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Re: Yosemite National Park Announces Release of the Finding of No Significant Impact for the Curry Village Rockfall Hazard Zone Structures Project

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Yosemite National Park Announces Release of the Finding of No Significant Impact for the Curry Village Rockfall Hazard Zone Structures Project
Date: February 27, 2012

Yosemite National Park announces the signing of the Curry Village Rockfall Hazard Zone Structures Project Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). This document records the decision of the National Park Service to remove the remaining 72 structures within the closed rockfall hazard zone at Curry Village. This action was described as Alternative 1 - Remove All Structures in the environmental assessment (EA) that was released for public review in August 2011. The FONSI, EA, Memorandum of Agreement with the State Historic Preservation Officer, and responses to comments are available at http://parkplanning.nps.gov/CurryRockfall.

Implementation of the Selected Action entails the removal of the following structures:
  • 44 bungalettes (hard-sided cabins without bath)
  • 22 bungalows (hard-sided cabins with bath)
  • 3 comfort stations (Nob Hill, Rock, Terrace)
  • Cabin 101 (Nob Hill Cabin)
  • Women's Club/Terrace clubhouse
  • Foster Curry Bungalow/Tresidder House
Before removal occurs, the site and structures will be recorded through drawings and photographic and written documentation. The park will follow relevant federal regulations and procedures governing the disposal of government property. Removal of the structures is anticipated to begin in the Fall of 2012 or as soon as conditions permit.

Public scoping occurred from February 22 to April 7, 2010, during which 33 letters were received. The EA was available for comment from August 8 to September 9, 2011; 32 letters were received. All comments were reviewed by park staff and were considered in the development of the FONSI.

Requests for hardcopies or CD-ROMs of the FONSI, available on a limited basis, can be submitted to: Superintendent, Yosemite National Park, Attn: Curry Village Rockfall Hazard Zone Structures Project, P.O. Box 577, Yosemite, CA 95389; or fax (209) 379-1294; or email: Yose_Planning@nps.gov. Hardcopies and CD-ROMs will also be available at the park's monthly Open House on February 29, 2012, in the valley auditorium.
Really too bad this stuff has to be removed. Totally understand why, but it is a shame.
Most of that stuff won't be missed, but some of it I'd think would have historical value. Why would they demolish Tresidder House? I've always used that as a landmark of where to start up for Ledge Trail!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/29/2012 12:21AM by qumqats.
In April 2009, I took a peek at the damage there, and I can't disagree with the decision to remove all the structures, except maybe keeping the Tressider cabin without using it; although that could be a maintenance burden the NPS doesn't want.

My friend & I surmised that the cabin-sized rock (to the right of center in my photo below) came roaring through the trees, and snapped clean off that three or four foot diameter tree whose stump is just left of the rock. Towards the lower left, you can see the bed frame inside a crushed tent cabin.

Walking around and seeing many structures built adjacent to boulders 10 or 15 feet high, wouldn't you think that years ago, when folks were considering where to build these cabins, they would have said "wow, I wonder where this giant rock came from?" and decide to build farther away?

I like the FONSI acronym - - - "Aaaaeeeyyyy!"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/29/2012 04:12PM by vdrummer.

Walking around and seeing many structures built adjacent to boulders 10 or 15 feet high, wouldn't you think that years ago, when folks were considering where to build these cabins, they would have said "wow, I wonder where this giant rock came from?" and decide to build farther away?

That has alway been in my thoughts too, especially when I stayed at one of cabins closest to the cliff with these huge boulders scattered about.

My main concern with the Park Service and DNC in regards to the removal of these structures is that there doesn't appear to be any plans to replace these lost cabins elsewhere within Curry Village or Yosemite Valley. (Or maybe there are some plans that I'm not aware of. Please correct me if I'm wrong in my assumption.)

I see all the new employee housing built around Curry Village to replace the employee housing damaged by the '97 flood, but what about replacing all the vistors accommodations lost to the flood too? The lost campsites, the lost cabins at the Yosemite Lodge.
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