Any of we older enthusiasts that have extensively backpacked in both timberline and alpine areas of Yosemite and the High Sierra are well aware that one of the continuing most widespread illegal behaviors of apparently many backcountry users is illegally building fire rings and making camp fires. In most areas illegal means building fire rings and making fires above policy elevations that in Yosemite is 9600 feet and generally in the rest of the High Sierra either 10000 or 10400 feet. Doing so below those elevations is usually acceptable though during dangerous dry hot periods policy may not permit so or discourage the practice.
If one visits any web boards like this rarely will one find anyone that actually admits to it. Instead most experienced backpackers readily state that they either infrequenty make fires even where such is permited or never do so. So WHO are these people making fires? WHY are they ignoring policy? WHAT are they thinking to rationalize their behavior?
For years I've been tearing down illegal fire rings, scattering rocks and coals. Oh I don't dismantle every one I see because there are so many I don't have the time. But on every backpack I do several and tend to pick on the ones at illegal campsites too close to lake edges. That is of course maybe the second most ignored policy by backpackers, using camp spots too close to lakes. And of course the same visitors that make illegal campfires are also the ones likely to camp too close to lakes. Shows a general behavior pattern of course. Ignoring policy is of course rife in our society and starts with people ignoring traffic regulations like speeding because they are unpractically too low. That same attitude in weak minds festers its way to all manner of law breaking.
I'm also a person that will readily talk to groups in the backcountry that I see with illegal campfires or using illegal camp spots. That of course takes tact where one ought not at all display any emotion or attitude else a response is likely to be aggressive. My strategy is usually to first slyly take a digital camera image of what is going on from a distance. Then I'll walk up and casually ask if a group has a wilderness permit and then if they are aware of the fire elevation policy. Most of the time people are rather surprised someone actually will bring up the issue and are obviously rather embarassed. I leave it up to people to either continue to do whatever or not on their own without further pressure. Of course most will quickly put out any fire and that likely has an additional benefit of them being much less likely to make illegal fires in the future since they are now aware they don't only have to worry about wilderness rangers that are so scarce in current times but also that they may be embarassed by their peers.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/14/2012 10:44AM by DavidSenesac.