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Pothole Dome (Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite National Park)

The Moon is Waning Crescent (4% of Full)


Re: Hetch Hetchy to Tuolumne Meadows in June??

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Hetch Hetchy to Tuolumne Meadows in June??
March 20, 2012 05:32PM
A group of four of us are planning a hike in the first week of June from Toulumne Meadows into the valley then take a car from the valley to Hetch Hetchy then hike the Grand Canyon of the Toulumne River Trail back to Toulomne Meadows. We are pretty seasoned hikers with ten days to hike and two cars. We realize that the Tioga Road plays a big part in the plan. ARE WE CRAZY? Does anyone know if there are any nasty crossings? Any input would help! THANKS! P.S> Bill e-g Thanks for your help sorry if i am creeping into your forums, just wanna get as much intel as possible!
Re: Hetch Hetchy to Tuolumne Meadows in June??
March 20, 2012 05:45PM
From TM to the valley, the typical early-season "nasty" (as in: unbridged) crossings would be (depending on route): Lewis Creek (S. of Vogelsang Pass), Fletcher Creek (W. of Vogelsang), or Tenaya Creek (just below the lake). From HH to TM, the "nasty" crossings would probably be Piute and Register creeks, with an honorable mention to Wapama Falls (bridged, but you can still get drenched). However, this year, unless we get more snow, these may not be all that nasty, even in early June.
And I'd say no, you're not crazy--sounds like a wonderful hike, and ten days should be plenty of time to enjoy it. Have fun and post pictures when you're done!
Re: Hetch Hetchy to Tuolumne Meadows in June??
March 20, 2012 05:59PM
thanks for the encouragement basilbop! We are not afraid to get soaked assuming we can keep our sleeping bags dry. We are primarily worried about joining the fallen backpackers that were unfortunate in 2011. We don't want to do something stupid. Perhaps we were foolish but thought we were being conservative by trying to avrage 10 miles a day. Do you or ANYONE ELSE feel that these crossing might be a hazard to stay away from. Some bumped knees and wet bags we can handle, watching a dear friend of mine roll over a waterfall is not something we want to experience. That said, any other thoughts
avatar Re: Hetch Hetchy to Tuolumne Meadows in June??
March 20, 2012 08:46PM
Ewe aint creeping anywhere. Mainly I said a bunch o stuff over der b/c I read "there are no major crossings that aren't bridged"
and said to myself... wutt! For 10 days I was more conservative mainly b/c a lots o people ask about things and
a lots o those people don't do those things. For sure it is do-able. But 10 day ... if that is a TOTAL of 10 days and including
the shuttling and whatnot... may make it more difficult to fit everything in. But you're not crazy.
I'd recommend 5 days for HH to TM. 2 days to get to Pleasant Valley, 1 up and over and into Pate and up a bit. 2 days up the Canyon.
Quite do-able and enjoyable. Basil told you the crossings, etc.
There were very large logs over the Piute up til 2 years ago. I highly doubt they are not still there. We have gone to
Pleasant Valley and Loch Tablae in late May before and used those logs to cross a Piute Creek I would not cross without.
I know I put those pictures up before but I will find you them.
Here's some posts on GCT you may want to read if you haven't already:

Some Ka-Ra-Zee and His Wife:


At least read this one... it's one of the reasons why I said just start from TM:
(and, of course, it's my favorite)

You can probably find more if you search some more...

And you can search for my beloved Loch Tablae to find Nirvana.

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/20/2012 08:52PM by chick-on.
avatar Re: Hetch Hetchy to Tuolumne Meadows in June??
March 20, 2012 08:57PM
Here's The Old Dude on logs over Piute:

The water is easily 5 ft. deep. Those logs were still there in late Sept. 2009. With the huge
snows of 2010 and 2011 it is possible that they are no longer there. Unlikely... but possible.
I would be prepared for such an factor.

I have tentative plans (all my plans are)... to head that-a-way in mid to late May and will update if I do....

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Hetch Hetchy to Tuolumne Meadows in June??
March 21, 2012 09:16AM

Some Ka-Ra-Zee and His Wife:

Hey, I resemble that remark... (and doing the trip in a day was her idea...)

I just remembered that on this trip, we did pass a couple who crossed the unbridged branch of Register Creek on a log above the trail crossing, so that's an option. This creek was about 32" deep and the current was fairly swift when we did it. Be safe!
avatar Re: Hetch Hetchy to Tuolumne Meadows in June??
March 21, 2012 09:52AM
I really don't think your crazy. I thought it was awesome. Still waiting for my phone to ring w/r to that HH Loopy though.

Here's said log:

(it could be found within the links above but would take some searching... )

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Hetch Hetchy to Tuolumne Meadows in June??
March 21, 2012 11:38AM
All this talk about safe water crossings has me looking again at my planned Crow Pass hike in the Chugach Mountains just next to Anchorage. I'll be posting pictures soon.

The river crossing is serious business and seems to me the toughest part of the 22 mile hike.
Re: Hetch Hetchy to Tuolumne Meadows in June??
March 21, 2012 11:38AM
All this talk about safe water crossings has me looking again at my planned Crow Pass hike in the Chugach Mountains just next to Anchorage. I'll be posting pictures soon.

The river crossing is serious business and seems to me the toughest part of the 22 mile hike.
avatar Re: Hetch Hetchy to Tuolumne Meadows in June??
March 21, 2012 06:59AM
A few other words and a link to a interesting tidbit.

Although Rancheria is a hugely popular destination you will find that very few continue
up Rancheria Mountain and beyond. So unfortunately it's unlikely you get much more
response. You will get views though. You probably have enough to be dangerous
with everything that has been said already though and the pictures in those links.
Routes and areas get popular many times because they are in guidebooks. The
Vernon Loop and the trek up from Twin Lakes are two prime examples in Yosemite
area. When I did a loop thru Bear Valley one year in late September the ranger
said I was about the only person to go that way that year. It's understandable
since it's a ways out and there are no Table Lakes on that route.

Anywho, have fun... if you have the time try to find this when you are hoofing it
up Rancheria Mountain:

Chick-on is looking at you!-e-g

Chick-on is looking at you!
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