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Half Dome, Yosemite National Park

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (62% of Full)

JanSport - Accept no Imitations. The Original Backpack since 1967.


Re: Why I get so darned worked up about fire rings...

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avatar Why I get so darned worked up about fire rings...
February 18, 2014 07:52AM

Need I say more?

Ok, I will. These clowns were CAMPED here. Right next to the trail. I walked by and one was there... and he asked me
if I was looking for the trail. Uh... duh. I'm on the trail.

5 more fire rings b/t YV and LYV. Clark Pt. (wow), 4 outside LYV above NV falls (2 RIGHT next to the trail) (wow)
and is a common sight in winter... people camped outside of LYV campground.
And... as is also usual... ran across 2 more b/t LYV and HD Trail junction just off trail...

Ok, I don't feel any better. But at least maybe the peeps that are irrated at me about whining about fire rings all the time
can maybe see where I'm coming from. Blame the guy who gave Old Dood a hard time about being a 95%er...
I swore to myself wasn't going to bitch about rings again.

Anywho. Have a nice day

(I'm also bummed that they don't start allowing helicopter rides)

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Why I get so darned worked up about fire rings...
February 18, 2014 08:14AM
The permit clearly states where you can camp. Do people not read?
avatar Re: Why I get so darned worked up about fire rings...
February 18, 2014 10:00AM
I feel you anguish and disgust. But the only way backpackers who camp illegally might stop camping illegally is by being cited by the rangers.

I would guess there are only a very minimal amount of backcountry rangers on duty during the winter, but it wouldn't take one that long to hike up and back from LYV and cite all the clowns who think the rules don't apply to them. So if your mobile phone was in range (which it appeared it might have been by a prior post), I would gently suggest that you just don't get mad, but please call into Yosemite Dispatch and report the clowns. You always carry your GPS with you, so you could even give the exact GPS coordinates where these clowns are illegally camping.

I know people don't like being snitches, but the rangers simply can't be everywhere and they need our help to help minimize the damage these clowns inflict to the backcountry and the wilderness experience of other, rule-abiding, backpackers and hikers.

Re: Why I get so darned worked up about fire rings...
February 18, 2014 01:21PM
I can't complain too loudly ... a week ago in LYV I didn't camp in the campground (there was 8" of snow with 3" of water underneath). But we did make sure to leave no trace, nobody will ever know we camped where we did. We certainly did not build a fire ring. The best you can do is disassemble illegal ones when you see them and scatter the rocks widely. As long as the lands are public there are those who don't know or won't follow the rules. It bums me out too but I feel better when I clean up after them.
avatar Re: Why I get so darned worked up about fire rings...
February 24, 2014 06:48PM
You know how website forum administrators occasionally assign certain active, reliable, dedicated members "moderator" status imbued with certain powers? Perhaps the NPS ranger service could do something similar w/ live back country volunteers. Yep, empower chick-on and others w/ an "almost a ranger" badge, a citations pad, satellite phone, and limited enforcement privileges. What the heck. It's worth a try! It would be cheap enforcement (no payroll). I think some of us would be happy to do it for free. Basically, the only expense is satellite phones. Just teach volunteers a short course on correct procedures for dealing with rule breakers, with an emphasis on compliance in most cases. For the really recalcitrant rule beakers there's always the final solution---leave the park; a ranger will be waiting for you at the trailhead.thumbs up
avatar Re: Why I get so darned worked up about fire rings...
February 24, 2014 07:22PM
The Forest Service uses volunteers in some areas. And, yes, they have citation pads.
avatar Re: Why I get so darned worked up about fire rings...
February 24, 2014 11:28PM
"some guy" (his nickname) on the left -- Bob R -- is one of the Forest Service volunteer rangers, and he takes his job VERY seriously (He hikes with his radio and ticket pad at the ready!)

The body betrays and the weather conspires, hopefully, not on the same day.
avatar Re: Why I get so darned worked up about fire rings...
February 25, 2014 06:55AM
Wow! I never knew. They even get a name tag and uniform. Apparently we need more of these volunteers.
Re: Why I get so darned worked up about fire rings...
February 25, 2014 10:16AM
One time, when on the way to Half Dome, we came across people camping right on the switchbacks, a bit above LYV. They had a fire on the trail too, but, they didn't build a campfire ring...tourons

I was an unofficial "volunteer" in the USFS for awhile. I got the windbreaker and patch (no uniform,) but never wore it while hiking. All I did though, was to provide trail reports to the White Mountain ranger station...when they had paper reprts kept in notebooks at the desk.
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