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Bridalveil Falls, Yosemite National Park

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Re: Yosemite West or Foresta

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Yosemite West or Foresta
February 06, 2014 07:44PM
My husband and I are planning our first trip to Yosemite in early May. We are looking at properties on vrbo and are trying to decide between Yosemite West and Foresta. I know Foresta is closer but Yosemite West is more of a central location. We plan to spend time in the Valley and hope Glacier Point road might be open so we can do some hiking there as well. And we'd like to visit the Mariposa Grove area. We're not expecting Tioga Pass to be open. We're planning about 9 days. I've done a lot of reading and reasearch on places and have 3 available properties, 2 in YW and 1 in Foresta. I'd love to hear advice from those who have been there. We plan to do a lot of hiking. Thanks in advance for your advice! Bowing to his greatness
avatar Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 06, 2014 08:58PM
Is this to purchase or rent?
avatar Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 06, 2014 09:29PM
Foresta and Yosemite West aren't terribly far apart. ( 25 - 35 minute drive? )

If you're never going to the Valley, YW might have a slight advantage, otherwise just pick the best price/nicest rental.
I'm thinking it depends on how much cheaper Foresta is, and how much time you'll be spending in the Valley v.s. the south part of the park.
Foresta adds driving time to anything south of the valley, YW adds a little time to the Valley.
Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 06, 2014 10:23PM
Personally, I don't mind the drive from Yosemite West to the valley. In fact, we have been known to go to The Loft to pick up a pizza and take it back to eat in Yosemite West.
avatar Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 06, 2014 09:52PM
Foresta would be better for you.
avatar Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 07, 2014 07:15AM
My 2 dollas worth is this:

If I had a choice to live in either Foresta or Yosemite West I would pick Foresta, no question.
Yosemite West has a feel that you are simply in the woods, nothing else special.
Foresta feels more Yosemite-like to me, w/o question. Where to stay for 9 days comes down
to how much time you will be spending around the place you rent. I would think
with that much time you want some down-time and just hang out a bit and maybe
go for a short walk around the area you are at... and to me, that would give the nod
wholeheartedly to Foresta. In very little time from Foresta you can go check out the
2 old barns, check out the old Cemetary, go down to Foresta Falls... or walk up
the road heading north and get this view:

Additionally you can very very quickly be at Old Big Oak Flat Road TH and go for
a longer hike if you desire... or hang out at "Half Dome View". I'd prob. go there for
a couple of sunsets.
Last 2 years Tioga Rd. opened on May 7 and 11... so if it opens you are that much closer..
(you really really should drive to TM if it opens when you are there) (unless been there, done that).
Yosemite West is closer to Glacier Pt. and Wawona ... but you will prob. go there 2 days...
so it's not a huge additional drive. And there is very minimal hiking just outside your door at YW.
Since you are renting you could simply rent someplace outside the park near Mariposa, etc.
That I would not do if had choice to take Foresta. And I def. would not rent in Wawona
or south of the park.

These are just all my personal opinions. Do with them what you likey.

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 07, 2014 10:09AM
The other thing that you might want to look at is the condos (I think that is what they are) near
Curry Village. You could also mix it up a bit and not limit yourself to a single location...
stay at The Wawona for a day or two...then move on to the valley.
O.. the other thing if you stay in Foresta... you will be closer to Hetch Hetchy... which you may
want to visit. It's quite stunning in May.
I'm asuming you have not been before. And won't be again after this.

Have fun planning

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 07, 2014 10:55AM
Are you talking about those multistory brown buildings that are past housekeeping and on the right side before you get to the intersection near Stoneman Bridge? If so those are employee housing.
avatar Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 07, 2014 11:31AM
Ok. Thanks. I just quickly looked at vrbo this morning and I thought I saw something on the valley floor.
I thought it was that location w/o looking too much more. Can't find the one I looked at vrbo now.
Must have been mis-spelt. wink

Always wondered what was up with those. They look really nice. Quite the contrast to across the street.

I still stand by everything else I made up. smiling smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/07/2014 11:33AM by chick-on.
Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 07, 2014 12:28PM
Ok. Thanks. I just quickly looked at vrbo this morning and I thought I saw something on the valley floor.
I thought it was that location w/o looking too much more. Can't find the one I looked at vrbo now.
Must have been mis-spelt. wink

Always wondered what was up with those. They look really nice. Quite the contrast to across the street.

I still stand by everything else I made up. smiling smiley

I remember watching those building being built during several visits. I am not sure what they are like inside, I have heard they are nice, and they have to be an improvement over the other employee lodging. Bad thing is that part of it was built in a rock fall area and there has been talk off and on the past few year about not using all of the buildings.

As for vrbo and search engines like it, they sometimes say things are in the park when they are near the park. This is the reason that they changed the name of Yosemite Lodge to Yosemite Lodge at the Falls because people were confusing it with Yosemite View Lodge in El Portal and would go to the desk at Yosemite Lodge and would get upset when they found out that their reservations were at Yosemite View Lodge and they were not in the valley. Is it possible the places you saw are in Yosemite West because there are condos there and I have seen people ask if Yosemite West was in the Valley. That could be because parts of Yosemite Village are referred to as West Yosemite Village and that could cause confusion.
Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 07, 2014 02:36PM
Thanks everyone for your input. I really appreciate it. We are looking to rent and there's not much left available in Foresta on the small side but there is one that I'm hoping to book this weekend.

Wow chick-on, such great detailed advice! And exactly the type of information that is so helpful. We are hopeful that Tioga Rd. might open but I know it's up in the air. This will be our first trip and maybe or maybe not our last trip to Yosemite. We've visited Zion National Park twice, though about a decade apart with our last visit in November, 34 miles of hiking and a part of that was a hike in the Narrows traversing the Virgin River. We did an 8 mile hike one day up to Observation Point with an elevation increase of about 2400 ft., if I remember correctly. I am pretty afraid of heights so that was a challenging day. We've also done Arches National Park & Bryce, both within the last decade with our kids, as our first trip to Zion was also. They are now both in college so we no longer have to worry about hiking complaints and/or teens needing time to sleep in. Zion was great with a 6 & 9 year old & equally great without. All trips were October, MEA, 5-6 days to thoroughly see the parks but after Zion, as they were older, the complaints grew, ("How much farther do we have to hike?!"winking smiley. Anyway, too much information, thanks again.

I'll definitely come back for more advice as we move forward with our planning. THANKS!! Bowing to his greatness
Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 07, 2014 04:03PM
I suggested Alpine Escape to you on another blog (under a different but similar name). They book up quickly so you might want to see if they have anything available when you are going. If you are thinking of getting a condo in Yosemite West, I want to warn you that some are kept up better than others and are rented out by different rental groups. We have stayed at the condos before and one was really worn and the two others were in good shape. Unfortunately, it has been awhile and I can't remember which ones they were.

We are lucky with my son because he has always been a good traveler. His first trip was to Yosemite when he was three months old and he will soon be 18. The only thing we have had a issue with him is sometimes not wanting to get up early if we had a long day the day before. Every three or four years we do a long driving trip and this year will be our longest - 19 days. Hopefully this one will goes as well as the others.

As for Yosemite it is like potato chips, you can't only have one chip, or in this case one trip.
Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 07, 2014 05:56PM
Yes, that was me and Alpine Escape is on my top 3 for Yosemite West. Spouse has been leaning to Foresta & I was liking Serenity Suite in YW because it's a spectacular looking place & has a king bed. Anyway, gathering more information is not a bad thing. You know, I'm the analytical type, too much so. We need to lock something in and move on. Advice from everyone, however, has been great and very useful, including yours, thanks. According to the calendar on vrbo, they do have availabiltiy at that time.

Your son sounds like a trooper. Who can blame someone, especially a teenager, for not wanting to get up after a long outing the prior day. Best wishes for a wonderful 19 day driving trip. That's something I've not done (since I was13 & 17 with my parents & 4 other siblings). I like to base myself and explore.

I have no doubt we'll want to go back to Yosemite but the list is long and it definitely takes some time to get there. I wish we were able to go a bit later in May as potential is better to see more but after a relatively minor breast cancer battle - I'm winning after 2 surgeries- stage 1A, no chemo needed (lucky me!), it's a reminder that tomorrow is not guaranteed so go now, don't wait a year and maybe we'll go back.

Thanks again.
avatar Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 07, 2014 09:52PM

wish we were able to go a bit later in May as potential is better to see more...

Thanks again.

For a first time visitor, May is still a great time to visit Yosemite (actually, there is no bad time – really).

But in May the Yosemite's world famous waterfalls will be at or near their peak flows with the sound of the waterfalls literally booming across the valley's walls, and the signs of spring will be everywhere around the valley's floor! Yosemite Valley itself is at its most spectacular best in May, IMHO.

Of course, Tioga Road in normal snow years would still be closed by then (this year, who knows?) and in early May, Glacier Point Road could still be closed too. But there will still be many great places to hike, including around the north shore of Hetch Hetchy and on all the trails leading out of Yosemite Valley (except for the possibility of the Four Mile Trail which could still be closed due do snow and ice).

In short, you'll have a blast visiting Yosemite in May!
Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 07, 2014 05:06PM
I've stayed in both (Foresta and Yosemite West) and I have to disagree with the experts. I would pick Yosemite West. It's more centrally located and easier to get to the areas you're interested in. Plus, I think the accommodations are better in Yosemite west than Foresta. I can give you details via private message if you like.
avatar Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 07, 2014 05:13PM
The Other Tom
It's more centrally located

To what?
Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 08, 2014 05:48PM
OP wanted to go down GP road. Yosemite West is right there. Also closer to Mariposa Grove than Foresta.
avatar Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 08, 2014 11:55PM
The Other Tom
OP wanted to go down GP road. Yosemite West is right there. Also closer to Mariposa Grove than Foresta.

That's good for one day. The rest of the time I would expect Tioga Road to be of interest.
avatar Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 09, 2014 08:16AM
The Other Tom
OP wanted to go down GP road. Yosemite West is right there. Also closer to Mariposa Grove than Foresta.

That's good for one day. The rest of the time I would expect Tioga Road to be of interest.

Still stand by my original babblings. Of course if you get a crappy place anywhere... it just plains sux.
Nine days in crappy accomodations can ruin a vacation. So picking a nice place is more
important than specific location if it's "close enough".

There's only so much for any sane person to do in Wawona area (personally I'm not sane).
And GP may also have limited opportunities in early May.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 09, 2014 12:37PM
And GP may also have limited opportunities in early May.

Glaciar Point Road and Tioga Road may not even be open in early May.
avatar Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 09, 2014 03:31PM
I think qumqat's advice early on in this thread is still the best: “just pick the best price/nicest rental”

Overall, there really isn't any huge advantage in picking Foresta over Yosemite West (or vice versa) in regards to an early May visit to Yosemite. So just focus on which rental unit (in either Foresta or Yosemite West) satisfies one's requirements in regards to price, quality, and the number of beds/bedrooms needed.

avatar Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 07, 2014 05:14PM
I know exspurt in this area. Just my feelings walking thru the areas.

You should PM her with the info so that she has more info and can perhaps make a more informed decision.
Sometimes peeps don't look back for some time... and may miss your comments.

w/r to Foresta.. the hiking is on roads... so it's not all it may be cracked up to be either.

First time to a park.. personally I try to stay in a couple of places if possible.
When we spent a week at Glacier... we stayed in 4 different locations... one in the backcountry.

For Yosemite I'd stay:
- The Wawona (or maybe Wawona Cabins) (or Oakhurst if needed)
- Yosemite Lodge (at the falls) (or El Portal) (not further out unless abs. necessary)
- Evergreen Lodge
If Tioga Pass Open
- Lee Vining

Something like that...

Chick-on is looking at you!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/07/2014 05:22PM by chick-on.
Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 07, 2014 05:59PM
I am with you about staying in Yosemite West. I have not stayed in Foresta so I can't comment on that. Even when we go to T. Meadows, we don't mind driving from Yosemite West. If you want to do things along Glacier or in Wawona it is the better choice. To me going to the valley is not a issue. Of course, I drive longer than that to take my son to school.
Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 07, 2014 09:59PM
Yes please - sounds like we may have some friends that want to join us for part of the time. YW has more options for them to possibly get their own place and/or we might just need a slightly bigger space that could be shared part of the time. I'd like to hear your thoughts on YW.
Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 08, 2014 12:20AM
Below is a list of websites for lodging in Yosemite West. I might have missed some. The first section are websites that have many kinds of lodging. The second section are websites for places that are for up to 4 people. I have stayed at Alpine Escape and some of the condos so I don't have personal experience of the other places. Since you are going in May, I suggest that you look at the websites and make your decision soon since places book up early.


Alpine Escape - http://yosemitehouse.com/
Cozy Bear Cottages - http://www.cozy-bear.com/
Pine Arbor Retreat - http://www.yosemitewest.com/pinearb.htm
Red Door Retreat - http://www.yosemitesunsets.com/Red_Door_apt
Serenity Suite - http://www.vrbo.com/406504
Suite Sunshine Vacation Home - http://www.4yosemite.com/rental/suites/ssinfo.htm
Yosemite’s Top of the Pines - http://www.yosemitewest.com/top2.htm

If you use other websites such as vrbo, Trip advisor, etc I highly suggest that you look at a map of the Yosemite area to make sure exactly where they are. Sometimes places use Yosemite in their name and they could be in a area outside the park. Of course, you can try to get lodging within the park which are run by DNC. Their website is www.yosemitepark.com If you are thinking of staying in the park, I have stayed in most of the lodging except Housekeeping Camp and the tent cabins so I can describe them for you. DNC also runs Tenaya Lodge http://www.tenayalodge.com which is in Fish Camp just outside of the south entrance. I have stayed at Tenaya Lodge. Please note that Tenaya Lodge is around 45 minutes to an hour to the valley depending on traffic. The Redwoods http://www.redwoodsinyosemite.com/ has rentals in the Wawona area. You have already look in the Foresta area. In El Portal there is Yosemite View Lodge and Cedar Lodge. I have not stayed in Cedar Lodge but I have stayed in Yosemite View lodge but that was about15 years ago. Yosemite View Lodge is about the same time/distance to the Valley as some of the places in Foresta, it might even be less time. Hope this is helpful. PM me if you have specific questions.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/08/2014 12:22AM by parklover.
Re: Yosemite West or Foresta
February 09, 2014 03:15PM
My husband and I have stayed at Yosemite West Condominiums several times and love it. It's relatively close to all the major attractions but away from the crowds.
We book with www.enchantedyosemite.com. Accomodations are great! They have high quality units at very good rates.
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