ever since walking by it many years ago and then subsequently
reading about Muir's traverse through it with Galen Clark and
another companion in his "The Yosemite" book.
Been either rained/snowed out in previous years or other stuff
came up. Got my window to go last weekend.
The shortest way thru the gorge is only about 6/10ths of a mile.
(there is no need to take the bypass trail down to the river unless
you really want to)
There are not many dropoffs and most of the trek is fairly simple
boulder hoping. A couple of swim spots are present... and no
matter how much water is not flowing... there is one long swim
which is a good 100 yards with water probably 30-40 ft. deep.
I had my backpack and a couple of dry bags. It turns out dry
bags make your backpack into an excellent personal
flotation device.

Some photos for your enjoyment:
Muir Gorge from trail (looking east-ish):
Near Start (looking west):
First definitive "you are getting your flipper wet" spot:
Long swim section(looking west):
In 3D:
Looking back (looking east):
An improved trail around the Muir Gorge had been one of John Muir's greatest wishes. The Sierra Club installed a register
at Muir Gore prior to the improved trail being completed. I didn't stumble upon a registry. Probably it has been removed
and very unlikely that it was in the Gorge itself.
When Muir did the gorge with Clark they left their provisions and blankets behind after exiting the gorge and going further up canyon.
When they returned the next day they found their belongings intact, unlike myself.

I would do the gorge again. Hopefully someday can take the wife through it.
Have fun

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/26/2012 07:25AM by chick-on.