This is my youngest who I climbed Half Dome with - We did this very enjoyably over three days - 1st day up to LYV - 2nd day to the summit and back to LYV - 3rd day down to the valley via JMT - All three of my daughters have now climbed Half Dome (one at 8 years old, one when 7 years old and now one at 10 years old) - She said it was tiring but very cool - Nothing like turning the family on to hiking in Yosemite

Part of the reason for posting this is guilt - Chick-on, please don't stop posting pictures - I'm one of those guys that loves to read them but doesn't post much since I live far away and don't get to the park as much as I would like to
Yosemite Falls when we arrived late June (Believe it is dry now one month later)
Vernal Falls from the footbridge - obligatory photo from here
On the Mist Trail - soaked
Nevada Falls - I was packing for two so I had a pretty heavy pack - Got a few "Super Dad" comments on the way up but my daughter was the real hero if you ask me
Blue Grouse on the trail - makes a really cool sound - at first I thought the sound was an owl
Cables - have no idea what I did to the camera to make it so blue (I am severely handicapped when it comes to taking pictures)
Nevada Falls Precipice - 3rd day on the way down the JMT