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Re: Mountain ID help

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Mountain ID help
November 02, 2011 12:10PM
I can use a little help. Shot from Cloud Rest, I assume I'm looking at the back of Mts. Ritter & Banner, but having been to the pass on the back side of Banner before, it doesn't look familiar. Before I put an 'official' caption on this image, I'd love some confirmation or correction. Thanks in advance.

Gary Crabbe
Enlightened Images

"Nearness to Nature keeps the Spirit sensitive to impressions not commonly felt, and in touch with unseen powers." - Oyihesa; Santee Dakota indian, from his book, Soul of the Indian (1911)
Re: Mountain ID help
November 02, 2011 12:20PM
Lyle and McClure?
Re: Mountain ID help
November 02, 2011 01:28PM
Lyle and McClure?

Thanks, I'm guessing this may be the correct answer, but any chance you'd be willing to confirm that without the question mark at the end? After all, this IS for posterity. smiling smiley
Re: Mountain ID help
November 02, 2011 02:17PM
Fair enough. Lyle and McClure!smileys with beer
avatar Re: Mountain ID help
November 02, 2011 02:29PM
Without any doubt at all it's Maclure and Lyell.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Mountain ID help
November 02, 2011 02:30PM
(Maclure (not McClure) on left, Lyell on right)

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Mountain ID help
November 02, 2011 02:56PM
(Maclure (not McClure) on left, Lyell on right)

Awesome! I knew I could count on a definitive answer from this group. smiling smiley

avatar Re: Mountain ID help
November 02, 2011 03:16PM
The pointy one in the back, furthest left... that is Simmons Peak

This view is looking almost straight up Florence Creek. Do you have another bit pointed a bit south?
That would have Mt. Florence in it...

I'll have to poke around tonight and see what views I have of this same area.

Just some great color in your photo. Thx

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Mountain ID help
November 02, 2011 12:55PM
Gary, these days that is a question ready for a quick Google Earth answer. But of course one could also use a straight edge on the 100k topo.

David Senesac


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/02/2011 12:55PM by DavidSenesac.
Re: Mountain ID help
November 02, 2011 01:10PM
Thanks David:

Your answer presupposes I didn't try with GE, which I did. The relief was not detailed enough to determine with editorial caption accuracy. As for the straight edge, I tried that too. I also know the general direction I was facing, but not the true direction. A difference of 15% on either side might change the answer.

I'm not asking here as a first or second resort.

Do you know which peaks these are? Maybe you're a better GE user than I am. If you find the answer with editorial certainty, please do let me know. I'd be most grateful.


Gary Crabbe
Enlightened Images

"Nearness to Nature keeps the Spirit sensitive to impressions not commonly felt, and in touch with unseen powers." - Oyihesa; Santee Dakota indian, from his book, Soul of the Indian (1911)
avatar Re: Mountain ID help
November 02, 2011 06:54PM
Nice shot. Chick-on's got it right, he's often my best resource. Mt Florence is just to the right, you can see the ridge leading up to it.

Here's another useful tool:

I created an entry for Clouds Rest. Scroll through the long list in the View menu.
Re: Mountain ID help
November 02, 2011 06:54PM
Tineye.com might help. I haven't used it, but I have seen the results....pretty impressive.
Re: Mountain ID help
November 02, 2011 11:12PM
Gary, bring up Google Earth and in the Fly to field enter Clouds Rest. For any Sierra Nevada viewing it is best to switch from the default recent 2011 date that is too snowy to Dec 30, 2005. I immediately noted your two peaks easily as Mount McClure and Mount Lyle. Note I've never bothered to hike to either Clouds Rest or Half Dome so have not seen the actual view. Both those peaks as well as Ritter and Banner show GE mountain symbols that immediately display their names. Your image is of course a narrow telephoto. I did a quick MwSnap capture of the Google Earth display below adding a bit of text in Photoshop:

M = Mount McClure
L = Mount Lyle
F = Mount Florence
E = Electra Peak

If Ritter is visible from CR, then the tippy top is just above the Electra Peak ridgeline. Banner is not visible at all. Mount Florence is the broad plateu and low gradient peak to the right of Lyle in my image but beyond your frame. The below snapped image is more zoomed and tilted from a higher elevation up above so peaks are not blocked per the eye level view. Ro = Rogers Peak R = Mount Ritter B = Banner Peak


Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 11/02/2011 11:22PM by DavidSenesac.
avatar Re: Mountain ID help
November 03, 2011 06:59AM
Google Smurf is all fine and dandy and I love it.

For this baby though... should not really be needed. Mac and Lyell are fairly easily recognizable from so many angles.
Cool thing about Yosemite imo is the diversity of the peakies and whatnot.
Clark, Lyell, Maclure, Echo, Tower, Conness, Hoffmann, Tuolumne, Matthes
All those and more. Quite distinct and fairly easy to spot and identify from many many locations in the park.

Here's a shot from the flanks of Clark. Lyell and Maclure pop out:

Again, it's MACLURE. Not McClure.

This one can be added to the list o stuff often misspelled.
Hoffmann - not Hoffman
Olmsted - not Olmstead
Maclure - not McClure (that's elsewhere)
Chick-on - not Chicken
Chick-on - not Chickin
Marmut - not Marmot
Sierra - not Sierras

Have fun out there... and keep explorin and identifying

(for those who don't care what it's called... u not allowed to get upset when someone pronounce ur name wrong)
(and I now will call you Buster) (The Old Dude is already Billy)

tongue sticking out smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Mountain ID help
November 03, 2011 08:48AM

(for those who don't care what it's called... u not allowed to get upset when someone pronounce ur name wrong)
(and I now will call you Buster) (The Old Dude is already Billy)

Hey, that's my name! What are you trying to say?! winking smiley

Back on topic, for those of you with smartphones and who like to bring them on backpacking trips, there is an app called "Peak.ar" (both Android and iOs). Haven't tried it myself but saw it on a friend's phone briefly and it looks cool and she really likes it. Quickly looking at the reviews on the market/app store looks like it is has mostly favorable reviews. Anyone here have experience with it?
Re: Mountain ID help
November 03, 2011 08:55AM

(for those who don't care what it's called... u not allowed to get upset when someone pronounce ur name wrong)
(and I now will call you Buster) (The Old Dude is already Billy)

Hey, that's my name! What are you trying to say?! winking smiley

Back on topic, for those of you with smartphones and who like to bring them on backpacking trips, there is an app called "Peak.ar" (both Android and iOs). Haven't tried it myself but saw it on a friend's phone briefly and it looks cool and she really likes it. Quickly looking at the reviews on the market/app store looks like it is has mostly favorable reviews. Anyone here have experience with it?
Just looked and there are a lot of negative reviews for peak.ar
Re: Mountain ID help
November 03, 2011 09:28AM

Thanks for the explanation. You are a better GE user. For some reason, I don't get any names popping up, nor all those marks near CR. I'm not very technical, so that might explain it. Also, wouldn't have figured one of the Banner / Ritter Peaks to be hidden from that angle. I guess I'm too used to seeing them in such relative proximity to each other as mirroring the above image.


No further southward views, but I bow in humbled respect for your expertise.

Can I also be called "Buster"? oh, wait... nevermind... Someones already got that.


Gary Crabbe
Enlightened Images

"Nearness to Nature keeps the Spirit sensitive to impressions not commonly felt, and in touch with unseen powers." - Oyihesa; Santee Dakota indian, from his book, Soul of the Indian (1911)
avatar Re: Mountain ID help
November 03, 2011 09:27AM

(for those who don't care what it's called... u not allowed to get upset when someone pronounce ur name wrong)
(and I now will call you Buster) (The Old Dude is already Billy)

Hey, that's my name! What are you trying to say?! winking smiley

Oopsie. I think I meant to type Bucko but since you are an abuser my noggin may have typed buster.

Have fun out there... Buster Bucko
smiling smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Mountain ID help
November 03, 2011 09:34AM
Someone elsewhere posted an app called Peak Finder. I downloaded it last night, but was having so much problems trying to sync my phone to a brand new computer on iTunes, I almost threw a brick at my week=old $1200 machine.
Re: Mountain ID help
November 04, 2011 06:53AM
The result with the PeakFinder app looks like this:

Pretty cool.
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