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Re: Budd Lake

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Budd Lake
May 25, 2012 03:14PM
i have a dream...... well, a plan anyway -- i understand that there's a trail from the JMT/120 up the Budd Lake outlet/creek from tm to said lake? considering camping at budd lake. i then plan on humping over the saddle on the south side of cath peak to upper cath lake -- doable/nice or not? -- i'm really just looking for ways to do some cross country (and avoid the masses) around tm/cath lakes trail section as i round the northern-most part of my loop next month. muchas gracias, amigos!
avatar Re: Budd Lake
May 25, 2012 03:29PM
Keep Dreamin'

You CANNOT camp at Budd Lake. Period.

You have to be OVER the CREST. If you are still going uphill or level... then you are not far enough.

Trail discussed here:

And something about not camping at Budd just mentioned here:

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Budd Lake
May 25, 2012 04:32PM
Try the next one---Elizabeth Lake. There is a trail up to that one that pretty much continues all the way over the ridge, and then over to Nelson Lake...where it is legal to camp!

There's a post on our website about it

Check our our website: http://www.backpackthesierra.com/
Or just read a good mystery novel set in the Sierra; https://www.amazon.com/Danger-Falling-Rocks-Paul-Wagner/dp/0984884963
avatar Re: Budd Lake
May 25, 2012 05:15PM
To be clear... no camping at Elizabeth or "Johnson" Lake either.

No campfires allowed at Nelson, Reymann or either Cathedral.

EDIT: Just a suggestion... if you are going to say "check out my website"... maybe can you just put a direct link to what you are talking about.

Chick-on is looking at you!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/25/2012 05:46PM by chick-on.
Re: Budd Lake
May 25, 2012 08:10PM
You mean like the link in my signature?

Good idea. :^)

Or you can go to the destinations page, and explore all the hikes in this area: https://sites.google.com/site/backpackthesierra/home/destinations/hikes-by-highway/g-highway-120-tioga-pass

Check our our website: http://www.backpackthesierra.com/
Or just read a good mystery novel set in the Sierra; https://www.amazon.com/Danger-Falling-Rocks-Paul-Wagner/dp/0984884963

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/25/2012 08:27PM by balzaccom.
Re: Budd Lake
May 26, 2012 05:06AM
thanks guys, i guess i should consult a proper map (showing 'no camping zones') when i awake from my 'dreams' -- my bad. however, is the route still a good one?
avatar Re: Budd Lake
May 26, 2012 03:31PM
You were suppose to read the entire thread of:

But yes, it is a great route.

And here are a couple of photos from the saddle:

I got more... but I'm outta here for a week... so you'll have to dream them up.
tongue sticking out smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Budd Lake
May 28, 2012 10:59AM
as always, thanx chick!
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