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Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D

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avatar Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 10, 2013 07:21AM
April 6 is a special day for me. smiling smiley

Took a zillion photos and a zillion photosynths on our way to and fro Emeric Lake.
Snowed a wee bit.... into my tent... blew so hard the wifey bailed on the hammock
one night... well mainly b/c the underblanket was filling up with snow.
Anywho. Haven't done much on the photos yet... just RPP and the one above...

Was inspired by chief to do a 3D bridge... Here's Emerald Pool bridge with my darling on it:

Merced Lake unfrozen is pretty crazy for right now.
Unlike this:

Going thru a zillion photos...

Chick-on is looking at you!

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 10, 2013 09:10AM
I'm recovering from a hernia surgery or I'd be up on this trip right about now as well (kind of an annual thing for me). Sweet! Can't wait to see your pictures. (I rarely make it to Emeric day hiking from Echo Valley or Merced Lake.)
Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 10, 2013 09:10AM
I've read in a few places the snowpack is concentrated above 8k elevation (where it's supposedly at around 70% of normal) but below that tails off rapidly. It's kinda shocking to see it like that at 7k elevation this early.

Thanks for the pics!
Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 10, 2013 09:24AM
Got to use my glasses! Great pics...the bridge, though, really illustrates the 3D effect
avatar Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 10, 2013 11:55AM
One thing I love is to see the difference.... a day makes:

Babcock Dome on Sunday on our way to Emeric:

Hiking back out on Monday:

Still playing with the photosynths...

Gonna take awhile...

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avatar Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 10, 2013 01:24PM
Thanks for the photos. Those 3D ones really pop out. Great job you did on those.
avatar Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 10, 2013 05:46PM
Took far too many photos... (thanks peter... it's your fault)

A Photosynth pre-storm of Emeric/Fletcher Confluence:

A Photosynth post-storm of Emeric/Fletcher Confluence:

Pre-storm 360 view of Emeric Lake and Fletcher Mdw/Creek:

Fletcher Creek/Meadow post-storm:


Did about 20 others...

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avatar Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 11, 2013 06:37PM
What kind of snow shoes is wifey wearing? They look really narrow.
avatar Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 11, 2013 09:14PM
What kind of snow shoes is wifey wearing? They look really narrow.
Those are womens MSR Lightning Ascents. The womens shoes are indeed much narrower than the mens.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 10, 2013 07:53PM
Pretty cool, thanks for posting these! (saw the 3Ds,have to upgrade Silverlight before Firefox will tell me its safe to see the Photysynths...)

Did you make it to Tuolumne Meadows, or circle around the Cathedral Range?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2013 07:55PM by ttilley.
avatar Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 10, 2013 10:05PM
Did you make it to Tuolumne Meadows, or circle around the Cathedral Range?
Never planned to go to Tuolumne. Did have it in mind to go to Bernice... but instead went
to Emeric b/c had ulterior motive of climbing Babcock Dome (didn't happen due to
desire to not get flippers wet) and z wifie had never been there... and knew that a storm
that was gonna be windy was forecast... and also hiking uphill carrying snowshoes is
a whole lot easier than with them on your feet... so up to Emeric crossing Fletcher and Emeric
at the confluence... camp at Emeric and back out and around... or simply:
Day 1 up Mist to Echo and climb "Merced Dome"
Day 2 up to Emeric and climb "Emeric Dome"
Day 3 back out to Bunnell Pt. Valley
Day 4 down Mist and home

Another of Babcock Dome... the snow doesn't stick long...

Plenty of snow up high... but you need to go pretty high... pretty darn high...

Merced River Canyon never disappoints... Mentioned it a few times before... if had to do "groundhog day" hike... it's one I could do...
Even gone so far as saying the hike up to Merced Lake trumps some other big rock hike.

It's always better in person... it's almost sensory overload...

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 10, 2013 10:27PM

Even gone so far as saying the hike up to Merced Lake trumps some other big rock hike.

Better than Clouds Rest? No?!
avatar Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 11, 2013 07:09AM

Even gone so far as saying the hike up to Merced Lake trumps some other big rock hike.

Better than Clouds Rest? No?!

As far as pure scenery on the entire hike... definitely... especially Clouds from Tenaya.
But that doesn't necessarily take anything away from Clouds or make it less
spectacular. It just means there's a lot of spectacular in the park.
If you want I can zip up a photo set walking along the Merced on this trip to give you
an idea. Of course if you haven't you need to experience it for yourself if possible.
It's always nice... but with the amount of water flowing now it's really nice.

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 11, 2013 02:20PM
Lots of spectacular indeed!

Love the two season pictures (or in some cases two day pictures)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/11/2013 02:21PM by chicagocwright.
avatar Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 11, 2013 03:29PM
One more of Sunday / Monday comparision:



Half Dome Fun (it's in the top one) tongue sticking out smiley

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avatar Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 11, 2013 07:37PM
Silverlight's updated...the Photosynths look cool as well. For early April, that's really not much snow for those altitudes.
avatar Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 11, 2013 09:15PM
Silverlight's updated...the Photosynths look cool as well. For early April, that's really not much snow for those altitudes.
Or really not any... I keep reading people posting 7000. Huh? Perhaps they haven't actually gone out there?

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 11, 2013 07:14AM
Comparison shot of Emeric area:

Emeric in August:

Emeric now:

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 11, 2013 08:42AM
Very cool. I see you even had a nice little pool of water on top of Emeric dome in case you got thirsty! Thanks for the report.
Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 11, 2013 09:34PM
Ok... who has a recommendation for a set of 3d glasses? I want to see these photosynths!
avatar Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 11, 2013 09:55PM
Ok... who has a recommendation for a set of 3d glasses? I want to see these photosynths!

For 3D glasses just search on Amazon. Any Anaglyph glasses will do. 5 bucks. Done.
Once you have them search on this site for 3D, Anaglyph, and the such. There's a bunch.
Some crappy ones by me. Some decent by me. And some incredible ones by Calaveras.
(you can search by Author to find his)

The photosynth you just need a web browser with silverlight installed. These photosynths
are amazing. For whatever reason people are not viewing them. They are simply missing out.
Not much else to say other than when I look and after a month see a total of 50 views on one...
I just make them for myself to enjoy and don't share them. (just being honest)

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 12, 2013 02:58PM
avatar Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 17, 2013 06:05PM
Red-blue / Cyan Anaglyph Simple style 3D Glasses

Mine just came and work great.
avatar Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 15, 2013 11:19AM
Is April 6 your birthday? Happy Birthday, if so.
avatar Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 15, 2013 02:44PM
Thank u kind sir

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 15, 2013 04:50PM
Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 15, 2013 06:21PM
That was a pretty good dump. Looks heavy and wet? Glad that you rode it out snug in your tent. Always beautiful the day after...except, dang, now you've got to hike out!

Another great thing about this trip is the lack of technical terrain, even in snow, except maybe a short section on the switchbacks around Bunnell Point, if I have that right. (I'm terrible with names). You know, the switchbacks just up from the two bridge crossing of the Merced. But actually fresh snow, if it snowed down that low, would probably be safer than the usual ice through this stretch.

I agree that the whole trip is scenically poweful. The views just keep opening up. And now is the best time for this trip, imo, because very few people are there; but more importantly, because of the cascading water, the snow up high all around, plus good weather if you're lucky. Great stuff.

do you think that my Marmot Hydrogen 15 degree bag would handle the night that you had at Emeric? With a down jacket and layers, in a tent?

Thanks for letting me do this trip vicariously!
avatar Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 15, 2013 07:46PM
It was really light and fluffy up above. If you look at the one Photosynth with the wifie in it...
and look to the east / left of her... you can see the waves of snow up on the mountain a bit.
Once we got back down to Merced Lake the snowshoes came off and it was
sticky and wet. A whole bunch of waterfalls cascaded down the cliffs.... literally appearing
overnight. Very neat.

We talked about the Bunnell switchers before. They can get nasty. We avoided them
completely 2 years ago... last year... like this... the Bunnell Avalanche was non-existent too.

The photosynth I'm talking about with the waves of snow is here:

Took a bunch more... here's Lost Valley complete with THE Bunnell Cascade:

And one more with Little Grizzly:

As for sleepy bag... unless there is a big cold front flying thru then 15 bag is a plenty
with poofies imo. That's all we had. Toasty warm.

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 29, 2013 10:15AM
Thank u kind sir

Yeah, Happy Birthday man. I like the comparison shot of Emeric! Last time I was in LYV I was hikng up along Merced river and thought about you and all the off trail adventures you've had back up river and day-dreamed of being that bird...then I went pack to steri-penning my nalgene..
Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 15, 2013 08:30PM
Is April 6 your birthday? Happy Birthday, if so.

March 19 is more fun to celebrate.

Feed ME!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/15/2013 08:36PM by Ohnivy-Drak.
Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 15, 2013 07:42PM
I just want to tell you that looking at your pictures gives me an almost painful yearning to get up on top of some dome, almost any dome, in the back country of Yosemite. I can't say "thanks" every time you post pictures, but rest assured that every time you do so I'm looking at them and I'm feeling extremely grateful.
avatar Re: Merced Lake - April 6, 2013 - in 3D
April 25, 2013 12:59PM
A couple more before and after for fun:

Chick-on is looking at you!
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