Did you or JKW give any specific feedback about how they could improve their wilderness management plan? Did anyone suggest putting more limits on which trails stock animals could travel on? What was the general gist of the public comments?
As I just wrote above, the meeting was more to explain to us what the process is, what they hope to accomplish, the timeline, and the key points they are focusing on.
They are soliciting thoughtful comments from users of the wilderness on the issues we see and are important to us and suggestions we may have on how to deal with said issues.
There was a lot of general musing, issue raising and anecdotal stories from the audience. There were questions to NPS reps as to what they've seen in terms of trends, anecdotally, or with real numbers. Basilbop and I were trying to find out what they thought of basic issues and how they were discussing them. We will try to frame our suggestions on improvement based on the language we picked up on during the meeting.
There will be three webinars, and one more physical meeting, iirc - but that's 9 days before the comment period CLOSES. I'm probably going to attend at least one webinar, try to glean more about what those people are really dealing with...
They were very clearly admitting that they have been extremely reactionary to changes in use and haphazard in implementation.
I got a little agitated listening to one of them try to explain away the egregious erosion caused by the mule teams not walking on the causeway in Rafferty, for instance. Might be true, but after DECADES of building trails in the park, they still don't know how to construct a trail a mule will actually use? (I need to process more).
plawrence, you missed some things maybe, but you didn't miss any real opportunity to voice your concerns and suggestions. That's just started! And you can do it multiple ways. Check out the website to see.
All, my understanding is that they are working on legal documents, and all our comments become part of the legal record. Our comments and suggestions may not be implemented, but they need to read them and acknowledge them somehow. And future legal claims can refer to the comments submitted during this process. So, IMO, it's worth writing out your thoughts!
I encourage all of you who care to take a few minutes. If all you can spare is 10 minutes to write about the hottest topic on your mind, I ask you do it and submit it. I don't care if you agree with my thoughts or not. I believe the process about speaking up for our parks is very important. I've focused on Yosemite, I think most of you reading this have as well. Yosemite is worth a few minutes of my time thinking about how we can try to care for it better in the future. I hope it's worth a few minutes of yours.