Yesterday I was heading back from the valley. I slowed down at the 120 junction (where the gas station is located) to 25 miles per hour, and then a little bit after passing Crane Flat, I resumed speed to 40. A white SUV came up fast behind, and I signaled to pull off to let it by, but then it turned on the flashing lights. (The location where I pull over is 37.75362,-119.82117.) The officer said that he got me on radar going 47 mph in the 25 mph zone. I don't think I was. When I got home, I looked at google maps and did a street view going west on 120 to see where the speed limit signs were. I noticed that the 40 mph sign (at location @37.747397,-119.805286; which can be seen from location 37.747223,-119.804041) when traveling west was much closer to the gas station than the first 25 mph sign when going east (at location 37.748059,-119.807308) So, I think the officer got me in the place where it was 25mph going east and 40 mph going west.
Can someone that travels 120 please verify?
Also, can anyone with experience with fighting a ticket in Yosemite offer any advice on fighting this ticket.