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Re: White Wolf to Tuolumne Meadows via GCT - seeking advice and suggestions - The Saga Continues

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Okay, so we kinda found out how much info can be crammed into a thread before it starts choking up browsers.. smiling smiley

Picking up where we left off...

I did, "Thru dayhike GCT" showed up on my 'To Do' list as a result! I figured crossing Register would be dicey when the water's flowing. Didn't see many "easy" crossing spots, though I didn't look too hard when we were there. Where does one cross when the water is high?

Glad this trip didn't have many mosquitoes; they really bug me, I hate wearing a net, and prefer not to use repellants if possible. Man, I need to go back and see it as you guys saw it in '11 though, particularly to see real waterwheels.

Crossing Register: I believe I have heard of going upstream and there might be a log.. I do not know myself - I'm sure others can be more exact. The first time we did it Register was nothing to be concerned with, the second time, we were concerned, but made it. BTW, we have a lot of experience crossing high water, and I have a very high tolerance for COLD water, and we use hiking poles. In 2011, when we did it, I believe trying without hiking poles would have been deadly. Only one out of four solidly connected points moved at a time. When I lifted a leg at one point, it got swept behind me (I faced into the current to minimize getting thrown off-balance) and I had to pull it back. Without solidly planted poles, I would not have been able to keep my balance. Definitely need to stay calm and move deliberately.

We actually got lucky with the thunderstorms feeding the rivers... there was flash flooding and the washed out trails and high water everywhere and that chocolate milk Return Creek mixing with the pristine blue-white of the Tuolumne.. It was stunning, but that was sheer dumb-luck timing. We just made it through areas just before or just after things were too treacherous. Nothing stopped us on our journey, and though we were moving all day, we saw sooo very much. Our senses were heightened and the air was refreshing and well, so much of it is still so very vivid in my mind... as opposed to our first hot slog.. I can only remember vague images of brushy overgrown steamy jungle-like trail (Pate Valley hadn't been cleared recently), and lots of mosquitoes. I've had the speed/stop-and-smell-the-roses talk with a variety of ultra runners... and I've learned that they are very aware and tuned in... and see a lot. They absorb a lot of details even though they are traveling faster. During our hike through the canyon in a day, we weren't really hiking faster than normal, just steady, but we were so enchanted and aware... I think that's what matters most.. how "present" you are, how connected you are to where you are as you move through it... not necessarily the speed...

Headnet: do you wear a no-see-um tight weave headnet or a mosquito headnet? What color? Once I moved to the Sea-to-Summit Insect Shield head nets, I haven't been nearly as annoyed. They have larger holes, and use black mesh. My visibility is impacted, but slightly, air flow is still quite good, unlike the stuffiness inside a no-see-um net. Can't help you if you are already there and still hate it.. if someone has a better suggestion, please pipe up! smiling smiley

Seeing waterwheels... we have been getting pretty addicted to early season (and I mean first or second weekend Tioga Road opens) jaunts from TM down to Waterwheel Falls, either as an overnight or as a dayhike. Getting out there as soon as we can seems to have netted us the biggest wheels along Le Conte and Waterwheel itself... HUGE. Unless it's an EVEN drier year, it'll mean Glen Aulin's north end will be flooded by the Mattie Lake outlet. I've seen people try to avoid the water. I embrace it and walk through it. The trail in water is IMHO a heck of a lot safer than dancing around on the patchwork of logs, and a heck of a lot faster.
avatar Re: White Wolf to Tuolumne Meadows via GCT - seeking advice and suggestions - The Saga Continues
August 08, 2013 07:47PM
In case he hasn't seen it... here's little trip from 2010:

Huge wata. Met some other goofballs in Glen Aulin. Not sure they approved
of the now patented "Gar-badge-bag-gait-ors". wink
Register was ridiculous then. There's a photo in there...
There was indeed a log upstream... but by the Z wifie said no way.

Anywho... w/r to "seeing"... the main thing is... how does one hike? Do they hike
looking at their feets? Or looking around... Get in the habit of getting in tune
and constantly looking around and enjoying the views while you are hiking.

My 2 cents worth.

Chick-on is looking at you!
In very scenic places like Yosemite, I think it's important (unless you're doing and out and back on the same trail) to regularly to a 360ยบ turn especially when your hiking with vista in the front and back of you. If you hike in Yosemite just looking straight ahead and to the side (but not turning around to see where you've been) you could end up missing some of the best views.

Missed this one, sorry so late to the party smiling smiley Thanks for starting a thread, plawrence!

Re: Register Crossing and being present. Cool, I'll have to check upstream next time. I'm a trekking pole user, and definitely love them in the water for stability. Nothing like being turned into a psuedo-quadruped. I saw the pics of the muddy Register joining the clean Tuolumne, stunning! Must have been incredible to see it in person. And I hear you on the speed and awareness thing. It's definitely the state of mind; you have to be present to enjoy your surroundings. It's a constant battle for me between taking pictures and just SEEING/LISTENING/SMELLING/FEELING. I love capturing scenes and views so I can look back at them years later, but, that often comes at the sacrifice of creating substantial actual memories of the moment. Following up to what Chick-on mentioned, I often do 360s or at least backward looks every once in a while to get surprise scenes or, when off-trail in particular, to get an impression of what the return looks like if I'll be going out and back. Sometimes, just the memory of a scene from a backward glance is enough to keep you on-track on the return because it's familiar.

Re: Headnet. I wear a black Sea-to-Summit head net, with a Tilley to keep it suspended. Not sure if it's the insect shield model, don't know if they sell ones with and without coating. Anyway, I guess I'm at "as good as it's going to get", it's just a little annoying, especially around dusk when the light is low. It's really ok, I'm usually not wearing them for long unless it's really buggy. I visited Mosquito Lakes down in SEKI in July once on a trip, and boy, those lakes are aptly named... grinning smiley

Re: Waterwheels. Gotcha, my buddy Ray already wants to go back in the next wet year early to catch them in high flow. We'll probably do the same (overnight at GA, day hike to falls). Water, I like it too, don't mind getting wet, especially if it's the safer route. Slick logs are often not the safest...

Ten Lakes area this weekend into week, woohoo smiling smiley
Oh, and thanks for the TR link, Chick-on!

Here's Register Creek:

The crossing is right where GW is standing.

You know, it's surprising, I thought there'd be more volume through here. But I bet it is moving pretty fast. Well, it's good to know you can still cross right over the flat spot.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2013 01:23PM by HikingMano.
avatar Re: White Wolf to Tuolumne Meadows via GCT - seeking advice and suggestions - The Saga Continues
August 15, 2013 09:24PM
Be careful. I went in half way... wife screamed she wasn't doing that ... so I came back...
we farted around a bit... checking out Muir Gorge from below and then I went up looking
for way across via log... found it above... but she nixed that after taking a spill on the
west rocks down at the crossing.
Water is incredibly powerful... and if you slip and fall in at this crossing ...
with that "little" volume ... there's a good chance they will never find you.
Have fun and Be Safe

Chick-on is looking at you!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2013 09:25PM by chick-on.
Be careful. I went in half way... wife screamed she wasn't doing that ... so I came back...
we farted around a bit... checking out Muir Gorge from below and then I went up looking
for way across via log... found it above... but she nixed that after taking a spill on the
west rocks down at the crossing.
Water is incredibly powerful... and if you slip and fall in at this crossing ...
with that "little" volume ... there's a good chance they will never find you.
Have fun and Be Safe

Oh yeah, I know. I don't fool around water that's really moving. Especially in a spot like that... Believe me, I have a healthy respect for water... born and raised in Hawai'i. thumbs up
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Even when day hiking an out and back I always find myself looking all around in both directions. The light has changed since my first passing and so the area looks different. You can easily miss some spectacular photo ops if you don't take the time to look all around.
Yup, exactly thumbs up
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