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Re: Dear Hunting Season opens on the Stanislaus National Forest

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avatar Dear Hunting Season opens on the Stanislaus National Forest
September 20, 2014 12:45PM
Sonora, Calif., (September 19, 2014) Deer hunting season begins tomorrow and visitors should be aware of changes in effect this year and safety guidance on the Stanislaus National Forest.

The Rim Fire Closure Area is still closed to the public this deer season, and special attention is needed when entering hunting zones. Hunting tags purchased for this year are only valid through this current hunting season, even if a zone was impacted by the fire. The Rim Fire Closure Order 2014-01 is in effect until Nov. 18 and will likely be extended with modifications, depending on public safety concerns.

Here is additional information that will aid the public in having a safe trip to the forest:
  • All visitors should consider wearing bright colors to make their presence clear;
  • All individuals in a hunting party must wear daylight, fluorescent orange at all times;
  • You may not discharge a firearm from a vehicle;
  • You may not shoot a firearm in or within 150 yards of a residence, building, campsite, developed recreation site or other occupied area;
  • The fire restriction in the High and Moderate hazard areas prohibits campfires, briquette barbecues, and smoking outside developed campgrounds.
Zone maps and season dates are posted at: http://www.dfg.ca.gov/wildlife/hunting/deer/deermaps.html. For information on regulations, licenses, tags and lotteries contact the Dept. of Fish and Wildlife at: (209) 234-3420.

For additional information regarding camping, recreation and road closures, please contact the Stanislaus Supervisor’s Office at: 209-532-3671; Calaveras RD at 209-795-1381; Groveland RD at 209-962-7825; Mi-Wok RD at 209-586-3234 or Summit RD at 209-965-3434.
Re: Dear Hunting Season opens on the Stanislaus National Forest
September 21, 2014 10:26AM
Considering all the acreage already destroyed by fire this year ~ and the 'connection' between hunters and fire, wouldn't it be prudent, just for one season to halt any kind of hunting?Fireball
Re: Dear Hunting Season opens on the Stanislaus National Forest
September 21, 2014 01:48PM
Judging by the number of fire rings in hunting-prohibited Yosemite National Park in fire-restricted areas, I'm going to go ahead and guess that stupid people come in both hunting and non-hunting forms. So halting hunting--- about as effective as banning stupidity in this case, although the latter would be awesome if only it were possible.
Re: Dear Hunting Season opens on the Stanislaus National Forest
September 22, 2014 12:22AM
Anyone seen Bambi?
Re: Dear Hunting Season opens on the Stanislaus National Forest
September 22, 2014 03:31PM
Bambi is hiding out in my neighbor's backyard.
Re: Dear Hunting Season opens on the Stanislaus National Forest
September 22, 2014 09:42PM
What about Flower?
Re: Dear Hunting Season opens on the Stanislaus National Forest
September 22, 2014 09:52PM
I could smell Flower down the street the other night.
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