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Pothole Dome (Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite National Park)

The Moon is Waxing Crescent (12% of Full)


Re: Visiting Mammoth, Mono and Bodie in a week... smoke?

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Visiting Mammoth, Mono and Bodie in a week... smoke?
September 06, 2013 08:35AM
My new GF used to live in Mammoth, so she wants to show me her old stomping grounds next weekend. We will also probably go to Mono Lake, Bodie, etc. Doubt we will have time to get up to TM.

Any speculation on what, if any, smoke will be left in 8 days?
avatar Re: Visiting Mammoth, Mono and Bodie in a week... smoke?
September 06, 2013 09:29AM
My fearless prediction: barring any NEW forest fires, the smoke from the RIM fire probably will be a lot less in eight days than it is now since it's now 75% contained and most likely be close to 90% (if not more) contained a week from now.

But of course this is just speculation. A dry thunderstorm rumbling through the Sierra could easily set off more forest fires. Hopefully, we won't have to deal with another major forest fire set off by a careless hunter.

Re: Visiting Mammoth, Mono and Bodie in a week... smoke?
September 09, 2013 12:50PM
Trip is postponed. Won't have to worry about the smoke.
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