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Pothole Dome (Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite National Park)

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (73% of Full)


Re: Horsetail Falls

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avatar Horsetail Falls
February 05, 2013 09:50AM
Anyone planning on going there this month to see if they can get a photo of it? (where it looks like lava coming down when the sun hits it)... i hope someone on this site has info as to the days it will happen as i'd like to be there. i've done this a number of years ago and got a pretty good photo once, but i'd love to do it again (this time with a good camera lol).

typically it is between the 2nd & 3rd weeks in Feb... but ya just never know exactly what days.
Re: Horsetail Falls
February 05, 2013 10:56AM
Michael Frye did extensive research and says the 16th through 24th. Google to find his blog.
avatar Re: Horsetail Falls
February 06, 2013 11:23AM
One never knows that exact dates beforehand because it's very dependent on the weather. No clouds can be blocking the sun from lighting up Horsetail Fall (even clouds way off in the horizon) at the right moment.

Often in February the clouds do, even on days that appear to be mostly cloud free.
Re: Horsetail Falls
February 10, 2013 08:02PM
I'm planning to be there later this week. Anyone know if the water is currently flowing?
avatar Re: Horsetail Falls
February 10, 2013 08:04PM
Yes it's flowing.

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Horsetail Falls
February 11, 2013 07:45PM
Not much today.
avatar Re: Horsetail Falls
February 11, 2013 09:56PM

Not much today.

Probably because it was too cold today and a lot of its water had frozen over. A warming spell would help increase the water's flow.

Re: Horsetail Falls
February 13, 2013 05:03PM
It's supposed to warm up this weekend, and I'll be up there with several friends hoping for a decent shot. I was up last Friday, right after it snowed, and it was flowing pretty well. During the past two years, I've never been able to actually SEE the falls from the valley floor, but on Friday, you could seem them very easily from just beyond the El Cap picnic area. My only fear now is that everything will melt off and mot much will be left flowing. I guess we'll find out in a couple of days. smiling smiley Here's my shot from last year without much flow:

Horsetail Falls, 2012

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 02/13/2013 05:09PM by MtSacProf.
avatar Re: Horsetail Falls
February 13, 2013 06:39PM
v kewl


Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Horsetail Falls
February 13, 2013 06:42PM
Not flowing at all today or yesterday. Weekend might be better as it warms up.
avatar Re: Horsetail Falls
February 14, 2013 12:13AM
It wasn't flowing on Tuesday evening (frozen solid) but Wednesday was warmer and a very small stream of water was going over the fall.

Too bad there wasn't more water going over the brink on Tuesday & Wednesday since the lighting was perfect.

avatar Re: Horsetail Falls
February 15, 2013 09:55AM
I was there at the Southside Drive location Wednesday and didn't see much. So the problem was too little water? We could see some water going over the falls and some mist but I guess there was too little water. I have no experience to judge what's a little or a lot of water in that falls.
avatar Re: Horsetail Falls
February 15, 2013 10:02AM
Yes, the problem has been very little water flowing, and even the amount of water that was flowing was just dripping down along the frozen ice (basically no spray or mist at all).

Simply put, Horsetail Fall has been one giant icicle this past several days. But with the weather warming up, the ice will start melting at a faster rate (hopefully).
Re: Horsetail Falls
February 14, 2013 12:44AM
Precipitation is in the forecast for next Tues, & possibly Wed.
avatar Re: Horsetail Falls
February 15, 2013 06:26PM
If one likes watching paint dry, here's an HD video I took of El Capitan and Horsetail fall while the exquisite light turned nicely orange-red before fading out.

The light was there, unfortunately most of the water wasn't. There was a small sliver of water going over the fall clinging in most part to the icy wall of El Capitan with only a very small free fall near the top.

Great light + almost no water = equal boring video. (But I shot it, so I decided to post it.) Enjoy:

Re: Horsetail Falls
February 15, 2013 07:14PM
I tried to capture it last night, but like you said, it was barely flowing. The light was great and if there had been water, it would have been really nice. I will post the shot I got when I finish downloading them all.
avatar Re: Horsetail Falls
February 15, 2013 07:47PM
It wasn't a total loss though...

Great light on Horsetail Fall = Great light on Sentinel Rock.

Re: Horsetail Falls
February 16, 2013 04:49PM
Even without much flow, the various colors are still fascinating.
Re: Horsetail Falls
February 16, 2013 05:35PM
Could this be Horsetail Falls? Photo taken from Sentinel Dome on Wednesday 02/13/13 around 5:30 pm.
Re: Horsetail Falls
February 16, 2013 06:15PM
Could this be Horsetail Falls? Photo taken from Sentinel Dome on Wednesday 02/13/13 around 5:30 pm.

Looks like it to me, great job. I've wondered what the view would be like from there. Did you camp on the dome, or hike back out?
Re: Horsetail Falls
February 17, 2013 09:54AM
Camped on Sentinel Dome.
Re: Horsetail Falls
February 17, 2013 12:32PM
Camped on Sentinel Dome.
Which is illegal, right?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2013 12:33PM by hotrod4x5.
Re: Horsetail Falls
February 17, 2013 04:57PM
Perfectly legal in winter.

Discussed my plans in detail with the ranger at Badger Pass when I got my wilderness permit. Only concern was human waste disposal, but as there was a vault toilet at the Sentinel Dome parking area, I used that.
Re: Horsetail Falls
February 17, 2013 06:25PM
How far is the walk from Badger Pass parking to the trailhead for Sentinel?
Re: Horsetail Falls
February 17, 2013 06:40PM
It is about 9 or 10 miles skiing along Glacier Point road from Badger Pass to the area that in the summer is the parking for Sentinel Dome. Then it is a mile or so hike or ski from there up to the top of Sentinel Dome.
Re: Horsetail Falls
February 17, 2013 07:13PM
It is about 9 or 10 miles skiing along Glacier Point road from Badger Pass to the area that in the summer is the parking for Sentinel Dome. Then it is a mile or so hike or ski from there up to the top of Sentinel Dome.
Oh wow, I thought it was 10 miles all the way down to GP.
Re: Horsetail Falls
February 17, 2013 11:24PM
Nice. I've gotta do that sometime. Well, time for some minor packing for tomorrow. Will try to get in a couple of hikes to go along with Da Show. If it's too crowded, I might skip it and spend quality time elsewhere.
avatar Re: Horsetail Falls
February 20, 2013 07:08AM
Camped on Sentinel Dome.
If you did that Sat. night... then it twas your twinkiling lights I saw from afar.
smiling smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Horsetail Falls
February 16, 2013 04:49PM
Last year I was able to get a spot in the famed picnic area at 4:30-ish, but that was on a Tues or Wed. I might decide to head out there tomorrow - probably need to be a little more punctual for a Sunday. Particularly on a 3-day weekend. Not sure whether I wanna try out a location from Southside Drive. Who has had experience from those spots?
Re: Horsetail Falls
February 18, 2013 04:45PM
My wife and I were at the base of El Cap Saturday night. The light was amazing but the water was negligible (at least from our angle). I suggested a couple of times that we move to a more obtuse angle but she was happy (and that's more important than taking a picture).Horsetail Falls (without the water)
avatar Re: Horsetail Falls
March 31, 2013 05:26PM
Here's the best shot I got of Horsetail Fall this year. Not a whole lot of water (even less than last year).

It was taken on Sunday evening, Feb. 17th around 5:45 PM:
Re: Horsetail Falls
April 01, 2013 04:57AM
Happily, there apear to be no other landmarks in the park that
make reference to a horse's anatomy.
Re: Horsetail Falls
April 01, 2013 08:43AM
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