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The Moon is Waning Gibbous (62% of Full)


Poppies along the Merced (BLM)

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avatar Poppies along the Merced (BLM)
April 13, 2012 05:23PM
Poppy blooms are the best they've been in years, on BLM-managed lands along the Merced River. These photos were taken on Friday, April 6, 2012:

Photos by BLM California, Mother Lode Field Office staff. (April 6, 2012)

Re: Poppies along the Merced (BLM)
April 19, 2012 01:02PM
...where only billy goats roam

Crudely flatbed scanned with my old Epson 2450, the first 4x5 transparency this year of 2012 that is good enough to break into my Gallery B web page. Exposed this sheet of Provia 100F a bit after 11am PDT Friday March 30, 2012 in the Merced River Canyon. My 90mm Nikor at EV14.6 1/15 second F41. Matched the hue and saturation of jpg reasonably closely to the slide on my lightbox for the Photoshop session.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/19/2012 01:04PM by DavidSenesac.
avatar Re: Poppies along the Merced (BLM)
April 19, 2012 03:22PM
I'm not seeing an image and your http://www.davidsenesac.com site is coming up

Could not connect to remote server
Re: Poppies along the Merced (BLM)
April 23, 2012 12:38PM
Seems ok from any of my puters. Try it again.

avatar Re: Poppies along the Merced (BLM)
April 24, 2012 07:20PM
A shot like that makes you want to chase wildflowers all spring long. Maybe next year.
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