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Re: Permits- re-visited!

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Permits- re-visited!
April 13, 2012 01:31PM
So - just like last year - seems like the lottery isnt working 0r someone is using a computer to outsmart it Three diff people in our group put in requests for half dome permit for three diff dates, all were denied. Anyone have suggestions? A ton of preparation has gone into this. I wrote to Rick Delappe from the NPS- but dont think that will make a difference We are trying to go up the cables Sat May 26th. Can anyone help- we reallly want to go that day. Lacey
avatar Re: Permits- re-visited!
April 13, 2012 01:40PM
Get a wilderness permit and stay the night "up there" and hike half dome the next day.
avatar Re: Permits- re-visited!
April 14, 2012 04:32PM
Get a wilderness permit and stay the night "up there" and hike half dome the next day.

+1 to this strategy. Half Dome has become such a trophy hike that its almost no fun to do the march with all the others (certainly not a wilderness experience). It like Black Friday at Wal-Mart.
Re: Permits- re-visited!
April 13, 2012 01:53PM
It is Memorial Day weekend.

Daily Lottery
Approximately 50 permits will be available each day by lottery during the hiking season. These permits will be available based on the estimated rate of under-use and cancellation of permits (the exact number may change through the summer). The daily lotteries will have an application period two days prior to the hiking date with a notification late that night. (So, to hike on Saturday, you would apply on Thursday and receive an email notification of results late on Thursday night. Results will also be available online, or by phone the next morning.) The application period will be from midnight to 1 pm Pacific time.

Good luck!
avatar Re: Permits- re-visited!
April 14, 2012 11:29AM
We did not get picked in the HSC lottery this year. Bummer. Are you going back to Vogelsang this summer?
Re: Permits- re-visited!
April 14, 2012 03:45PM
@ Paris92-No I'm not! sad smiley I had a heck of a time finding work after the camps closed last year...4 months looking. Finally got a year round position in Janurary so I am 'stuck' in the valley. smiling smiley First summer season since 2008 I won't be there. sad smiley Always check for cancelation for the HSC's, they happened and if your willing to make last minute plans you can still go up. I plan on being out there as much as I can...but now I get to enjoy it more and not work so hard!
avatar Re: Permits- re-visited!
April 14, 2012 10:09PM
So sorry you will not be at the camp, but at least you found work, and as you say, can enjoy it more. We are going to keep checking though.
avatar Re: Permits- re-visited!
October 16, 2012 10:41PM
How was your summer away from Vogel? Life in the Valley for a summer?
Re: Permits- re-visited!
April 13, 2012 02:26PM
Bummer--we didn't get our permits either; applied with 2 different trip leaders for mid-week request. Up until the last update there were only 50 +/- requests for permits on the days that we had requested. Something smells rotten. Just sayin'....sad smiley
avatar Re: Permits- re-visited!
April 14, 2012 12:24PM
Bummer--we didn't get our permits either; applied with 2 different trip leaders for mid-week request. Up until the last update there were only 50 +/- requests for permits on the days that we had requested. Something smells rotten. Just sayin'....sad smiley

I don't know; if I was going to get in the HD lottery, I would have waited until the last minute to see what days looked to have the best chances. I don't think it's illogical to see a big bump in applications for lightly requested dates at the end.
Re: Permits- re-visited!
April 14, 2012 02:35PM
Well, I know of a couple of people who went through the same process as everybody else and got their permits. So it doesn't smell fishy to me.

I didn't get the permits I wanted by the way. But that's the way it is and I have to play the cards I've been dealt.

This year I applied for:

CBN 4 lotteries (3 dates each)- no success
CBS 1 lottery - success
Half Dome 1 lottery (3 dates) - no success
Re: Permits- re-visited!
April 14, 2012 03:01PM
My friends and I didn't get any Half Dome permits either, and we all tried for midweek. This is getting sad, two years in a roll. The system needs improvement.
Re: Permits- re-visited!
April 15, 2012 06:01AM
... The system needs improvement.

Well, I hope you took the opportunity and provided input during the Public review and comment period.

A final decision concerning the Half Dome stewardship plan is due sometime this summer I guess:


More infos can be found here:


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/15/2012 06:01AM by Half Dome Hiker.
Re: Permits- re-visited!
April 15, 2012 09:48AM
Check out these interesting figures:


So imho the lottery isn't that bad.
Re: Permits- re-visited!
April 15, 2012 07:34PM
"The demand for permits mid-week starting in mid-August were BELOW the allocated supply of 300 per day. If you can go then – do it!!"

Well, that is exactly when we applied for our permits; mid-week, mid-August.....but it's okay, I'm over my initial
bitterness, everything happens for a reason right?
avatar Re: Permits- re-visited!
April 15, 2012 07:58PM
everything happens for a reason right?

Sometimes things happen simply due to random quantum fluctuations.
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