I disagree. I have no problems with horsepackers and I'd like the ban reversed to allow them back in.
You know it's probably pretty obvious that I have a passion for the backcountry. With age comes a
deep respect for both the landscape and the animals that call it their home. I'm just a lucky
visitor that hopes to enjoy it and leave as little trace as possible. Many times I wish I wasn't
as affected by what I see both positively and unfortunately negatively. Horses and mules just
do so much damage, they really do. It breaks my heart. I think we can both agree that a tank
or motorcycle should not be allowed in. Horses are mules are not far behind them in the
damage they can cause. With regards to firerings. The problem there is that just too many
people find it necessary to build new ones and almost destroy an area. I'll give two quick
examples. Kibbie Lake. New fire rings there at a place that has a ban on them.
Upper Chain Lake. New fire ring was 10 ft. from water edge with alum. foil. Those are
pretty sad. Now I would call those people either very selfish or not educated enough in
the backcountry. I call a parallel to what I see every day on the walk to work... graffiti
and litter. I just don't and probably never will understand it. I "live" here. Why would I
want to have it look like that? Maybe I am selfish in these views but I don't think so.
I think I've shown enough in this forum for anyone watching that I am far from selfish
in sharing my passion for My Yosemite.
For the record I am aware of my own "Horse Footprint" and "Carbon Footprint" to and
from and within The Sierra. I'm not infallible.
Have fun out there