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Re: Mirror Lake Blasting

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avatar Mirror Lake Blasting
October 05, 2012 02:08PM
Yosemite Trail Crew will be blasting on the south side of the Mirror Lake trail below Ahwiyah Pt. on Wednesday, October 10 , 2012. They will be performing 2 separate blasts and will be closing the area from 6:00 AM until approximately 2:30 PM. This part of the trail is currently closed to entry due to trail reconstruction and rockfall hazard. They will slightly expand the closure to 1,000 feet beyond the rock fall area for the day of the blasts. The area of the trail on the North side of Mirror Lake directly across from the blast will be closed briefly during the initiation of the two blasts. Other than a brief noise, there should little impact to park visitors from this work. They plan to initiate the two blasts at 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM.
Re: Mirror Lake Blasting
October 07, 2012 12:14PM
Have these been subsequent blasts to previous ones or have they been delaying their initial blasting? Any reports on what they've accomplished if they have been able to blast earlier?
avatar Re: Mirror Lake Blasting
October 07, 2012 05:21PM
Have these been subsequent blasts to previous ones or have they been delaying their initial blasting? Any reports on what they've accomplished if they have been able to blast earlier?

I've been wondering myself.
avatar Re: Mirror Lake Blasting
October 13, 2012 12:38PM
Is this going to result in reconstructing the Mirror Lake Loop Trail?
For that matter are they every going to rebuild the bridge below Mirror Lake? It sure made the Loop a lot easier to do/access.
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