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Half Dome from the Four Mile Trail to Glacier Point, Yosemite National Park

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (60% of Full)


Re: By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan

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avatar By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan
April 30, 2012 02:50PM
From April 19th. The original image is 860 MB, not big by Giga-Pan standards, but big enough, 30 images at a focal length of only 35mm. The bridge is a 100% crop. This is a difficult location to shoot from. I used a specially modified bracket my friend made to mount on the railing so the camera could look down without seeing the railing. I still had to hang over the railing a bit to look through the camera.eye popping smiley

avatar Re: By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan
April 30, 2012 03:09PM
Really nice shot. Well Done!

"It is all very beautiful and magical here - a quality which cannot be described. You have to live it and breath it., let the sun bake it into you" - Ansel Adams
Re: By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan
April 30, 2012 05:01PM
Love the full image. What camera? I am wondering why the crop of the bridge isn't really sharp?
avatar Re: By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan
April 30, 2012 05:31PM
Love the full image. What camera?

Canon 450D


I am wondering why the crop of the bridge isn't really sharp?

17-85mm zoom lens. It's a compromise for hiking weight and expense. 35mm is marginal. 50 - 85mm is better but still not as good as a fixed focal length lens.
avatar Re: By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan
April 30, 2012 06:13PM
After posting the above I looked at other parts of the image and it looked sharper. Then I realized it might have to do with scaling the image during stitching. I looked at the original unaltered frame and sure enough, the image scale was much smaller. The stitched image was enlarged by 150%. I attached the same crop here from the original image and it looks much better.

This is the only pan I've ever tried that had to tilt up quite a bit and look almost straight down. The final row of images was just one field away from straight down. The stitching software really has to manhandle the images to get them to aligned.

avatar Re: By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan
April 30, 2012 07:44PM
Love the full image. What camera?

Canon 450D


I am wondering why the crop of the bridge isn't really sharp?

17-85mm zoom lens. It's a compromise for hiking weight and expense. 35mm is marginal. 50 - 85mm is better but still not as good as a fixed focal length lens.

I liked this pano a lot. Nice job.

But I'm wandering that if you had planned to shoot it at the 35mm focal length from the get go, then a fixed-focal-length 35mm wide-angle lens shouldn't have added that much weight, since they tend to be quite small and lightweight to start with. (Of course, one needs to own one or have access to one to make this advice practical.)

Still an excellent photo, especially capturing the lower portion of the falls by tilting your camera down over the rails.

avatar Re: By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan
May 02, 2012 08:36PM
I'm just not going to put a lot of money into a wide range of lenses. If I was to have a print made of that image at 150 dpi it would be 122" x 105". It would fill a wall and you'd still have view it from 6" to see all the detail. I'm not too concerned that the lens doesn't produce the highest resolution possible when viewing a tiny section at 100% on a computer display.

I had this image printed and it is mounted on my wall in five 28"x22" clip frames, 140" x 22".


It's a single row of about 20 images and printed at about 150 dpi. I have to get within 6"of it see the full resolution and it doesn't look soft. A big print is very impressive, almost like being there. smiling smiley
avatar Re: By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan
April 30, 2012 05:05PM
Thank you kind sir.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan
May 02, 2012 10:15PM
That was an excellent picture. Thanks for sharing it!
Re: By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan
May 03, 2012 06:19AM
Very nice. That is from Columbia Rock correct? From the actual overlook or further up the trail?

Found it "After Columbia Point you have just a couple more sandy switchbacks and then the trail will flatten out for nearly a mile with a bit of up and down until you get into the valley cut by Yosemite Creek. Here you get your first views of Upper Yosemite Fall. At this point, pay attention and look for a spur that goes off to the right where the trail turns left. This is the so-called "Oh My Gosh Point", a lookout with the best views on the entire trail and a rail protecting the vertiginous view (but hold onto your children!). From Oh My Gosh Point you will look straight down on Lower Yosemite Fall and straight across at the Upper Fall and see almost all of the middle cascade. Once back on the trail, you'll soon pass the middle winter closure gate. At that point you are almost exactly half way to the top by time. You also have a nice flat section with views of Upper Yosemite Fall."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/03/2012 06:31AM by Ataim.
Re: By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan
May 05, 2012 10:02AM
Is it from Columia Rock?
avatar Re: By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan
May 05, 2012 10:48PM

Is it from Columia Rock?


Oh My Gosh Point is on a small spur trail further up the trail and around the bend from Columbia Rock.

Re: By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan
January 23, 2017 03:30PM
Much inspiration received by reading you guys here. Many thanks.

I went up to "Oh My Gosh Point" last year to shoot a full 360° panoramic VR image of the scene. You can find it at: http://www.vrphotography.com/yosemitefalls/

Use your mouse to click and drag within the image in order to pan and tilt the view. You can also zoom in and out using the Shift and Option/Alt keys on your keyboard. The buttons at the bottom of the screen can be used for navigation, as well. For the best user experience, click on the Full Screen button (press ESC to return to normal viewing). On an iPad or other tablet/smart phone, you should be able to simply move the tablet/phone itself in order to change your viewing direction, and to pinch for zooming in/out.

Once you've had a look around, click on the red target above the top of Yosemite Falls to be transported to another 360° VR view shot from the top of the falls.

Both images were shot with the camera mounted on a long extension pole, in order to give a more interesting perspective from beyond the rail.

I'm in the process of planning a series of similar images from other classic viewpoints in the park. Suggestions are most welcome. Currently on the list: Half Dome summit / cable route, Nevada and Vernal Falls, Fern Ledge, Indian Rock, North Dome, etc.

Thanks again!

avatar Re: By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan
January 23, 2017 08:25PM
Very cool Scott! My suggestion would be Sierra Point...only place to see 5 waterfalls from one spot!
avatar Re: By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan
January 23, 2017 09:06PM
Unfortunately photosynth is going away... but... til then

Here's my Sierra Point:

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan
January 23, 2017 11:04PM
chick-on and qumqats... great suggestions. Eagle Peak and Eyehook Point I was unfamiliar with (nice pano, BTW). Is Eyehook Pt. readily accessible by foot, or does it require rope and pro? (I've seen some of your work from WWP, qumqats. Again, nice work!. Are you planning to do anything with your Virtual Yosemite domain?)

I'd also love to hear Tuolumne location recommendations, if you all have the chance. I'll add other areas of interest, i.e. Wawona, the sequoia groves, Hetch Hetchy, perhaps even areas around the park like Merced River Canyon features (Hite Cove and the like), etc. Not sure whether I want to expand to the east side... maybe down the road a ways.

chick-on... the pink chicken in your photosynth panorama reminds me of some friends back in my mountain rescue days (who should probably remain nameless) who made it a practice to anchor plastic pink flamingos on a hand full of classic climbing routes. Because when you're pumping hard trying to nail a 5.11 route, you should occasionally encounter a surprise that makes you smile (grin).

avatar Re: By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan
January 23, 2017 11:30PM
Do some googling on 'yosemite ledge trail'
Some would call it a death trap
This point is less than half way down and before the ledges that bring in the death part
NOT easy, very steep and overgrown since it's not much used anymore, but no need for rope or pro
( my subjective opinion, YMMV ! )
research, ask, know your limit, be safe, come back from your trip!

p.s. search for user qumqats on gigapan.org
p.p.s.s. This is bringing back memories of past trips and abandoned projects. I should get back into this stuff!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2017 11:35PM by qumqats.
Re: By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan
January 23, 2017 11:56PM
Thanks qumqats. I did look at other trip reports on the Ledge Trail. Decided pretty quickly it's not worth the risk for me, particularly since I travel solo a lot. Also saw your gigapans. What's not to like in Yosemite...

avatar Re: By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan
January 23, 2017 09:15PM
Taft Point and the Fissures, Eagle Peak, Knifes edge and diving board area on HD west shoulder, Eyehook Point ( my name for it ) ( partway down Ledge Trail from Glacier Point), Glacier Point, Panorama Point, Quarter Domes, . . . and thats' only around the Valley, and then there's all the stuff around Tuolumne Meadows

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2017 09:20PM by qumqats.
avatar Re: By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan
January 24, 2017 04:24PM
Thanks for posting this. I used this to scout our Sunnyside Bench to Fern Ledge scramble a few years ago. Makes a nice loop when the water is low. You can cross under the falls and come back down via the Falls trail.
avatar Re: By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan
January 24, 2017 07:40PM
Thanks for posting this. I used this to scout our Sunnyside Bench to Fern Ledge scramble a few years ago. Makes a nice loop when the water is low. You can cross under the falls and come back down via the Falls trail.

That sounds like a nice route!

I've been across Sunnyside Bench a few times and it's quite a Gem! although I'm not sure about doing it early season when everything up there is wet. Not a place to have a slip!
However the route to Fern Ledge I have yet to find. Could you give some tips on where to go from Sunnyside Bench? I haven't found anything that seemed reasonable going UP

Re: By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan
January 26, 2017 10:02AM
That does sound like an incredible hike. I hope Boomtown will favor us with
a trip report or a link to one.
avatar Re: By Chick-on Request: Oh My Gosh Pan
February 19, 2017 06:40PM
Amazing photo! I have no desire to hike to the top of Upper Yosemite Fall again, but I really want to get to Oh My Gosh Point! Great work!
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