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Re: Laurel Lake recently?

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Laurel Lake recently?
May 02, 2013 09:26AM
Anyone been to Laurel Lake the last few years? I've been there a few times but that was decades ago and am wondering about its current bear population? Certainly still some though much less than before? Actually would like to see some and capture videos on my Canon SX130. Also wondering how its rainbow trout population has held up?

Might be heading there as a warmup trip this summer early June given the drought. Most years it is rather squeetoey in those big red fir forests until July so this year would work well. Would come in from Lake Eleanor since getting a permit is easy and can be picked up from a night box. Then in the evening would night hike at least to the Frog Creek inlet that is 2.5 miles. Then at dawn ramble up south of the stream where there used to be an old trail years ago. That way it is just 5 miles total with 1900 feet elevation gain to the lake instead of the 7>8 miles going through Miguel Meadows and much less vertical than from Hetch Hetchy dam. Thus more appropriate distance for a 2/3 day weekend trip.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/02/2013 09:32AM by DavidSenesac.
avatar Re: Laurel Lake recently?
May 02, 2013 03:56PM
Somehow I think u know the answers.
(they are:

Of course there are less "non-wild" bears since bear canisters are required now but plenty of
bears which are "wild" and zig their booties once they get wind of you.
Will you see one of those to get video. Very iffy. Seen a few in past years... but not often.
3 bear sightings this yr so far... all wild... run away immediately...

Rainbow pop. will be fine for fishing... unlike Gravel Pit which has been overtaken by frogs it seems.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Laurel Lake recently?
May 04, 2013 12:32PM
I think every time I've been at Beehive I've seen at least one bear. Outside of the meadow by crane flat, the beehive/laurel/Vernon area is your best shot a seeing a bear in the park. Although, I went from cherry dam to Eleanor out to Wapama falls last month, but I didn't see any bears that trip. I guess they didn't like the rain either.
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