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The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (72% of Full)


Re: Happy Turkee Dey - n Tanks

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avatar Happy Turkee Dey - n Tanks
November 24, 2014 11:13AM
Special Tanks to eeek... the guy who runs this forum. Without it I know I would not have met a number
of people I like to call friends. Something you can't really have enough good ones of.
Also know Z Old Dood has had his life changed for the better due to this forum...

Wishing you and yours a Very Happy Thanksgiving...

Take Care and Be Safe and Warm and Happy

Here's two from views you may not have seen before from little jaunt on Nov. 14-16


You only live once... have fun while you're here

Chick-on is looking at you!

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Happy Turkee Dey - n Tanks
November 24, 2014 12:17PM
I agree, Chick~on. A big vote of thanks to Eek, who alos keeps us up to date on the news from around the world of the NPS...

And to you, for posting so many greats TRs. we hope to get out more next year, and will post when we do!

Check our our website: http://www.backpackthesierra.com/
Or just read a good mystery novel set in the Sierra; https://www.amazon.com/Danger-Falling-Rocks-Paul-Wagner/dp/0984884963
avatar Re: Happy Turkee Dey - n Tanks
November 24, 2014 02:32PM
Always cool to see another picture of Dolly domes. Thanks for everything. Have a great holiday.
Re: Happy Turkee Dey - n Tanks
November 24, 2014 04:04PM
What Balzaccom said.
Re: Happy Turkee Dey - n Tanks
November 24, 2014 06:01PM
A special thanks to eeek for running this and a big thanks to everyone who posts their pictures, trips, suggestion and so on. Have a great holiday everyone.
Re: Happy Turkee Dey - n Tanks
November 24, 2014 08:58PM
Happy turkey day to all the turkeys on this forum. Does the chick-on get nervous this time of year?
Re: Happy Turkee Dey - n Tanks
November 25, 2014 05:07AM
Happy turkey day to all the turkeys on this forum. Does the chick-on get nervous this time of year?
I doubt it...he's got places to hide in Yosemite that aren't even on the maps! spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

And I'll add my great big thank-you to everyone on this forum who help keep me in touch with my most beloved place on earth when I'm not able to be there (which is, unfortunately, far too often). I'd single out individuals but I'm sure I'd leave somebody out and, truth be told, whether it's incredibly detailed reports of areas I'll probably never get to or somebody posting their first pictures of a stroll around part of the Valley, this forum is a constant source of joy to me...the one web-site I go to every single day (and usually many times on each of those days). OK, I will single out eeek for the ongoing existence of this site but you're all a part of my daily life and I'm very thankful for that!

Have a wonderful holiday, you great big bunch of turkeys! Brown Chicken
avatar Re: Happy Turkee Dey - n Tanks
November 25, 2014 06:42AM
Yup. Plus.. The Season is over.

Second what David said. If you go to the park and put something up... I thank you.
The more you give... the more you get...

Happy Brown Chicken

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Happy Turkee Dey - n Tanks
November 27, 2014 12:41PM
A perfect day to give thanks to all of you for graciously sharing your experiences and information. You've certainly made my time spent in Yosemite richer and more enjoyable. I'm looking forward to spending next week in Upper Pines, enjoying the inclement weather.Happy Thanksgiving ya'll!
Re: Happy Turkee Dey - n Tanks
November 27, 2014 01:17PM
Ditto what trout said. Happy turkey (or tofu for non-bird eaters) day!
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