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Half Dome from the Four Mile Trail to Glacier Point, Yosemite National Park

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Re: FYI: place/name finding tool

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FYI: place/name finding tool
August 29, 2011 09:49AM
Here's a tool I've used countless times to find out the names of objects in pretty remote spots. Someone in another thread asked what the name of a particular dome was, and brought this to mind.

I'm continually surprised about how many people know/use Google Earth, but are utterly unaware of this little tool. Super handy.


To find the name of an object, use the 'Topo' button and far more often than not, this site will have it.
avatar Re: FYI: place/name finding tool
August 29, 2011 01:10PM
Here's a tool I've used countless times to find out the names of objects in pretty remote spots. Someone in another thread asked what the name of a particular dome was, and brought this to mind.

I'm continually surprised about how many people know/use Google Earth, but are utterly unaware of this little tool. Super handy.


To find the name of an object, use the 'Topo' button and far more often than not, this site will have it.

To check how good it was I entered "Billy Dome".

It pointed me to a corrugated shack, south of Houston , TX (GPS Coordinates: N 29.52291 W 95.45337).

I don't think that's quite right. wink
avatar Re: FYI: place/name finding tool
August 29, 2011 04:37PM
Billy Lake is there though! wink

Perhaps we can convince closedcontour.com guy to add the dome names and what to his maps.
He has a search feature for the SPS peaks... maybe he can also add other things to the search feature.
Having all the lesser known domes on his map would be a really cool feature.

(perhaps start with Dolly Domes!) wink

btw...Meeeester Eeeek added closedcontour.com to the map links below

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: FYI: place/name finding tool
August 29, 2011 08:38PM
Perhaps we can convince closedcontour.com guy to add the dome names and what to his maps.
He has a search feature for the SPS peaks... maybe he can also add other things to the search feature.
Having all the lesser known domes on his map would be a really cool feature.

You send me a list of names and WGS84 coordinates in some easy format and I'll add them. I don't want to add everything from GNIS straightaway because the data quality (the locations can be way off) is so low.

I'm also open to any other suggestions that would make www.closedcontour.com more useful.

avatar Re: FYI: place/name finding tool
August 29, 2011 08:58PM
That would be cool.

For the slow people... can you give me Half Dome as WGS84 as an example and I'll go from there?

Lake names searchable would be another awesome feature too, imo.
But having all the domes in Yosemite would kick booty.
I keep having to pull out Tuolumne Free climbs and other maps for the lesser known ones!

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: FYI: place/name finding tool
August 29, 2011 10:32PM
That would be cool.

For the slow people... can you give me Half Dome as WGS84 as an example and I'll go from there?

Alrighty Chick-on, I added a feature so you (or others!) can start tagging the domes. Now when you hit the 'M' key (think "Mark"winking smiley the current position of the mouse will be saved in the upper left corner. Simply cut and paste that and give me a name and I'll add it.

I went ahead and added Billy Dome for you.

avatar Re: FYI: place/name finding tool
August 30, 2011 07:53AM
Cool. (worked in IE .. but not Firefox)
Here's some stuff. Of course it's your baby... so it's your call what you use.
Some are still missing... but gotta start somewhere.
It may make your map too cluttered?
I'd at least suggest fixing Moran Pt. and Panorama Pt. - those are off a bit.
Someone in the past looked at the map and thought Pan. Pt. was the
dome... it's not. There's a BM at Pan. Pt.

Sentinel Rock: 119.59448°W, 37.72895°N
Moran Pt: 119.58406°W, 37.73554°N (the one on your map is off a bit)
The Diving Board:119.54094°W, 37.74248°N
Coyote Rocks: 119.53719°W, 37.81365°N
Stately Pleasure Dome: 119.45772°W, 37.83854°N
South Whizz Dome: 119.45772°W, 37.83854°N
North Whizz Dome: 119.44085°W, 37.87143°N
Drug Dome: 119.42199°W, 37.86427°N
Mariuolumne Dome: 119.4219°W, 37.86151°N
Dozier Dome: 119.42946°W, 37.84862°N
Lamb Dome: 119.42402°W, 37.86979°N
Daff Dome: 119.4128°W, 37.88073°N
West Cottage Dome: 119.41169°W, 37.88228°N
East Cottage Dome: 119.40621°W, 37.88519°N
Doda Dome: 119.4215°W, 37.88478°N
Marmot Dome: 119.39764°W, 37.87422°N
Mt. Althuski: 119.38005°W, 37.84105°N
Echo Ridge: 119.39611°W, 37.83487°N
Matthes Crest: 119.39755°W, 37.82331°N
Dog Dome: 119.34534°W, 37.88450°N
East Dolly Dome: 119.42046°W, 37.78942°N
West Dolly Dome: 119.42294°W, 37.78814°N
Rodgers Meadow: 119.51708°W, 37.98220°N
Navaho Peak: 119.53903°W, 38.02659°N
Grace Meadow: 119.61673°W, 38.13794°N
Saurian Crest:119.57239°W, 38.14612°N
Pleasant Valley: 119.57313°W, 37.98643°N
Pate Valley: 119.59536°W, 37.93379°N
Tiltill Valley: 119.68983°W, 37.97390°N
Paradise Valley: 119.67264°W, 38.04625°N
Carlon Falls: 119.84346°W, 37.80318°N
Panorama Pt: 119.55775°W, 37.71702°N (please at least fix this one)
Cathedral Rocks: 119.63756°W, 37.71573°N
Dewey Pt: 119.65039°W, 37.70498°N
Crocker Pt: 119.65889°W, 37.70438°N
Stanford Pt: 119.66665°W, 37.70544°N
Inspiration Pt: 119.68782°W, 37.71345°N
Yosemite Pt: 119.59326°W, 37.75631°N
Eagle Tower: 119.60337°W, 37.75450°N

I didn't see Billy Dome

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: FYI: place/name finding tool
August 30, 2011 07:58AM
He didn't mark Billy Dome on the map but he did make it searchable, its there and works.

The 'M' works in Firefox (at least on the Mac), w/ a catch. Once the "Search" box is selected there's no way to unselect it other than reloading the page. As long as Search isn't highlighted M will work, otherwise it goes into the Search box until the page is reloaded. Same with Safari.
Re: FYI: place/name finding tool
August 30, 2011 09:57AM
He didn't mark Billy Dome on the map but he did make it searchable, its there and works.

The 'M' works in Firefox (at least on the Mac), w/ a catch. Once the "Search" box is selected there's no way to unselect it other than reloading the page. As long as Search isn't highlighted M will work, otherwise it goes into the Search box until the page is reloaded. Same with Safari.

That's right. I added Billy Dome (and all your other points) as search terms. I'll see about actually adding them to the map later today.

I tested on Firefox and Chrome (but not IE -- glad to see it works). Make sure that the search box isn't focused and let me know if that fixes your problem.

Re: FYI: place/name finding tool
August 30, 2011 08:40PM
Hey Chick-on,

I regenerated tiles for Yosemite at the two most zoomed in levels with your additions. I filtered out the valleys, meadows, and falls because they don't currently fit into any styles that I currently have. And, strangely enough, I forgot to add Billy Dome. So you should now be able to search for all your domes and see them on the map. Beware that due to Amazon's caching it's possible you'll see old tiles without them for a little while before they show up.

Here's an example:

avatar Re: FYI: place/name finding tool
August 30, 2011 08:58PM
Is Daff Dome the one with a big boulder on top?
avatar Re: FYI: place/name finding tool
August 30, 2011 09:18PM
I thinks it's Doda...

(now I want to get to the top of all of these... )

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: FYI: place/name finding tool
August 30, 2011 09:09PM
This is soooo cool.

A couple of comments:

- Panorama Pt. shows correct on level 2, but incorrect on level 1 (the most zoom)
- Moran Pt. shows incorrect on level 2, but correct on level 1... but on level 1 part of level 2 text is there.

Others... please take a look and make any corrections.
It's possible I have some of the domes not entirely correct.
There are a few more... I'll look into it when I get back next week ...


* please add Dolly Domes

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: FYI: place/name finding tool
August 31, 2011 09:30PM
Am I the only one that thinks this kicks booty?

Some other things that would be really great:
- Obviously more meadow names and ridge names would be cool
- Correct trail alignment
- Additional missing dome and peak names
- Park and wilderness boundaries
- TH outside the park with names

Some places real quick that the trail has moved are:
- approach to Crescent Lake
- no longer goes thru meadow at Lukens
- no longer goes thru meadow at Upper Cathedral
- approach to Lower Grant

Thanks for all your work. Love the map

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: FYI: place/name finding tool
August 31, 2011 09:35PM
No, I have this map bookmarked as well. I especially like the way different levels of vegetation density are represented (read the blog discussion of this issue).
Re: FYI: place/name finding tool
September 01, 2011 09:31AM
Am I the only one that thinks this kicks booty?

Some other things that would be really great:
- Obviously more meadow names and ridge names would be cool
- Correct trail alignment
- Additional missing dome and peak names
- Park and wilderness boundaries
- TH outside the park with names

Some places real quick that the trail has moved are:
- approach to Crescent Lake
- no longer goes thru meadow at Lukens
- no longer goes thru meadow at Upper Cathedral
- approach to Lower Grant

Thanks for all your work. Love the map

When I first did this map it was my intention that it be easily editable so that it could be the most up-to-date topographic map for the region. So far this is the first time that I've made substantial changes and I'm excited about continuing.

As far as your individual points:
- Meadow names would be a great addition, I'll need to start with GNIS and go from there. I imagine there aren't as many unofficial meadow names as there are peak names. Ridge names are a little trickier because I want them aligned with the ridges and the software I'm using doesn't have a good way of doing that automatically.
- Trail alignment: my trail data for Yosemite comes right from the Park Service so I figured it was accurate but I'd be happy to relocate some trails if you had GPS tracks.
- More domes and peaks: I'm all for this.
- Park/wilderness boundaries: again the software doesn't do what I'd like it do for administrative boundaries so I'd didn't add this. I assume you just want this for planning purposes?
- Trailheads: this is probably the highest priority.

Thanks for contributing the dome locations!

avatar Re: FYI: place/name finding tool
September 06, 2011 09:36PM
You may want to look at this too:
(pretty much in that case I thought it was kinda goofy to have the trail in the wrong place so I said something over there)

Another thing that would be cool would be Bench Markers (the ones that actually have metal markers)

Do you want me to just post a picture of the trail movement? Or?

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: FYI: place/name finding tool
August 30, 2011 08:07AM
My favorite "hey what is that" site (partially down right now but the faq shows what it can do):

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