Listen to basil.
A few other comments / additions. The tarn he speaks of is a sweet little spot.
My only complaint is that as of 2009 a bunch of yahoos had to build a firepit
up there above 9600. Perhaps it's all cleaned up and back to the way it should be.
Would have cleaned up the area last time was there but we just went thru
a 8 hour rainstorm so we were more interested in just packing ourselves up.
Anyway... McGee. Yeah. Well... if you look at this VERY recent thread:,56017,56135#msg-56135Well.. those last 2 photos... that is where I slept. Actually I think it trumps the tarn.
But... I had the luxury of recent snowfall and not having to lug up water from McGee.
(then again I was just a lazy butt at that point and it's really not THAT far)
Ten Lakes is in the same realm with me... slept at the lakes a couple of times...
but Colby and Grant trump them as places to sleep in my noggin.
A couple of the lakes have great backdrops though so there is some great sites there.
I personally tend to zig the heck away from where I know eveyone else is gonna be.
Near the tarn is a fairly easy trek up to Tuolumne Peak. I've taken noobs up there so
IMHO almost anyone can get up there from the tarn.
On the last day you could take z wifie up to Lukens and hang for a bit... then have
her go out Lukens TH and you go get the car from WW ... or not.
(the out from Lukens SHOULD be trivial and foolproof... ) (but... YMMV)

Snow won't be any issue really... and the crossing of SF Cath should be easy too.
Camping down there would not be high on my list due to probably buggy situation.
(camping atop domes and ridges and places is high on my list too)
Hope this helps
Have fun

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/10/2012 07:51AM by chick-on.