I'll be staying in Yosemite during July 4th week and snagged a few sites in Toulumne Meadows and a single day in the valley. We also snagged tickets for Half dome cables and are planning on summitting the dome at dawn. While trying to figure out how we could coordinate leaving from the valley and returning to Toulumne at night I came upon a website that suggested hiking from Tenaya Lake to Clouds Rest to Half Dome and down to the Valley. This could potentially work.
The last time I summitted Half Dome I left the valley at 2am in the morning on a new moon. It was dark but my eyes adjusted soon enough and there was enough light reflected from the stars that I went w/o lighting starting from little yosemite valley till dawn. We weren't planning on summitting the dome before dawn but noticed climbers ascending the cables somewhere around the junction for clouds rest. We tried to move faster but ended up missing sunrise by about 45min.
This time our group is planning on summitting HD before dawn but are having some logistic issues about not spending too much time away from the family. We have no problem leaving at night but since we're staying in Toulumne meadows we would either have to spend the night in the valley or leave toulumne meadows around 11pm so that we can be at happy isles around 12am.
Maybe Leaving from Tenaya makes more sense? Should we leave at night around the same time (12am) to make the summit before dawn? We can tuck in our wives in bed (don't have to sleep in the valley and/or avoid driving at night ). Rather than summitting Half dome we can summit clouds rest ( are we missing out on this change of plans ) and summit half dome later in the day ( will the cables be crowded by than or our we OK because of the 300 limit ). we also have a waterfront campsite in North Pines that the wives will be at. What time would we have to leave Tenaya Lake area to summit clouds rest so that we are on the summit before dawn. Sunrise is at 5:41. And how many hours will it take us to reach Half Dome from Clouds rest?
Any other advice/maps would be appreciated. I.E. Is the trail from Tenaya Lake to clouds rest difficult to navigate at night? Also has anyone horsebacked from the stables in the valley and out of Toulumne Meadows. Can anyone give advice on the differences?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/13/2012 06:19PM by limonjelly.