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Re: Fairview from Medicott Dome

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avatar Fairview from Mariuolumne Dome
August 20, 2012 01:05PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/21/2012 12:55PM by yosemitejim.
avatar Re: Fairview from Medicott Dome
August 21, 2012 06:50AM
Tanks for Sharon

But ... um... The title in the post.. um... you can't see Fairview from Medlicott Dome.
Looks to me that you are on the south flanks of Mariuolumne Dome
smiling smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Fairview from Medicott Dome
August 21, 2012 11:11AM
This pan was taken from the top of Medlicott Dome. Isn't that Fairview Dome in the middle?

avatar Re: Fairview from Medicott Dome
August 21, 2012 12:50PM
Looks like the pan isn't at the very top of Medicott. Maybe you can just see Fairview from part way up.
avatar Re: Fairview from Medicott Dome
August 21, 2012 01:51PM
It is from the top. I know it's deceptive looking, but the foreground granite is actually sloping down from the top. This was taken on Oct. 15, 2010. My friend was set up at the north end of the top area and I was set up at the south end. These two pans were also taken from the top while I was there.


avatar Re: Fairview from Medicott Dome
August 21, 2012 12:41PM
I guess you're right. I thought it was all part of Medicott. A lot of maps just show Medicott and leave Mariuolumne un-named. Do you have a good map showing all of the domes in the area?
avatar Re: Fairview from Medicott Dome
August 21, 2012 12:47PM
http://www.closedcontour.com/ (the link to this website is also listed at the bottom of this website's webpages) shows the different names of the respective domes once you zoom in on its topo map.

avatar Re: Fairview from Medicott Dome
August 21, 2012 12:51PM
Very cool.
avatar Re: Fairview from Medicott Dome
August 21, 2012 12:54PM
That map even shows East and West Dolly Domes.
avatar Re: Fairview from Medicott Dome
August 21, 2012 01:25PM
It's missing Obelisk Peak though. wink
avatar Re: Fairview from Medicott Dome
August 21, 2012 02:39PM
It is strangely missing Cockscomb Peak.
avatar Re: Fairview from Medicott Dome
August 21, 2012 08:25PM
Well... the truth of that matter is.... I gave that guy the co-ords and names
of those... and he put them in. I was more than happy to give him
some corrections on trails too... but he seemed not so excited about it...
so I gave up... thus South Whizz and Hammer Dome aren't on there..
(if you think I'm pulling your leg... search for "Billy Dome" ) wink
(or I can find the thread on this board with that info in it... ) tongue sticking out smiley

Z Domes in Question:

Closed Contour Map

Technically none of Calaveras Photos are from Medlicott (it has an L in it)...
they are from the unnamed dome SE of Medlicott Proper.
The top of Medlicott is really pretty unimpressive as far as a dome goes.

Drumroll peas and carrots:

Tanks for Sharon all

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Fairview from Medicott Dome
August 22, 2012 11:12AM
Okay. I understand what you're saying. Sometimes it's hard to pin down exactly what people mean when they use certain names. I've seen a number of people refer to the peak we photographed from as part of Medlicott Dome and I used that.
avatar Re: Fairview from Medicott Dome
August 22, 2012 03:15PM
Okay. I understand what you're saying. Sometimes it's hard to pin down exactly what people mean when they use certain names. I've seen a number of people refer to the peak we photographed from as part of Medlicott Dome and I used that.

It's often times kinda goofy. Your Tarn-2 picture. That Dome. IMO that should definitely have a name.
But I don't know and don't think it does... Yet a very obscure "dome" NE of Mariuolumne does... Drug.
Go figure. Pretty sure it has a lot to do with the rock climbing community.
There's just a load of great domes in the TM area...

Next time you are near a wilderness center ask for a "Rock Climbing" brochure with "Yosemite Climbing Areas" map in it.
It has a nice map with rock climbing areas labelled including many of the domes.
Five Open Books, Swan Slab, Manure Pile, Shultz's Ridge, Little Wing Area...
etc. All marked on the map.

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Fairview from Medicott Dome
August 22, 2012 09:03PM
. . . snip . . .

Next time you are near a wilderness center ask for a "Rock Climbing" brochure with "Yosemite Climbing Areas" map in it.
It has a nice map with rock climbing areas labelled including many of the domes.
Five Open Books, Swan Slab, Manure Pile, Shultz's Ridge, Little Wing Area...
etc. All marked on the map.

Have fun

how many of those are climbers names for places that have a different official name?

for instance Manure Pile is also Ranger Rock . . .
avatar Re: Fairview from Medicott Dome
August 23, 2012 12:36AM
And South Dome is called Half Dome!
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