I come to this board often to learn and live vicariously through the adventures of the many of you who post in both word and image, your explorations of our beloved national park Yosemite and the surrounding Sierra Nevada Mountains. After reading and laughing and learning so much I have become curious about the many of you who post regularly. Hope I am not overstepping boundaries or being nosy but I am just curious how you folks have amassed so much knowledge about the park and how you get new info so quickly. I just have to ask.... what do you all do? Do you work in the park, live close by....? What do you do up the mountains... backpack, camp etc? Seems like many of you are climbers or mountainers and photographers, (I go to try to do watercolor paintings & drawings -do any of you do that?). I guess I am just curious about you folks as people. Is it wrong to ask?
Please do share if you do not mind. Though I live within a few hours of the park my life does not let me get up there as often as I'd like (Hopefully that all changes this summer when I send my sons off to college and there are no more high school sports to keep us pinned down here in the valley). This board keeps me sane and makes me smile.
Hope to hear from you if you do not mind.