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Fern on the Four Mile Trail, Yosemite National Park

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Re: Snow/Porcupine Creek Waterfall

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Snow/Porcupine Creek Waterfall
August 13, 2011 07:05PM
Not as much flow as earlier in the year, but it's more beautiful in this current state methinks. Other opinions?

avatar Re: Snow/Porcupine Creek Waterfall
August 15, 2011 07:33AM
Me tinks u gotz as much response as when I posted Dolly Dome (Cleavage) Cascade and Bunnell Cascade.

Very nice is what I think. Not 100% sure exactly where taken. Up on da rim.
Love it though.

Somewhere near ear:

I took a vid of the major Snow Creek Falls.... here it is. (if it suks... too bad tongue sticking out smiley ) (sun is BRIGHT)

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Re: Snow/Porcupine Creek Waterfall
August 15, 2011 08:13AM
Thats after the trail turns and heads west towards north dome im pretty sure. I was there a few years ago in early August and there was much less water. One of the best parts of the trail
avatar Re: Snow/Porcupine Creek Waterfall
August 15, 2011 11:22AM
Only been on that section from the bridge to nd trail once...
and that was in October. Good reason to go back in the springtime.

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Snow/Porcupine Creek Waterfall
August 15, 2011 12:07PM
Sorry. Should have responded sooner. Yes, we appreciate these postings.

The area along the right bank of Porcupine Creek and below where the trail takes off towards North Dome, is my favorite shakedown backpack camping spot for newbies. Nice creeks nearby, nice mix of trees and slick rock, good campsites (but I don't usually make a fire, so I don't recall where the fire rings might be. I know that there are some, though.) It has some nice waist-high flat rocks for kitchen use and nice logs to sit and lean on. The creek is fun to explore, and there are good day hikes to North Dome and Mt Watkins and Airplane Gully and Yosemite Point and so forth...

But the biggest advantage is how easy it is to get out of there if the newbies can't stand it. We had pair of young ladies who arrived with our kids. They couldn't leave fast enough in the morning: The sanitary arrangements shocked them. There was no phone and no TV. Bugs! The rest of us stayed all week. The other advantage of this area was that my son-in-law could hike out every morning to check on his dying grandmother at the pay phone on the highway near Porcupine Flat (Is that still there?).

Anyway, it has the best combination that I know of for easy access, great terrain, and no other campers. Just move far enough off trail so that you don't see or hear anyone.
avatar Re: Snow/Porcupine Creek Waterfall
August 15, 2011 01:01PM
That's cool. There are other waterfalls N on Snow Creek too... a great area to explore.
When checking out the roadside markers I told the wife... ok, there is some great stuff
... park here and xcountry down the creek... would be a great little relaxing Get Out of Dodge
trip .. and we would run into anyone... (have yet to do it though)

Thanks for your insights as usual

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Snow/Porcupine Creek Waterfall
August 15, 2011 03:28PM
Thats after the trail turns and heads west towards north dome im pretty sure. I was there a few years ago in early August and there was much less water. One of the best parts of the trail

Thx for the confirmation. Looking on the map again, this waterfall cascade (has no name) is actually on Porcupine Creek. jfedak has a video of this same spot, from late June this year. Tons more water 6 weeks ago, but I don't think it was as pleasant as it is currently.
avatar Re: Snow/Porcupine Creek Waterfall
August 15, 2011 11:18AM
You have not get a lot of responses, but I love looking at the pictures and videos everyone posts here. grinning smiley
Re: Snow/Porcupine Creek Waterfall
August 15, 2011 03:35PM
Thanks for everyone's input. No worries about the slower responses. That was my first time on that part of the trail. In hindsight, we should have found a better route to ND/BD. Instead of going around Indian Ridge, there must be a route along the rim. That would have saved some time and energy. However, we would have missed this waterfall.

By the way, has anyone else had problems locating the Snow Creek trail from Olmsted? What happened to all the ducks? We ended up @ Hidden Lake and had to bushwhack back down to the trail from there.
avatar Re: Snow/Porcupine Creek Waterfall
August 15, 2011 03:40PM
You prolly missed this:

(that xcountry route ... abuse at your own risk)
Got shrub?

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Snow/Porcupine Creek Waterfall
August 15, 2011 04:05PM
You prolly missed this:

(that xcountry route ... abuse at your own risk)
Got shrub?

This is definitely useful for next time. How steep is this route along the rim? So the easiest climb up Basket is from the back (north). There seemed to be a connector ridge thru the binocs. We just didn't feel like doing any more x-country stuff. The route thru the trees from ND trail was further than anticipated too.

What do you think about going up the SW side of Basket, where that zen tree is? Is it too steep from there?
avatar Re: Snow/Porcupine Creek Waterfall
August 16, 2011 06:54AM
How steep is this route along the rim?
smiling smiley
Uh... it's pretty flat compared to the up from the Snow Creek Trail
(Click on the map in the set... then use the zoom tool to see detail)

So the easiest climb up Basket is from the back (north).
What do you think about going up the SW side of Basket, where that zen tree is? Is it too steep from there?
Actually the way to go up is on the map too imo.
From the west. Here's a photo with annotations and more or less the way I went up and down it:

You could get to the Zen Tree and touch it probably ... but it's also probably steeper than what you think it is.
If going from ND... I'd drop down into the saddle and stay in the trees... when I came from Basket to ND... I didn't do that...
and ended up thrashing thru shrub for a distance...

If you can't make out the annotations or whatnut, the set of photos is here:

O... and I have never heard of Satellite Dome

Have fun

If anyone else has been up Basket Dome.... did you see any Bench Marker? Supposedly there is one up there...
I looked for it... for a bit of time... but never found it... sometimes the mind plays tricks though...

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Snow/Porcupine Creek Waterfall
June 25, 2012 07:31AM
Thanks for this. Visited this last weekend (June 23, 2012)
Less water now than in Aug. when you went. Just a ridiculously low water year.
But on the upside... North Dome loop (w/ Basket Gully whack-a-doodle) and
not a single mosquito to be seen.
There's some nice cascades along Snow Creek with views of Half Dome.
And also another waterfall lower on Porc. Creek just below this one.

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
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