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Vernel Fall, Merced River, Yosemite National Park

The Moon is Waxing Crescent (12% of Full)


Re: How to get this shot?

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How to get this shot?
March 17, 2014 02:00PM
This is in the current Yosemite calendar. Does reaching this spot require going cross country, off trail?

avatar Re: How to get this shot?
March 17, 2014 02:14PM
The trail, as I remember, would be a few feet to the right.
avatar Re: How to get this shot?
March 17, 2014 08:27PM
The trail, as I remember, would be a few feet to the right.

As I remember it'd be on the left side of the river.
Re: How to get this shot?
March 17, 2014 02:39PM
It looks like this photo is taken from the South side of the Merced river, just up-river from the bridge that crosses between Vernal and Nevada. You can get a similar photo from the North side of the Merced from about here.. Here is my photo from said spot, which only took about 30 seconds to get to from the trail...and was very easy to do so.

The lighting and water flow are not as dramatic...but it gives you an idea.

To answer your question-- I believe that you would have to go off trail to get that exact shot, but is doable.
Re: How to get this shot?
March 17, 2014 02:45PM
Ok. I've only done that trail once. My memories are sketchy.
Re: How to get this shot?
March 17, 2014 03:01PM
It's worth another visit. You don't have to leave the trail to get nice views of the falls, though.

avatar Re: How to get this shot?
March 17, 2014 11:00PM
You cross the bridge above Silver Apron and Emerald Pool and the trail works bit by bit to the the right and up hill for a while.
You get to a point where the trail is pretty flat and straight for a while and is going almost directly south. ( This also happens to be where the Snow Hotel used to be a LONG time ago )
When the trail does a 90deg turn to the left you need to NOT turn left and go straight for 30 feet or so. You'll see the view from the trail and it gets even better in that 30 feet.
Be careful going down because it's wet and slipper and you can fall down the cliff into the water.

you start below Nevada Fall and the trail . . .

eventually takes you along side it . . .

The spot you're looking for is HERE

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/17/2014 11:07PM by qumqats.
avatar Re: How to get this shot?
March 18, 2014 01:34PM
Except the shot is from the other side of the river.
avatar Re: How to get this shot?
March 18, 2014 02:45PM
Except the shot is from the other side of the river.

I guarantee it was taken from this side... not the other...
By this side I mean the north side of the river... where the main trail runs...
or... exactly ... well... read this:

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: How to get this shot?
March 18, 2014 07:17PM
The calendar photo has the river on the left, those examples you all shared show the river on the right.
avatar Re: How to get this shot?
March 17, 2014 11:39PM
I'll throw my hat in the ring.

And say it is here:

Here's photo from place Joel and Colin are talking about ... but looking downstream.
Right there is the tree in the photo... quite distinct... go downstream and bit and clicky click.


Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: How to get this shot?
March 18, 2014 06:15AM
I don't take many videos... but here's one from last Friday.
Off Z trail a bit...

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: How to get this shot?
March 18, 2014 07:37PM
The north side is the classic view. The south side has nice views that are a little bit different from what you usually see. Both sides are pretty easy to get to. Just need to be careful on wet steep rocks when it is blasting. Usually get a good rainbow a few hours before sunset.
avatar Re: How to get this shot?
March 24, 2014 07:21PM
Went der yesterday wit da wifie on anniversary (ok, we take long way)

As stated... nort side of da river... very close to the trail... easy down to here...
(ok, cal pix... the guy was SLIGHTLY higher and a TAD to the left)
It's the spot... done deal.

Chick-on is looking at you!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/24/2014 07:22PM by chick-on.
Re: How to get this shot?
March 24, 2014 07:47PM
Happy anniversary and thanky for the picture.
avatar Re: How to get this shot?
March 24, 2014 11:45PM
Happy anniversary to the two of you!

(and thanks for the photo)

avatar Re: How to get this shot?
March 25, 2014 06:38AM
Personally I like the shot right "on" the river better. Of course... if conditions as in calendar...
you not a going here... scary how little snow there is at this pt.. ridonkulously busy
along Mist on Sunday... but with 4 Mile closed and traverse still with some snow danger...
we had GP to ourselves for as long as we were up there smiling smiley
Also saw a Bald Eagle near El Cap Meadow hiking along the Merced.
I guess in Alaska those are a dime a dozen... but we still think they're purty kewl.

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: How to get this shot?
March 25, 2014 10:11PM
A dime a dozen yes. But I never get tired of seeing them. Or the moose. But my parents actually very recently saw an eagle in Fresno-San Joaquin River Parkway! I'm still working on getting a good eagle picture like the moose picture below. This was from a couple days ago on a hike a few miles from my house...

avatar Re: How to get this shot?
March 26, 2014 07:01AM
Luv it

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: How to get this shot?
March 26, 2014 06:43PM
Wow a close encounter of the moose kind. Lucky you.
Re: How to get this shot?
March 26, 2014 07:50PM
It's amazing that we start taking these things for granted. I have moose like this right outside my house almost weekly. My first few months in Alaska I carried a camera with me EVERYWHERE! I sit in my living room watching TV and have on occasion spotted an eagle. On Christmas Morning we had a moose visit, circled our house, and let me take a picture of him six feet from my front door.

But no waterfalls like the subject of this thread!
avatar Re: How to get this shot?
March 26, 2014 08:55PM
Re: How to get this shot?
March 27, 2014 07:56AM

Took this in Ketchikan in 2011. Saw lots of them.
Re: How to get this shot?
March 27, 2014 10:44AM
Yep in Ketchikan they were like seagulls or pigeons when I was there. They were everywhere. We watched juveniles (the brown looking ones) for over an hour as they swooped down to try and get salmon out of the creek. The salmon fought them off every single time!
avatar Re: How to get this shot?
March 25, 2014 07:22AM
In a GOOD water year many of these shots under Nevada Fall would be impossible because there would be so much mist in the air.

You're getting soaking wet standing there waiting for a lull in the wind and mist, camera in hand with the lens protected, the perfect moment comes, you flash the camera up, compose the shot, SNAP, hide the camera again while you walk away to where you can look at what you've captured and . . . the photo shows a lens covered in mist with splotches all over!!! sad smiley

oh well . . .at least it's fun trying, and you're not at home sitting in the couch
avatar Re: How to get this shot?
March 25, 2014 11:22AM
I guess you could try a spinning rain deflector.
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