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A Yosemite bear

The Moon is Waxing Crescent (13% of Full)


Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan

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avatar A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 04, 2013 08:56PM

Brought my water bed with me. wink

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 04, 2013 09:16PM
HOw many nights out of the year do you think you sleep outdoors?
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 04, 2013 09:36PM
HOw many nights out of the year do you think you sleep outdoors?

isn't there a rule that if an object is left in a park for X amount of time then it gains historic value and can't be removed? I think pretty soon most of us here won't be allowed to leave the park as we've been there so long smiling smiley

and that is a very neat photo

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/2013 09:38PM by marmot.
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 05, 2013 07:07AM
Well... my only request in death is to have my ashes spread in the park.
Someplace nice. With a view.
I told Z wifie Volunteer... but I kinda think that won't happen.
Might have to settle for GP area. Someplace she can drive to.

Ryan, uh... you probably don't really want to know.

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 05, 2013 06:50PM
Well... my only request in death is to have my ashes spread in the park.
Someplace nice. With a view.
I told Z wifie Volunteer... but I kinda think that won't happen.
Might have to settle for GP area. Someplace she can drive to.

Ryan, uh... you probably don't really want to know.

my guess is around 115
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 04, 2013 09:22PM
Very nice shot!

Did you capture a night shot with the lights of Turlock and Patterson in the distance? smiling smiley
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 05, 2013 07:11AM
I did. But it's not that great. Got up at the wee hour of 8pm and took a few.
Took a wee too.

Got incredibly cold up there. Nearly freezing.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 05, 2013 10:54AM
Brought my water bed with me. wink

That would explain where all the snow went, from around that pine. wink
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 05, 2013 11:43AM
Melted that with my propane heater.

Seriously though... snow conditions were pretty nice out there ... at least it was a whole lotta
fun going up ridonkulously steep terain on snow shoes and not worrying. Unfortunately it also turns out
that snow shoes actually wear out... now trying to figure out if still under warranty from MSR.
Maybe shoulda posted under "Extreme Snow-shoes-ing" tongue sticking out smiley

Have fun

I'll post a few more photos if the Webmasta ever gets around to more Snow Cone pictures.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 14, 2013 07:19PM
Dang. Gotta Love MSR.

Sent in snowshoes... and new ones arrive in the mail a few days later.

Thrashed set o shoes I figured they would say was "normal" wear and tear:

New set just arrived (total cost to me $11.64 to send them to Seattle)

Yeah Baby

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 15, 2013 12:35AM
very nice, that worked out great smiling smiley and only $11.64 for shipping isn't bad at all! The tiny paperback books i order off amazon cost more than that for shipping (well they offer free shipping too but that takes too long smiling smiley ) those look like some great snowshoes

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/15/2013 12:36AM by marmot.
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 15, 2013 07:18PM
(well they offer free shipping too but that takes too long smiling smiley )

Not for my Kindle winking smiley
Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 05, 2013 05:05PM
Nice shot! I wish I'd decided to stay there overnight instead of doing just a trip on Saturday... This does at least explain the odd flash of pink I saw coming from the top of El Cap just around sunset.
Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 05, 2013 05:07PM
Do you go up the Yosemite Falls trail to get there this time of year?
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 05, 2013 07:33PM
Mentioned it elsewhere... but yeah. Up Yose Falls... over to Eagle Tower... over to El Cap.
Skipped Eagle on Saturday due to it being so overcast and Sunday was suppose to
be gorgeous... so wanted to go back same way instead of original plan of OBOFR down.
So up Eagle Peak and Tower and down Yose Falls on Sunday.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 05, 2013 07:31PM
Send in the clown?

Eagle Peak on SUPER Bowl Sunday
Sorry Niners, Birds Rule!
tongue sticking out smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 05, 2013 07:34PM
Nice shot! I wish I'd decided to stay there overnight instead of doing just a trip on Saturday... This does at least explain the odd flash of pink I saw coming from the top of El Cap just around sunset.

Post link to ur pictures turkey. ... or I will.
tongue sticking out smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 05, 2013 06:59PM
I'd have thought the tree would be inside the circus tent...

Cool campsite sunset.
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 06, 2013 07:55AM
A few more:



Sunset one way:

Sunset the other:

And irritated took too many photos and only battery died before could get this same shot in 3D on Sunday:

When get Eagle Tower with Yose Falls in full force... then I'll post a progression.

Have fun out there

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 06, 2013 10:16AM
Thanks for posting these. They're all gorgeous.


And irritated took too many photos and only battery died before could get this same shot in 3D on Sunday:

The trees on this one really pop out in 3D. Well done!

Considering how many photos you always take, you might consider carrying an extra one of these. I know you like to travel light, but it really won't add too much extra weight to your pack. wink


(It's also the OEM battery for the Lumix LX7)
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 06, 2013 11:49AM
I have 4 of them... not sure how... but took a couple hundred photos...
Usually don't need 2 batts for 2 days...

Chick-on is looking at you!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/06/2013 11:49AM by chick-on.
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 06, 2013 12:48PM
Probably the cold weather diminished their performance. Warming them up can extended their charge (and get several of more shots from them).

I have the same problem with Nikon rechargeable batteries for my DSLR. In very cold weather I'll keep my spare batteries in my shirt pocket to keep them warm.

avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 06, 2013 12:57PM
Perhaps a bit... but it wasn't all that cold.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 06, 2013 01:42PM
My experience w/ the Nikon recharables is it doesn't have to be all that cold, I had a sluggish recharable on this trip in October, when it was just around freezing. Warming the battery in my hand worked.
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 06, 2013 07:25PM
OK... the actual number was 508 photos and 3 videos.

I'd say that that's not that bad for 1 battery.

In other words... I took a whole lot more pictures than I figured I would.

Even for my GPS I used Eneloop rechargables... and they perform quite well all year...
Once they are warmed up they work just fine.

And seriously, it didn't get cold. If water bottle doesn't freeze at night... it's not cold.

Chick-on is looking at you!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/06/2013 07:28PM by chick-on.
Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 06, 2013 09:29AM
Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 06, 2013 09:55AM
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 07, 2013 12:47PM
Great stuff as usual.

You know you're from Wisconsin if...
....If water bottle doesn't freeze at night... it's not cold.

Couldn't resist. Had a talk with a friend back in Milwaukee about that exact subject last night
Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 07, 2013 03:54PM
You know you are from Pennsylvania when it is so cold that when you inhale your nostrils stick together.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/07/2013 03:55PM by parklover.
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 07, 2013 08:20PM
You know you are from Pennsylvania when it is so cold that when you inhale your nostrils stick together.

holy moly, does that really happen?? eye popping smiley
Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 07, 2013 08:45PM
Yes it does, I have had it happen to me several times when I was in college and had to walk across campus in a blizzard in -10 degree weather.
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 08, 2013 07:30AM
You know you are from Pennsylvania when it is so cold that when you inhale your nostrils stick together.

Wouldn't that be... "You know its #$!!$# cold if when you inhale your nostrils stick together"
I still don't know where you are from.
tongue sticking out smiley

Never had this happen to me. I was a smart birdy in college. Wore a T-shirt, flannel shirt, and jean jacket in winter.
In winter... I just plan route to class by going THRU as many buildings as possible.
The wife tells this story to this day... so you get it too. smiling smiley

Have fun (and I would have given you me up at Trumbull... but I have yet to see Henness Towa)

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 08, 2013 07:32AM
Well... to be correct... I've been to Henness... haven't seen ur faux toe...
tongue sticking out smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 07, 2013 10:04PM
Chick-on, what kind of camera do you use? Love these pictures (and the others you post).

I ask because I just got a fancy new Sony for Xmas that takes 3D pics. It's smaller and lighter than my old Canon A590, but lacks a view finder, which I like using because it saves batteries. It also takes those fancy lithium ion batteries that cost a lot of money.
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 08, 2013 07:26AM
KC, Tanks

Right now I'm using Panasonic Lumix-LX7

Having a view finder saves some battery, sure. But I am certain that in very little time
you will come to the realization that the screen is actually a whole lot better than
the view finder. I felt the same way but after using a screen change my opinion.
With a view finder... you're not sure exactly what you got. With a preview screen
you can see it... and maybe try again and adjust the lighting.
As far as batteries... the electronics inside the cam are being designed to be
lower power and the batteries themselves are getting better and the mfgs
are shoving more mAh on them.
One other thing which I've read about screens is the polarization. The only
issue that I have seen with this with sunglasses is when you turn the camera
vertical. Then you have to push your glasses down your nose to see the
screen. In normal orientation... no problem.
Soooooo.... enjoy your new camera and click away.

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: A Circus Tent on El Capitan
February 08, 2013 07:36AM
Forgot... was gonna comment on the 3D and Panorama modes in the cams.
Both are honestly not that great. I have serious doubts you would get the
Yose falls photo above in 3D mode. In my playing with it... it's only good for
close up objects... and then the photo resolution is pretty poor.
Panorama is also pretty poor as far as resolution. And I have seen just
too much banding to make it worthwhile to burn battery on.
Certainly you can take some cool pix in those modes. But hopefully the
cam mfgs will greatly improve them over time.

Have fun playing around

Chick-on is looking at you!
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