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Vernel Fall, Merced River, Yosemite National Park

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Re: Traffic in Yosemite Valley floor

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avatar Traffic in Yosemite Valley floor
July 12, 2015 12:37PM
i was there a month ago and never noticed, but i was there yesterday and noticed right away that you can no longer (in many places) drive side by side on a one way road. the right side is for buses only! it took me 45 mins. to go from Cathedral picnic area to the way out of the park by the stop sign after you go over the bridge and see Half Dome on your right (the 3 way stop signs)... unreal! i'm sorry , but having to wait in bumper to bumper traffic for that long so 4 buses to go by is ridiculous !!!!!!!!!! then they had this traffic girl at the 3 way stop sign doing traffic, letting the one lane that had no stop sign go on forever, and only letting about 8 cars at a time jump in that were waiting... everyone was furious!
avatar Re: Traffic in Yosemite Valley floor
July 12, 2015 01:40PM
So you were the guy I saw a month ago driving in the bus lane???Head roll
avatar Re: Traffic in Yosemite Valley floor
July 12, 2015 04:44PM
actually it could have been me. lolol i have been there 4 times in the last 2 months. lol

do you know when they started doing this?
avatar Re: Traffic in Yosemite Valley floor
July 12, 2015 07:43PM

do you know when they started doing this?

The last time I was in Yosemite Valley, the last week of May (after the Memorial Day weekend), it still had not been re-striped as you describe it.

Re: Traffic in Yosemite Valley floor
July 12, 2015 10:12PM
The new "traffic pattern" began the second week of June. Your best bet is to arrive in the morning on a week day (or very early on a weekend), then park your car for the duration of your visit. But we all know that. Right?
avatar Re: Traffic in Yosemite Valley floor
July 12, 2015 10:19PM
sorry.... but who ever came up with this idea to do this should be shot! the whole park is congested now.
Re: Traffic in Yosemite Valley floor
August 12, 2015 09:23AM
The real issue is that 80% of the Saturday traffic is visitors who will only be spending 6 hours or less in the valley.
avatar Re: Traffic in Yosemite Valley floor
August 13, 2015 08:32PM
sorry.... but who ever came up with this idea to do this should be shot! the whole park is congested now.

I know it won't be a popular solution, but take the bus. Without that bus lane the valley would still be congested and the busses would get nowhere. Those 4 busses that passed you by probably held more people than in all the cars they passed.
Re: Traffic in Yosemite Valley floor
July 14, 2015 09:02AM
When I was there is June, the bus traffic lanes were in effect on the weekend, then they turned the signs sideways on the weekdays. My sis, with a motorhome, said she traveled into the bus lane temporarily to let traffic by.

Sometimes we gotta drive...going to pick up the rafters and kayakers, for instance...
Re: Traffic in Yosemite Valley floor
August 12, 2015 09:21AM
They only do this on the weekends which is rather ironic as that is when the traffic is the worst.
If you are coming into Yosemite Valley on a Saturday after 11 AM in the summer, I would recommend parking somewhere before the Four Mile Trail Head and then walk to the bus stop at The Four Mile Trail Head (God be Praised that the bus now goes all the way out to that trailhead saving several miles of road walking post-hike). Take the bus in the rest of the way. Traffic is a nightmare.

I never thought I would say this but the Valley needs a traffic light at the intersection of Northside Dr. and the Village Parking Lot/Village Dr. The congestion there is due to major uncontrolled pedestrian movement at all four crosswalks. There is a shuttle bus stop right there just to make matter worse. The problem here is that it is so chaotic that it is only a matter of time before someone gets injured and a VERY STRONG case could be made against the NATIONAL PARK SERVICE for not taking steps to monitor this situation. A traffic light would not only aid the car congestion but make things much safer for pedestrians.

PS....If I remember correctly, I think they do post a Ranger at that intersection on the weekend to direct traffic. But the mere fact that a Ranger needs to be stationed there just shows that the Park Service is already aware of this problem spot.

PPS....if you only have one day to spend in the Valley please do not go on a Saturday.....it is not worth it. There are far more fun things to do than to sit in a hot car.
Re: Traffic in Yosemite Valley floor
August 14, 2015 01:32PM
The Merced River Plan will address the congestion at the Northside Drive and the Village Parking lot/ day use parking intersection by rerouting the North Side drive to the south of the day use parking. In the meantime, on busy weekends you will see rangers there and the other really busy intersections like at Yosemite Lodge/Falls area. That intersection will also be redone to reroute pedestrians per the plan.
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