and the very same thing. I hate it on television, because then it draws more people into the park....dang it! I'm going in September, usually the crwds are a lot less, but with these water levels, whom knows..
avatar Re: Yosemite Deaths and Nature
August 13, 2011 01:03PM
I've never seen the Mist Trail overly crowded in the early morning (before 8:00 AM). Yes, there's still other hikers and backpackers at that time, but the I wouldn't say it's overly crowded. And those usually hiking at that time are very considerate and respectful of others. It's after 10:00 AM when the Mist starts to become a giant zoo.
Re: Yosemite Deaths and Nature
August 14, 2011 08:10AM
Yeah, I can't say I've seen the Mist Trail as busy as those photos either. I went in July (the weekend following the 4th, I believe), some years back, and I can't say it was that bad. I wonder if Yosemite Falls will still have water come next month...
Re: Yosemite Deaths and Nature
August 14, 2011 08:24AM
From the article: """Park officials say visitors have to take some responsibility for their own safety, and that more railings, warning signs and trail controls detract from the nature experience.""

Re: Yosemite Deaths and Nature
August 14, 2011 08:47PM
Here is another from L.A. Times:

Park Full of Peril
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