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Half Dome, Yosemite National Park

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Re: Climbing Half Dome with my 10 year old

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Climbing Half Dome with my 10 year old
July 25, 2013 11:26AM
These photos will probably bore most of you to tears since it's such a highly traveled trail but since it's a family thing, some may get a kick out of it

This is my youngest who I climbed Half Dome with - We did this very enjoyably over three days - 1st day up to LYV - 2nd day to the summit and back to LYV - 3rd day down to the valley via JMT - All three of my daughters have now climbed Half Dome (one at 8 years old, one when 7 years old and now one at 10 years old) - She said it was tiring but very cool - Nothing like turning the family on to hiking in Yosemite smiling smiley

Part of the reason for posting this is guilt - Chick-on, please don't stop posting pictures - I'm one of those guys that loves to read them but doesn't post much since I live far away and don't get to the park as much as I would like to

Yosemite Falls when we arrived late June (Believe it is dry now one month later)

Vernal Falls from the footbridge - obligatory photo from here

On the Mist Trail - soaked

Nevada Falls - I was packing for two so I had a pretty heavy pack - Got a few "Super Dad" comments on the way up but my daughter was the real hero if you ask me

Blue Grouse on the trail - makes a really cool sound - at first I thought the sound was an owl

Cables - have no idea what I did to the camera to make it so blue (I am severely handicapped when it comes to taking pictures)

Nevada Falls Precipice - 3rd day on the way down the JMT
avatar Re: Climbing Half Dome with my 10 year old
July 25, 2013 12:34PM
Cables - have no idea what I did to the camera to make it so blue (I am severely handicapped when it comes to taking pictures)

Got into the indoor lighting mode most likely.
avatar Re: Climbing Half Dome with my 10 year old
July 25, 2013 12:46PM
Thanks sharing for the photos. Photos of Yosemite are NEVER boring (at least too me!).

Glad that your 10-year-old enjoyed the experience of hiking Half Dome too. Children ought to spend most of their free time, especially in the summer, outdoors and not cooped up indoors behind a computer, iPad, or watching TV.

Re: Climbing Half Dome with my 10 year old
July 25, 2013 01:15PM
Nice pictures! I'll be there in ten days with my 10 year old. Thanks for the report.
avatar Re: Climbing Half Dome with my 10 year old
July 25, 2013 01:46PM
Three cheers for taking your kids to the back country!smileys with beer

Anywhere outdoors is great, but taking them out into the wilderness is just plain awesome and so rewarding!

"It is all very beautiful and magical here - a quality which cannot be described. You have to live it and breath it., let the sun bake it into you" - Ansel Adams
Re: Climbing Half Dome with my 10 year old
July 25, 2013 03:58PM
Not boring at all! Especially love the perspective of the cables, and the grouse! Great shot of the puffy terror! Have a seriously soft spot for birds....

And fabulous your girls are into it!!! Kudos to you for making it happen!

Thank you for taking the time to share your trip with us!
Re: Climbing Half Dome with my 10 year old
July 25, 2013 04:10PM
Thanks for posting your pictures. I have been going to Yosemite for decades and never have seen a Blue Grouse. It is so great to read how many people are taking their kids to parks at a young age. They will be the next generation of protectors of our national treasures.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/25/2013 04:11PM by parklover.
avatar Re: Climbing Half Dome with my 10 year old
July 29, 2013 11:13AM
They are saying that they changed the name of the Blue Grouse to the Dusky Grouse. Wonder why it was called Blue Grouse to begin with.
avatar Re: Climbing Half Dome with my 10 year old
July 28, 2013 07:57AM
This is what it's about.

Bowing to his greatness

Chick-on is looking at you!
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