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Lightning Storm Starts Several New Fires in the Golden Trout Wilderness

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avatar Lightning Storm Starts Several New Fires in the Golden Trout Wilderness
September 28, 2011 02:35PM
Lightning Storm Starts Several New Fires in the Golden Trout Wilderness

Dozens of lightning strikes started three new fires in the Golden Trout Wilderness over the weekend. The Golden Trout Wilderness, managed by the Sequoia National Forest, is located approximately 25 miles northeast of the city of Porterville. The lightning storms passed through the southern sierra mountains Friday and Saturday. Forest Service Fire Lookouts watched the storm come through the area and then monitored the mountains with binoculars to see if any fires were started by the lightning strikes. A helicopter flight over the area Sunday confirmed three new fires.

The Round Fire, located east of Round Meadow is being put out. The Trout Fire located north of Trout Meadow is already out; both are less than one quarter acre in size. The Golden Fire, located south of Grey Meadow is .4 acres and is being monitored at this time. Crews hiked into the area late Saturday and are working on managing these wildland fires in the Wilderness.

Last week fire officials reopened backcountry areas closed during the Lion Wildfire. Currently, there are no trail closures in the Golden Trout Wilderness but visitors are urged to be cautious when traveling in the areas near the fires. There are still hot spots smoldering in the burned areas, trees that may fall having been weakened by fire, and rolling debris loosened from burned vegetation.
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