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Re: Ragged Peak

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avatar Ragged Peak
July 10, 2013 05:34PM
Finally wrote up my trip report from Ragged a few weeks ago. Super fun peak, but I need to go back for that stupid summit block. I was the best climber of the group and just had that uncomfortable feeling you get when you can't see your next move. Next time I'll bring more beta, or better yet, someone who has done it before.

By the way, the meadows along Dingley Creek where you branch off from the trail might be one of my new favorite places in Yosemite. Holy view, batman.

Edited to add the most important part, pictures!

View from atop the dome I asked about a while ago:

Now, back to planning for this weekend...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/10/2013 06:50PM by calipidder.
Re: Ragged Peak
July 10, 2013 09:29PM
Re: Ragged Peak
July 10, 2013 11:19PM
Nice! Thanks for sharing your TR!
avatar Re: Ragged Peak
July 11, 2013 08:24AM
Tanks for Sharon

Wuz too lazy to go up Dingleberry Dome. Only went along it's talus slopes... yet another one of those...
"ok... so why they put the trail over THERE... when they should put it over HERE!"

w/r to Ragged... I hear ya... got to that spot iirc and lookie up and say "hmm.." and then convince self
that that isn't even the top and go to the saddle and start trying to go up the east stuff... and say "well...
that's not gonna happen" ... Old Dood took pix of me goofing around:

Went back up... and 3 guys who were climbing Conness the next day were up there and they
said "this is the top right here"... and iirc one fairly simple move and you're at the top...

So... blah blah blah right?... You'll just have to believe me that next time you go up there...
you'll get up there easy and say "well... that was easy"

If I'm wrong... my humble apologies

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Ragged Peak
July 11, 2013 07:57PM
Yeah, I am kicking myself for not making that move after reading other trip reports, but better safe than sorry. Looks completely doable. I definitely don't regret having to go back, though....awesome place.
Re: Ragged Peak
July 11, 2013 10:02AM
Cool pics...really great website too. Thanks for putting in the effort! I'm going to have to remember it for future trip planning.

More Dingley...

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/11/2013 10:06AM by redpakotasea.
Re: Ragged Peak
July 11, 2013 10:16AM
This is a wise line: "Didn’t summit? Doesn’t matter. This view is worth 100 non-summits." Yup, better to be safe than sorry, there's always a next time smiling smiley
avatar Re: Ragged Peak
July 11, 2013 08:00PM
Yep, I tend to get distracted by the other stuff. Summits are great but sometimes they must be sacrificed in favor of safety, time, or simply enjoyment. I tend to use mountains and their summits as the inspiration for adventures, but once out there I don't care as much about reaching the top. The day after Ragged we headed into Conness Lakes with the rough idea of doing North, but we ended up preferring a nice leisurely hang-out at the upper conness lakes. No worries, the mountain isn't going anywhere.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/11/2013 08:00PM by calipidder.
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